Sunday, April 17, 2011

Statistics On Dyslexia 2010

Absolutizing Third Republic in this propaganda here has one primary task: to make any contestation of the present order appeared as an attack on democracy.

I. Trauma "gods of democracy."

kindly beg readers that Waldemar Kuczynski many days he could not recover from the trauma, which was to him a demonstration of the suburbs of Krakow in the first anniversary of the disaster Smolensk. Yet on Friday, still immersed 15.04 was in profound shock, which found expression in "Election", this time in the text Traffic serious hope ". In fact, wrote the same thing as usual, just like with a bit more madness pen, as if reported live birth of Nazism and the last days of the Weimar Republic. So mumble about the "chief" surrounded by a "cult", "lots of close totalizm" and above all - a "dangerous movement of hope, who believes that tomorrow belongs to him." I have the impression that Mr. WK several times a day watching the musical "Cabaret" by Bob Fosse with particular reference to the famous scene from the beer under a cloud, which significantly impairs their perception and view of reality.

And maybe not. It may very well know that smalone Duby weaves and writes what he writes with full premeditation. Indeed, his voice perfectly weaves a massive propaganda fear that seeking the opinion of the leading centers (with considerable success) to afflict society. Well ... Our gods of democracy "over the past twenty years, this discourse developed to perfection. Kuczynski is only one vote, not the most important, but undoubtedly the most hysterical.

Diagnosis? I will not be revealing: "the beneficiaries of the Third Republic," begins to smoke under tyłkami, smell and feel already the first liźnięcia flames, hence the desperate moves and hellish clatter, which increase from morning to night in all the "friendly" mediodajniach.

II. Absolutization of the Third Republic.

So far, however, different individuals before they disappear from their Parnasów to replenish the dustbin of history, let me study, which is dismantling grown ad nauseam propaganda of fear. Specifically - the fundamental ingredient - a kind of paradigm and the lies of incorporation, which allows different Kuczyńskim weave his paranoid słowotoki while maintaining the semblance of logic reasoning.

at that lie is the identification postokrągłostołowego agenda of the Third Republic with democracy as such. Of the many coming within the framework of democratic political forms - political, it was decided to raise to the rank of the absolute potato, known as a pathological product of the Third Republic. This made absolute Third Republic no propaganda here in this one, the basic task: make any contestation of the present order appeared as an attack on democracy.

By the way - I personally think that the so-called. opinion leaders to promote intellectual beszczelne abuse (obviously fake), quite deliberately, because it allows them to build the desired narrative. According

of that "narrative", since the Third Republic is (although some, minor imperfections), the only possible form of democratic political system designed for contemporary Polish, is the Fourth Republic, of necessity, must be a product of neo-totalitarian, anti-democratic and potentially - a criminal. Following this path, showing all the superficiality state (and its formal procedures) becomes heresy , automatically excludes the preachers from among the law-abiding citizens, and places the "heretics" in the company of dangerous subversives ekstremistówi.

III. The challenge of the Fourth Republic.

Meanwhile, the Fourth Republic (in my own, private, within the meaning of the term) is nothing others, such as in-depth package of reforms aimed at eradicating systemic pathology-installed software in the quasi-state solution agreed magdalenkopodobnych surroundings.

But, of course, the Fourth Republic is not merely a draft "technical." I am sometimes a bit skeptical of the national mysticism, equal to the pedestal of the "spirit", while the tendency to ignore reality, however, can not fail to note that the condition state has a direct bearing on whether the Poles "want to want to" .

Is it worth trying, or rather forget about, or engage, or to cultivate the attitude of "my cottage country", whether to stay at home, or go for the bread, and we feel that the State is acting on our behalf and for us, or is it an oppressive apparatus serving the devil one knows who - in a word - that the Poles feel at home at home. Finally, if we have the feeling of being free and proud nation of great historical achievements, or whether we allow ourselves to dishearten seeping everywhere "pedagogy of shame".

