This is the topic, which is now "on time". Perhaps the once-taboo subject now talking about it a lot. What is the value of purity? -> To this question, we tried to answer at that meeting.
traditionally started with a prayer asking God to be present in our hearts during this meeting. Then we looked for associations of purity. (Reply to preserving premarital chastity, purity of heart, mind, renunciation, freedom, or even soap or toothpaste:).
then divided into groups. The first of them (the boys were in it) was to present the ideal characteristics of a wife. I am sorry to say that the little woman who would fulfill the expectations which were presented at the "short rysopisie. I do not know if there is a lot of girls who: are joyful, fearless, they know good ways for a hangover, subtle, caring, do not get angry at their husbands, they are sincere, strong for manual and to cook as Michałów.
second group dealing with this: what hinders us in maintaining cleanliness.
According to her influences are: fear of rejection, ignorance, pornography, lack of self-disrespect to himself, self-discipline and lack of sense of its value. We are also manipulated by television. It manifests itself in various commercials and TV series where he has no respect for the human body.
3 group was to present a drama on the purity. They belonged to her, Ewelina, Agnes, and Peter Goshia. The first scene, which presented by them was concerned how the media is imparted love. The second one presented should look like the real feeling of what it should be based.
Scenes These have provided us with a lot of fun, but I think it also gave us food for thought.
Dominic asked a question: "Is the purity is an important value for you?"
One of our KSM-owiczów very wisely said that cleanliness is a confirmation that he really loves A second person, and not looking just as an object of desire.
Another problem was this: "How to fight the filth?"
Here too there have been many answers. Plays a great role here in prayer. It gives us strength.
Facilitator, said that some people claim that the border is clean, where what you do with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you can do with their parents.
Is this really true? I think that this interpretation gives food for thought.
I think the meeting went well and placed before us a question you should ask yourself:
Do we care about our purity?
"Blessed are the pure in heart: for he shall see God."
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