Friday, April 29, 2011

How To Go From A Heavy Sleeper To A Light Sleeper

once gave an accurate description of the varieties of ticks, known as the" Garden "and its application, so there will not be It so detailed, but admission to repeat this method and give some other uses.
the technique of working the Garden of Kahiki (but deeper than working with dreams, which was mentioned.) This is our private place, that we create in his imagination on the basis about their memories, or desires, and to which we go to our dreaming body for various purposes, for example, after relaxation, healing, and intuition, or adventure. The structure of the garden are helpers who work under our direction (these are aspects of ourselves as servants, elves, fairies and other creatures), Home Garden, which helps us with tips and tools, and source of water. There are, of course, plants may be trees, paths and other elements. This place we create ourselves, so everything is in it, reflects our conscious and unconscious beliefs, attitudes and expectations at the moment. Just as it is with other dreams, the amendments made to the Garden of us change, and consequently change our life experiences.
One of the best ways to use the Garden is pretending to be there asking you to show us a symbol of something that is our challenge. When the symbol appears, talking with him and - if we want to - carry out the process of interpretation.
Helpers Then, please, to introduce amendments to the symbol that transformed it, or exchanged for another. In the Garden can hold internal meetings with people we want to talk, and with whom we can not meet or do not know how to talk on the physical plane. But above all it must be ensured that the garden has become a friendly place of stability in the inner world from which we can explore more and more distant corners of the level of Po.
propose to start by creating your dreamer's body, which is simply to imagine that we have a body that at our command can leave the physical body and that will be able to change according to our wishes. During sleep, this happens automatically, but aware of the intention and attention will add to our body dreamer greater flexibility and power. This body should have the widest possible range of senses, which greatly improves the level of conscious focus on the Po.
Then, with closed or open eyes, according to their choice, imagine that you walk into the cave, which leads to another place, where is your garden. When you are in it, focus your attention, so you can see details such as leaves or flowers, hear the sounds such as birds singing, wind noise or water in a stream and feel texture of rocks, or bark of trees.
Check out the schedule and details of your garden, or enter other elements, if already planned how it will look. You may want to place the hut, hut, or house, which will be a great place of isolation or room to receive guests. Some people draw the map or drawing of your garden, to preserve his image in memory and make it easier to focus on him, when there will be found. Whatever you do at the internal level, let it be developed and changed, perform a new discovery. Every time you come to your garden, you will strengthen its "reality", a part of your experience.


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