Such a challenge , slogans speaking, is the Fourth Republic. And "the beneficiaries of the Third Republic" perfectly aware of this. It's just that at the same time realize that this project will inevitably destroy the many ecological niches in which they found their feeding grounds.

Bo IV RP is the subjectivity of Poland and Polish people. So in the internal domain, as well as internationally. So in the economy, as in the sphere of culture. In all fields. Awaited "Fourth" is also a state of mind of each citizen.

IV. So what to do?

Well, what have to do postesbeckie władzowo-business systems? (Recall the feta, which arranged Leszek Miller "Polish" Business Center Club.) What has to do with the point of absurdity bloated bureaucracy, indeed coupled with the political "leisured class" (actually - a caste of idle), fortified manifold guarantees securing exclusive status? What have they done with the project IVRP various industry sitwy caring to everyone "Not your" smashed the head of the glass ceiling? What do they do so as former officers and present, overt and covert dwupłciowych, its associates, whores and pimps? (I recall here the notorious Zbigniew S. ps. "Germany" from the times of incidents at the Cross). What do agency finally has various major countries in the interest of which is to keep "in Poland or anywhere else," the status quo? In the end - which is to do so IVRP. "Salon" functioning - looking from the perspective of the state - as a "superstructure" above mentioned groups, whose task is to maintain native "cattle" in a state of permanent, mental inertia?

know what to do.

First identify the public perception, the tangled "informal network" of democracy.

Second contemptuous ridicule croak "heretics" occurring przeciw ustrojowi III RP. (Słynne „podrywanie godnościowych podstaw prezydentury Lecha Kaczyńskiego” przełożyło się bowiem również na „moherów”, przy czym „moherem”, tudzież „pisuarem” jest każdy, kto podważa „demokratyczne” imponderabilia).

Po trzecie: wytworzyć wrażenie, jakoby ta ciemna tłuszcza miała być śmiertelnym zagrożeniem dla swobód obywatelskich, zaś politycy którzy wyrażają jej emocje – pogrobowcami Hitler (wildsteinowskie "reductio ad Hitlerum" - here in a slightly different context).

So you want to - once pathetic, sometimes dangerous - depending on the current needs of the self-appointed trustees public discourse.

V. In the trenches of legalism.

Then there is the last line of defense - as much blunt as hypocritical legalism. There are, true, totally-rozumicie, legally elected authorities, so anyone who goes against him is part of antistate. And with such a feature is not what happened cackać as hand raised to the power must be cut off. Besides, once gained power ... you know?

Sure enough that people like tunes that they already know. I give up in the mass filtered poison in their ears. I am not a hurraoptymistów. Do not fool myself and I know that most of the social is still saturated with "legalistic" propaganda of fear to the throat.

VI. Fears of Mordor.

But on the other hand - view of the crowds at the Krakow suburb and Castle Square (whatever pathetic lies on the size) had to call among the "beneficiaries of the Third Republic" mental unrest, so he gave vent to the text cited at the beginning of Waldemar Kuczynski. What's more - those who came were not acting under the influence of rzewnego impulse, as last year. arrival of that day at the palace, although hectoliters a year of hogwash and disinformation operation , it was a conscious choice. Also political.

Mordor knows. His mind did not escape the snowball over the years effort, "Polish newspapers, publishing success," I think Sculptures ", the increase in listenership of Radio Maryja, triumph second hand" okołosmoleńskich "film - last but not least - the growing role Internet and right-wing blogosphere.

enough to be afraid. Just to realize the history of the reverses to the card. Hence the unconscious miotanina frustrated chimpanzee in self-constructed golden cages. Hence, these droppings blindly tossed a gradually increasing, the passing crowds - "idiots", "cattle", "swołocz", "Yellar", "people from the zoo" ...


They know what they might lose. Therefore, the current, corrupt to the core agenda, will they call democracy. Will be threatened "diffusionists. They will flip through their fears for the nation, which is the word, especially written with great letter, so frightened of Mr. Kuczynski. Will be employed "dragon tongues" in the subsequent sections propaganda of fear.

Until the end. Their

or ours.

Talking Mushroom

Illustration by AdamaDee


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