Thursday, May 5, 2011

Can U Get Joint Car And Motorcycle Insurance?

agencies influence - postscript

What can we expect Gazprom stypendystach based on text Jaroslaw Brad-Karpowicz - a brief analysis.

I. And here I go again about farming ...

In fact, after writing the text "Alexander Medvedev Lies" , which is a continuation "Breeding agents of influence" (Part 1 and 2 TU and TU ) I had to give myself the subject of Gazprom spokójz scholarships for doctoral students at Warsaw University (for what You can add more here) - but did not give me peace of the text published about a month ago in "Rzeczpospolita", an aftermath of controversy between the journalist Arthur Bazakiem (pointing to the risks associated with the scholarship of cooperation Gazprom), and Alexander Medvedev , vice president of the Russian juggernaut, rather desperately defending the ill-fated co-operation.

article referred to is titled "Gazprom is fighting for the image of" , and its author is Jaroslaw Brad-Karpowicz - from scraps of text you can find out such "(...) it is a graduate of political science and sociology at Warsaw University. During his studies was an annual scholarship in Moscow. (wytł. I - GG) currently works as an analyst at the Polish Institute International Affairs (...)".

II. Analytical analysis of your analyst.

General LETTERS analyst of the current thesis can be summarized to conclude that the scholarship program is just an innocent ploy "pijarowym" calculated to improve the image of Russian companies - Gazprom, after all in Germany sponsors a number of initiatives in scientific, cultural and sporting events (in this club FC Schalke04). The problem is that the author does not want noted that this pijarowska sponsoring the activity is intended only to distract attention, "covering" Corruption of the group, which the most spectacular example is a job in North Streamie for the German ex-chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, and more recently - bribing ekologówz Mecklenburg funded by that foundation, Nord Stream. Question, which is how this activity translates into Gazprom's above-average (to put it mildly) that enjoys the favor of this company with our western neighbors, is not even asked, let alone answering.

author repeatedly emphasizes the legality of Russian monopoly - and again, as if persistently refused to recognize that individual projects can be one hundred percent in accordance with the law while penalizing Polish raison d'etat, which is to obtain a sovereign position in relations with Russian giant, and not the additional "closer relations".

At the end of the text falls ceremonial statement that "it would be difficult to find a formal reason for the refusal of cooperation from the Polish university" . This need is a formal reason? It is known that Gazprom has toured with his scholarship proposal like a salesman most of the major university centers in the country - for example, the authorities of the Jagiellonian University, no formal reason for refusal was not needed. The formal reason for nużny was only University of Warsaw, and please - takowego poor because they did not find ...

Next is about transparency, about the fact that through these scholarships are increasing spending on education, the scholarship will have direct access to the object of his research, and in the future will benefit from this "not only the Polish science, but also business and public administration" . Yeah, the Mr. Brad-Karpowiczu, former Moscow scholarship, the Polish civil service benefited almost impossibly ...

Here let us pause, desperate to quell the giggles, and raise our two fingers and ask your analyst: Is there any country in the post-Soviet sphere of influence, which has benefited - science, business, administrative - However, the Gazprom's cooperation? Because until then, we learn of the brutal Wiki leaks energy blackmail used against Bulgaria when she wanted to slightly loosen the collar, including trying to keep the distance to the South Stream project.

III. Fresh blood for the "Party of Gazprom."

remember this article a month ago, because it shows how the lens of the rhetoric and the arguments with which perhaps we will meet in future public appearances Warsaw grantees - When he held his practice in Gazprom, will defend their doctorates and become brilliant scientists, analysts, members of think tanks, experts from governmental structures, in other words - will become part of the broader intellectual resources of the Polish state. After all, Mr. Brad-Karpowicz is once again emphasize, analyst at the state institution that is the Polish Institute of International Affairs, the task which must include preparation of forecasts and reports for the highest levels of government, or training in the Diplomatic Academy of staff for the Foreign Ministry.

How many more sitting there like "analysts"? Judging from our current policy towards Russia and its economic and raw material which is Gazprom's arms - many. Too many.

In the first part of the post wytłuściłem information that Mr. Brad-Karpowicz, whose analytical wisdom wypunktowałem just briefly, during the study spent at the annual scholarship in Moscow. I'm not saying that it is aware of the impact of a Russian agent - I have no such knowledge. arguing that writes as if the agent was takowym - even if there had been no recruitment, this scholarship is one year old enough to pan analyst "in the topic" Russia and Gazprom contracted a sort of "blind spots" than it can see the obvious dangers, not only for Polish but for the whole of Central and Eastern Europe.

We look at the fellows. The more that by participating EuRoPolGaz our country (specifically - PGNiG) is funded by a quarter of Gazprom's obrazowanije . Doctoral not accusing a priori bad intentions, However, joining the program are natural candidates for a new generation - "fresh blood" - to diffuse the former demoludach "party Gazprom , works to transform our region into something like raw materials neo-CMEA . The first two, chosen in March of this year are: Mela Viola (Department of Applied Linguistics) and Konrad Dynkiewicz (Faculty of Journalism and Political Science).

us remember these names and all subsequent ones, when soon as "apolitical experts" We will try to mold mądrościami analytical style of Mr. Jaroslaw Brad-Karpowicz.

Talking Mushroom


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