One of the most effective ways of working with dreams is they change with the help of the imagination. In the spiritual experience they are real, but like all real experience, the result of certain beliefs and habits of man. In this respect, like languages, since they also are based on the designs and patterns. Even if the language had the most flexible rules of grammar and vocabulary of the richest, with his help it would be translated only what he has to say who speak the mind. Similarly, the internal and external environment of dreams just can express it, what the mind thinks that it produces. I just brought under control, another language, in contrast to appealing certain spheres of life, can change the way of thinking, and thus the human experience, also change the environment created by our mind of dreams can turn everything they experience.
Practically, this means that if you introduce changes into a dream, then we rebuild the patterns that have caused it and thus will automatically change all the other dreams that might arise in the future based on this pattern. A healing your internal environment, to heal the outside world around us.
It is true that the proper motivation, it is possible to awaken consciousness in the dream, but for obtaining benefits from the change in dreams, it is not necessary, and that's because in the memories remain the same patterns that have occurred in the original dream , together with any changes in the level of mind, which have already place since its przyĆnienia up. For this reason, for the healing of the memories the change is as good sleep, How to change sleep during his lifetime.
We will discuss three ways to transform dreams (or memories), which are to amend our response to the dream, adding a further course and changing sleep patterns. Each of them is effective in cases of both returnees and individual dreams,
containing fear, anger, sense of injustice and frustration. The process
conduct of Kahiki.
change our reaction means the conscious choice to react differently to what is happening. A participant of one of my workshops in the memory recalled a recurrent dream in which he chased her fire-breathing dragon. In the original dream, the woman escaped, but as if in slow motion and when the dragon had almost catch her, she would wake up. During the course focused on the moment just before waking, and imagined that it stops, turns and yells, "Why do you race?" To her surprise, the dragon stopped, looked at her confused and said, "I love you not racing. I'm following behind you. "The impact this has had such a reprogramming of sleep on this woman's life, lay in the fact that in
much she got rid of the fear and increased self-esteem.
Adding further to the sleep means that brings it in memory and focus conscious attention on the moment in which we woke up looking forward to further developments. With some dreams you are working in this way better than the other, but if this technique will be performed long enough always bring positive change. During one of my previous courses, a man he worked with recurrent dream in which rode a multi-storey car to the garage, where he waited for another car (and then he learned from the process of interpretation, maintained by his mother). Then, the two raced to the spiral ramp to the top storey, where the mother stopped the car and flew in his space. It was a moment in which man usually wake up full of anxiety.
During the course recreated dream again (with a feeling of fear, then he said), until his car "wyfruwaĆ" from the top of the ramp. allowed to sleep spontaneously developed further.
His car rocketed over the town and landed softly on the highway on the other page. Going My student saw her billboard on which was written: "Life goes on." Such termination of sleep allowed him to improve relations with the mother and reduce the fear of death.
Changing sleep patterns is a form of direct creative intervention which helps you gain greater self-confidence and enhance self-esteem. If a person has low self-esteem, it may be necessary to repeat the process in relation to different parts of sleep, and for a longer period of time. One woman, whom this technique helped much, worked on a sleep over six months. Most, however, just one-time implementation of changes in the course of events. To illustrate how the creative intervention may lead to spontaneous changes, I will tell one of his own dreams.
It began with the that I was a passenger in the helicopter (which from the beginning it was an unusual thing for me), which has started, but could not fly high, since it hit the high voltage wires. The rest of the dream to wake up to fill in the form of flight depressing senseless jumping.
Immediately after waking up I went back to sleep and once at the beginning hath pilot before he could start, I went over and took his place. He took the reins in his hands picked up the machine, I found the transition between two
drone pipes and rose into the sky. I felt great. Then I found that without a conscious intention fly over the United States, seeing very clearly outlines each of them. And suddenly, much to my delight and great surprise, the sky appeared a lot of helicopters piloted by shamans, whom he taught. They began to spread around the country My pamphlet Spirit of Aloha. After that change the course of my sleep in the outside world there was a huge increase in the number of people to whom I came to the knowledge taught.
almost always after classes on how to change dreams Is there anyone who doubts that can change the dream before I to its meaning, before pulling it appropriate "lesson", and sometimes - whether such a change is not equivalent to crackdown what a dream he had to tell us. To all those who have such fears I want to say that the inner world is not much different from the outside world. When awake, break the arm., do not sit and not make desperate efforts to understand the significance of this event, nor do not leave the hand in this state in order to remember the lesson we have learned from it, but we do everything as quickly as possible to make a broken bone. The first information that carries such an event is clear: "Hey! Your hand is broken! "
Equally clear is the other information provided by the pain and discomfort. It reads:" Do something about it immediately. " We can, of course, look for another meaning of this accident, we can examine what led to him thinking, if we believe that it is important to us (and could be important if the fracture hand happened to us for the third time this year), but the time it is only after taking appropriate action to restore the hand to its normal state. The same applies to our inner dreams laden with anxiety, anger, pain or suffering. First, heal them.
As regards the suppression of what he had told us the dream, I always recommend that consciously express our full appreciation for the dream in the form in which it is before its amendment. Then you can begin to heal, but do it with love and full involvement of conscious sensory because if we want to quickly change something you do not like, and do not want to focus on attention, it's probably operate on the principle of avoidance of anxiety, so we will not achieve the desired results.
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