Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ovulation And Leg Pain

Shamanic journey to a special place as a tiki garden

Among the legends of many cultures around the world are stories about a magical village, a magical town or meeting place.
Most legends tell of these objects so realistically that different scholars and adventurers often take trips to find them in the physical world. Sometimes it appears that legends provide the actual location on Earth, such as Lhasa, Troy, Cuzco. But here we are interested in such regions, which are not physical, but nevertheless are very real, such as Agartha, Shamballah and Cibola. I refer to the concept that after a certain level, an area that is equally true for the living or traveling there beings as the physical earth is for us. However, anyone who goes to that inner place where the have different natural laws, may perceive them differently, and the perception depends on its system of beliefs, attitudes and expectations.
Mystics and shamans know this place very well and are not different terms, depending on the repre- their culture.
Each of us could be in it at night and experience it as, for example, a busy city, the university, a building with many rooms, temple, or a market. (I am a spontaneous dream I move to the mall.) In Hawaiian tradition, this place is called Pali Uli, a "dark-green cliffs of rock," although I prefer the more familiar, Samoan name for Bali Hai. Take it can different forms, but model, which it is used in their workshops, is a village in the tropical, volcanic island surrounded by a lagoon, similar to Bora Bora. It is a place which you enter, and retrieve science, heal and make discoveries.
During his first trip my students learn something from another shaman, help someone in need, as well as handing and they receive a gift. The journey begins from the entrance to his garden in the manner described above. And here
experience of one of my students that in this process is fairly typical.
"I closed my eyes and plunged into my dreaming body and, as usual, I went through the crystal cave to your garden.
stopped by a small waterfall, watched the lilies in the pond, dry leaves burst from chrysanthemums, and then found a path leading from the garden down to the beach. As Serge said, was waiting there for me sailboat pulled to shore with its crew, consisting of two handsome Hawaiians. Serge said that it will be Hawaii boat with sails, but for me it was some kind of boat. With the help of Hawaiians pushed her into the ocean and climbed on board. I manipulated the jib, one of the guys operate the tiller and one steer the main sail.
Mknęliśmy the ocean with tremendous speed, until we saw the cloud on the horizon, and sailed in her. Soon we saw the island of Bali Hai from its emerald-green volcano and the surrounding white ring of coastal waves.
Immediately afterwards came a white bird that flew around our boat, and then led us through the channel between the reefs. Ahead of us grew up the village, reminiscent of my small town, what I saw as a child in Maine. Moored to the shore and left the crew that took care of the boat.
At the end of the pier waiting for me Master of Shamanism, which wanted to help me. She was wearing a long white gown, tiara on her head with flowers, and dazzling smile on his lips. When I went up to her, We fell each other's arms. Then I asked them to help me get rid of anxiety attacks. She taught me I like using your fingers to create a ball of light, breathe in her love, and then introduce it to the helical movement of the chest, where it will shine, easing attacks (I did what she ordered, and say that it really works). Then I looked around to find someone who I could help and saw a young boy, sitting on a stone with a very sad expression on his face. I asked why it is so sad, and he replied that he had died and did not know where it is to go. I remembered how Serge said that shamans sometimes help people go after death to the "other side", but initially I had no idea how I could do it. Only a very wanted to find the right path, and then an angel came down from heaven, which said: "Thank you, everywhere looking for this young man, "and took the boy with him.
Then I left the village in search of this holy place, as Serge said that there shamans leave gifts for the other shamans. I found the avenue lined with trees, on which hung various things. A crystal hung on a tree blossom, strengthening love, and I took a flute made of bamboo, which won the songs filled with happiness. Then I went back to the boat, swam back to the beach, I thanked the crew, I went back to his garden, where the flute was left, then returned to the outside world.
Now I want to move back to that place to meet other shaman, who takes me on a journey beyond Bali Hai. "


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