Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pa Place To Take Beer Bottles

Ekologiści a triumph of the Nord Stream

... or the cooperation of the secret to overt sponsorship.

I. Pecunia Non Olet.

No, please. Not so long ago, when finalized laying of the first branch of the Northern Pipeline He broke his head, where have the hot ekologiści - ideowi militants from climbing the chimneys, przykuwania to trees, abordaży worthy Sir Francis Drake made the Lajb Greenpeace, picketing nuclear power plants, laying on the tracks before the train wiozącymi nuclear waste. .. Well, where are they? Ruskie took them proactively to Kamchatka, and of ourselves understand that this time did not protest lzia? Indeed, as Viktor Suvorov wrote in his book "GRU. Soviet military intelligence ": " Gównojad it well educated individual (...)".

we will return to Suvorov, whereas in the absence ecologists to build potentially the most dangerous for the Baltic investment was very enlightened. Well, it turned out, my dears, that Gazprom (ie formally a consortium Nord Stream) sponsored a fraternal, Teutonic ekologistom, Foundation for Nature Conservation German Baltic Sea.

II. That's how it's done.

Those formed the foundation in addition to Nord Stream: the authorities of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, WWF Deutschland, "Friends of the Earth (BUND) and the Association for Biodiversity Conservation (NABU). Representatives of these sit on the boards of the Foundation and its president was head of the WWF Germany, Jochen Lamp, the same who in 2007 gardłował on some ekologistycznej conference in Warsaw against the Baltic pipe. Note that even in early 2010, the WWF and made BUND lawsuit against laying the pipeline on German territorial waters. It took a few weeks ... and the lawsuit was withdrawn in exchange for a promise to use the money to protect the Baltic Sea through Nord Stream.

kasiorka This is a 5 million as the capital of the Foundation, plus another 5 million for research programs. In total, 10 okrąglutkich eurorubelków balloons.

nothing new - its time ekologistyczne Polish organizations also lived with the submission of such claims against developers, from which it retreated lawsuits in exchange for a bribe ... Khem, say - ekologistyczny "baksheesh" for an organization to stop blocking development and then what was required to protect wildlife ...

grotesque in this context, sound claim Mecklenburg Green Party. Do not call the Foundation as such, no. They only regret that the Prime Minister of the Land (Erwin Sellering with the SPD) has appointed two party cronies to represent Mecklenburg their authority without a "green". It's a bit like the PSL we do not "dipped his beak in some agricultural agencies. Do not catch a, poor, preserves the Russian ...

side note: as the above are to ensure (The truth - lies simply ) Vice President of Gazprom, Alexander Medvedev, delivered the magazine Rzeczpospolita that Gazprom does not corrupt anyone?


At the end of this section of my blogerskiej perory have some explanation. Well, I use the term consistently "ekologiści" not "environmentalists." Why? Well, because ecology is a science, and environmentalism is an ideology . Described in detail the difference in the scrap "Ecology versus environmentalism" , I invite you to read.

III. gawnojeda idealism.

And now, as promised, we return to Suvorov and his book "GRU. Soviet military intelligence ", since its passage sheds some interesting light on the origins of movement, of which prominent representatives of today have much to say, and their successors was to catch a hand of Kremlin further generosity. This quote I posted in another, more general scrap ( Gównojadów Generation "), but described the case fits like a glove:

" discussing the various types of agents, namely the citizens of the free world, who in one way or another, they sold the GRU, you can not miss even one category, the most disgusting of all (...) [is] to determine what these individuals have used against each other all the officers of the Soviet intelligence service.

term is the word "gównojad" ( gawnojed ) (...) and all sorts of concerned members of the Societies of Friendship with the Soviet Union, a pacifist activists (with the movement in favor of unilateral disarmament at the forefront), Greens and other progressive radicals. Officially, they could not be regarded as agents, because they're not recruited, or formally by all representatives of the Soviet Union were against them polite and friendly, but the truth is different: gównojad is gównojad and nobody will change that .

