One of the ways changes in sleep or waking dreams of the outside world is to create a new version of Kahi and substituting it instead of the previous one. Very old, proven process used for this purpose is the technique called haipule. It can have many variations, and this, which I am here is for our purposes. Better understand this process, if briefly learn about the importance of this important word, which is haipule.
Hai is the core, which means "desire" or "need", "submit a proposal," "declare" and "strive." pools generally translated as "prayer, blessings, magical force of attraction." In other words associated with the cores are: pua - "appear," Pu'u - "want" Me - "explode" and le'a - a favor. " Also, each syllable of the word is important for the process: ha is "energize through deep breathing and remember," and means "to affirm what we want to, "rec -" imagine what we want ", while le -" take action ". haipule So is the process of affirmation and imagination and action to create a new waking dream.
When no longer enough energy, it becomes a reality (in terms of shamanic mean that replaces the previous dream).
first step is, as usual, to determine what we want to set up there. Better health? new relationship, or improving so far? greater amount of money? new car, or house? Protect the dolphins by all nations? Peace on Earth?
Remember that the more people will participate in the experience of our new waking dream, the more it will have the energy to manifest itself. Attract other people to the process haipule increase its effectiveness. However, before it is necessary to determine what you want to achieve.
process itself is divided into short and long haipule.
Short haipule is what you do all day until your dream becomes so real that manifests itself in life. Thus, short haipule is what actually causes the materialization dreams. However, long haipule is a kind of meditation practice, which serves to increase the short haipule. Here is the procedure of the latter.
Ha - Frequently remind yourself of your dream and thinking about it, breathe deeply, producing in conjunction with the positive emotions.
I - describe your dream positive words and phrases aloud and mind. Do not force other people to listen to what you say, do not get caught up in the no argument about this, but I do not keep it secret. If your motivation is so weak that the skepticism of another person deprives you of self-confidence, it would be better that you first popracował just above it and to reinforce self-confidence. Individual words,
you use do not matter, but it is advisable to formulate sentences in the present tense (for example, I am, that is). Remember that your affirmations do not describe the outside world as it is, describe your new dream that you call into existence.
Pu - using all the senses in a vivid manner imagine all the pleasures, benefits and positive changes that will bring your new daydream, and think about them as if they were place already. After a little practice you'll be able to do this often and will get you to take several seconds.
It is better to concentrate on their imagination a hundred times a day for ten seconds, than do it in one session lasting twenty minutes, carried out in the morning or evening.
Le - how often do at the physical level is something that can enhance your dream. It could be some real action, with a direct relationship with its manifestation, for example, developing a plan or a meeting with the right people, and may be a symbolic action Such as a special gesture, or touch something that is a symbol of the object of our dreams (for example, coins, which brings good luck, mascot, which symbolizes the expected outcome, or the image that presents the implementation, of what we dream). Do not limit yourself to only looking at these items, but touch them.
To be able to maintain a vivid picture of his new dream, and definitely should immediately discuss with the negative thoughts, memories and reactions of other people and their own. Help may be here to serve an ancient variety of condensed haipule which I call the "triple-charm." It involves the immediate use of positive words, positive images and positive attitude of the body, whenever there is any sign of negativity about our plan. If you think, or say a negative thing about him or hear from someone else at his residence negative feedback, as soon as you will realize it, speak aloud or in thought sentence, which is the exact opposite of negativity. What you say may be in conflict with current sleep, but it does not matter, because these words relate to a new state, which dream. So, if you think "That can not happen", immediately think "That can happen" if in your mind will arise the question: "How can this be achieved?", I immediately think: "I do not know how, but I realize." If there is any doubt, shamans use the expression EWOP! (it is a word formed from the first letters of the words: everything's working out perfectly - everything works perfectly "is a reminder of the difficult problems of passing into the hands of the Higher Self.) Positive perceptions, which are opposite negative, can be applied to our own fears and doubts arising from past experiences and our projections into the future (which, anyway, there are also dreams.)
If your imagination rise to the thought that you were rejected immediately imagine that you're accepted, if the image suffered defeat, immediately see yourself osiągającego success. Probably the first you will feel uncomfortable with that because they were changing energy patterns of old dreams. When However, you will master negative emotions such as fear, anger or depression, be sure to adopt the correct posture. Every emotion is accompanied by a specific attitude, which amplifies the emotion. Generally speaking, the fear of man is tense and inclined to back the anger we are tense and bent forward, and the depression - tense and contraction. So, for fear accept the relaxed position, expressing the courage and confidence, with anger incline his body to express the joy and merriment, and the depression-Force them to enthusiastic expectations. When you change your body position, change your emotions well. If you need examples of appropriate behavior that you want to imitate, watch people, especially actors. Of course, it may happen that despite the change of position, you will not feel the improvement of emotional state, in which case, ask yourself, how important to you this is a new dream.
haipule Long is spending a lot of time cleaning and strengthening its new waking dream.
We here the same process of energizing, affirmation, imagining and gain the right attitude in a convenient location. We can do it with my eyes closed, devoting as much time as we deem appropriate. It is a long session
finish in a particular way. There would be a good physical gesture, signifying the end (for example, tightening his fists, putting hand on heart), accompanied by a verbal announcement of the end, for example, the Hawaiian word Amam.
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