Friday, April 22, 2011

Automatic Acrostic Poem Generator

Removing concerns by changing the daydreams

little known or rarely uświadamianym fact is that the inner dreams occur not only at night, we dream them almost twenty-four hours a day. Interior Dreams arise constantly, but we tune in to them from time to time.
Dreaming In our society, or to indulge in dreams as a child, as well as by adults, it is condemned, and among poets, writers and people staying on holiday is tolerated as long as they do not do it to excess. Passive dreamers, or those who simply let the mind drift freely, are considered slackers, and dreamers of factors, so those who weave the creative fantasies - as long as they do not pay for it - are treated as persons fleeing from life. Here's your chance to learn how to use both ways of dreaming - passive and active - for beneficial purposes, or to heal yourself and others. The process that we use takes place at Kahi and is a logical extension of all seven shamanic principles.
We start from the premise that everything - not just humans - is dreaming and dreams. We assume also, that we can tune in to other people's dreams and dreams (at least not to their version, which is our own interpretation) by focusing attention on a particular subject with the intention of knowing what he's dreaming. Then we accept the assumption that everything that comes to mind from that moment until we finish the focus, is the dream object of our concentration. In conclusion, we assume that by changing this dream in such a way that dreams change, we can get the same results in healing, and sometimes immediately.
During my workshops Such healing often occur, and include cases of immediate resolution of symptoms of influenza, relieve pain and even reduce the size of tumors. Complete healing is never immediate, but it almost always gets the immediate improvement of health.
Let me give some examples to help you better understand what is meant by this process. One time I went to a restaurant for coffee. The waitress, being in foul mood, he said nothing to anyone, not duly served guests roznoszone dishes fall out of her hands. Tuned up to her dreams, which, according to my notion, was located just above her head. There I saw a bleak landscape, over which hung a dark cloud. With the help of creative imagination meant that of the rain clouds, and then the sun came out, parted flowers, the bees flew, birds and butterflies. I felt great. Suddenly, the waitress came to the kitchen, where she spent about five minutes. When I came back, she was completely transformed. She smiled at visitors, served them kindly, even said "Hello!" The man who I went and looked generally pleased. But this is not my action caused such a change, what I did only helped her to accomplish. By changing the dream that this is how I received, I sent telepathically to her toward a new concept, which was to him so nice that it has decided to use it to make their own changes. Note that there was not any interference in the mind of that person, nor in the realm of privacy. I just picked up what she gave, turned into an understandable form for me and sent for the healing information you can use it to or reject.
This technique can be applied to other people, and also in relation to each other. Doing all of the above assumptions, try to convince yourself that both your body as a whole and each part is at the moment their own dream.
You can practically use this technique, tuning up (focusing) to some parts of the body, which may be is sick, weak or not functioning the way you wished. Most people think that it is better to do it with my eyes closed, but if you prefer, you can keep your eyes open. Part of the body can be anything, so you give yourself such a name, for example: heart, hand or arm.
Start by passive observation allowing a dream that appeared spontaneously. It inflow in the form of image, sound, emotions, feelings, or a combination of these elements and may be unusual and fantastic, or the ordinary and mundane. Even if only thing that comes to your mind, is a common step home or office work that you have to do, treat it like a dream. Once it appears, do not go in and change in any way. If it is frightening and unpleasant, is not hard to figure out what to do with it, but even if you thought that the dream is perfect in every way, change it for the better. Remember that if a body part is not as healthy as you wish, the alleged perfection can only be a mask, and any change in motion a process of healing. In making changes to achieve the best results if you use all your senses. Use this technique as long as you want or until you feel the physical reaction in your body.
If all dreams and dreams, you can tune to the dreams of trees, home, machine, group, nation, and even - if you want - the planet, and change it. The key to success is the pressure of such a new dream, to make it nice for the item to the extent that it wishes to make a change. Using this technique you will have the opportunity to develop and deepen your shamanic skills dreaming.


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