Officers GRU and the KGB generally respected their agents. Motives of their actions are clear: either coercion (eg, blackmail), or the desire to enrich, or a desire for strong emotions. (...) However gównojadów motives were for every citizen of the Soviet Union completely incomprehensible.

In the Soviet Union each had dreamed to be found abroad - where it is of secondary (it could be even Cambodia). (...) And suddenly the man is such a friend of the Soviet Union who has everything (from Gillette razor blades on the perfumed condoms) that can buy anything in the store (even bananas), and praises to the heavens that the Soviet Union. This is so abnormal that the only proper term was "gównojad.

contempt that the KGB and GRU officers ate to such individuals does not mean of course that did not use them where and how they could (...). Gównojady did everything (...).

Nobody recruited, because after what - and so they did what they is commanded. Usually it was about some little things: information about neighbors, coworkers, or friends, sometimes to arrange the adoption with someone interesting GRU. After the adoption of such officially thanked the DEC and ordered to forget about everything. Gównojad a well-mannered individual - forget everything right away, but GRU never forgets.

With time, many of the ustatkowało gównojadów. These subjects, exchanging a torn pair of jeans for suits from the best tailors, sit out in the tastefully furnished offices, often he held high positions.

no longer remember the "noble" impulses of youth, but only until ... "

Viktor Suvorov" GRU. Soviet military intelligence " (my bold and abbreviations - GG)


Beyond the stench shown above left" ideowców ", note the one - wó wczas gawnojed had conspire with the Soviets against their homeland. Today it is not necessarily so. What's more, it can preferably openly, with the support of both countries and fully legally sell the declared ideals in exchange for a warm, cushy number paid for by Russia. Ba! Russia also does not have to secretly finance the leftist movements - can do it officially, with Gazprom. blessed times for gównojadów!

IV. Can Teutonic ekologiści gas terminal block?

Throughout this eco-scandal fascinates me a question, such namely, whether appointed by Gazprom Conservation Foundation of the German Baltic not send for some time of their full-time ecologists in the protests against the construction of LNG terminal in Swinoujscie.

Look through the eyes of the Russian ekologisty Teutonic pay of: after the Baltic pipe crosses a fairly shallow northeast track podejściowy to Swinoujscie port, thus passing over it ships pose environmental threat to the Baltic Sea, including the German, whose purity of the Foundation is committed guard like the apple of your eye! Who will exclude the possibility that the ship - a gas pipe gas carrier violates? Ah, what a terrible disaster that could mean for the Germanic fish and seaweed by the traditional Polish irresponsibility! This is the right field for fair and timely action ekologistówz Gazpromowej grace.

And if someone wants Pomerania exploit shale gas deposits? Why, it is natural stone for the nature of the German Baltic Sea! Gazprom has warned against the environmental hazards resulting from the operation of slate, and after all this pro-environmental and experienced company certainly knows what he says. Appropriate expertise to do it just in case.

V. Wyhodujmy own ecologists!

Hmm ... so I now think that if the General Directorate of Roads and (khe, khe) Highways moved his head in advance, it would give the council could build a bypass of Augustow. Suffice sypnąć penny on, say, the Foundation for Nature Conservation Rospuda Valley with plenty of stools moszczonymi for eco-leader of those in our own best interests, activists directed their energy in other, more appropriate at a given stage episodes ... Recipe: wyhodujmy (i zwerbujmy) ecologists own! Yes, I know, it's easy to say ...

Returning to the Baltic gas pipeline - let us note that the Polish ekologistom who have so generously małpiszonowali on trees during his memorable defense Rospuda Valley, Gazprom has not sponsored any foundation. He did not have. Sami somehow knew when to keep quiet. How did they know? By Kisiel said: guess, kitty.

Talking Mushroom

bribing PS data German environmental organizations taken from the article Andrew Kublik "Nord Stream German environmentalists bought for $ 10 million" . I must confess that I look at his writings on energy issues like the traces of the last of the Mohicans journalistic integrity as an editor of Gazeta Wyborcza. "


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