Friday, April 1, 2011

Menstruation Sore Breasts


Due to the fact that there is a connection network, which has already been mentioned in previous posts, all affect each other, although not equally. For us the most is that the strongest influence to have an energy field, which is most intense, which is located in the nearest distance from him, as well as those that most resonates with its own vibration.
field area of \u200b\u200binfluence (for example, may be a magnetic field) or perception (eg, field of view). Here, we consider this concept primarily as an area of \u200b\u200binfluence and focus on energy "envelope" of man, called an aura, or Hawaiian hoaka. the human energy field contains both physical and nonphysical components, but for now we treat them as a unified whole. helpful to the adoption of such a definition of energy, which defines it as a movement or activity, exerting an impact on the environment, that is causing the changes. This movement can be called as vibration, affecting the environment. Consider one more thing, namely, that energy is not an object, which can be touched, but the items that you can touch are endowed with energy.
Therefore, the reduction or depletion of energy means reducing the rate of vibration, and not remove something you can touch and the same - increased energy is equivalent to increasing the speed of vibration, and not adding anything substantive.
Increases energy can not be compared to a glass of water, added to the dough, while the analogy, we can assume is the rotation rate of the mixer used for the mixing.
The human energy field and apply the concept of resonance two meanings. One, associated with electricity, a "state of tune the circuit, allowing the dissemination of current at a specific frequency." In terms of human ability, it means that, what kind of energy will have an impact on us, determines the state of mind and body. Using specific example we can say that every fear in you, regardless of its cause, subject to any other external influences anxiety in a way that resonates with him.
The same applies to any other state, for example, self-confidence - they will be greater, the easier it will be resonated with any confidence, coming from the outside. That is why in every healing is so important to make the shaman of the basic step which is to enhance people in uzdrawianej this trait. It is obvious, resulting from the third and sixth principles of Huna, we can consciously decide to transfer their attention to confidence in a field in which we possess it and thus more tune to influence any existing vibration of confidence around us, thereby reducing the influence of any fears. Other important resonance, borrowed from physics, the strengthening of the vibration of a body under the influence of vibrations coming from another source, and with similar frequency. In terms of human energy field, this means that our fear has a tendency to reinforce anxiety in nearby humans. This applies equally to all the other emotional states.
The closer we are from the source energy, the stronger is its effect on us, so the man from a distance of one another should have a major impact on the relationship between their energy fields. However - even though these fields are spread in an infinite - the force of our impact on others may not be such that results from the actual intensity of our aura. This is because - according to the third principle of Huna - energy follows attention, and mental and sensory attention man may vary. However, quite apart from any relationship with the spectrum, people are more susceptible to impacts of energy, perceived physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, etc.) than those who suffer through the senses, mental, and therefore a small distance is an important factor in receiving the proceeds.
Magnetic field energy is related to the intensity of its movement, and this in turn is related to the characteristics of vibration, which has two components - the frequency and amplitude, or, in other words, the speed and intensity. Taking as an example of ocean waves can be said that their number in the space segment defines stumetrowego frequency, and the height reached by, their amplitude. It is obvious that the wave is three meters was carrying more energy than a two-meter wave at the same frequency. Another example can be found in music: the sound played on a tube C will have the same number of vibrations per second, the same sound of the piano string, however, sounded a much greater force (musical term amplitude). The human aura frequency corresponds to the power of focus and amplitude - the emotions.
focus from kane and attention to was agreed and a source of excitement is deliberate and habitual responses to our internal and external environment.
summarize what has been said above, it should be noted that the biggest influence on to have the strongest, closest and most resonant with the field. May illustrate this example.

Imagine that you walk into a room where people can anger potential, and a person is angry at this very moment, although opening of this does not demonstrate. If in your life are the things that cause anger in you, even if you are not currently experiencing the emotion, when you enter the room you start to feel such a growing annoyance, not even knowing why. If in addition the person we are talking about, is bad because of who you rozgniewałby well, the impact of the emotions you will feel particularly strongly. Proximity to work here, the field strength and resonance. If you have a subconscious habit of avoiding anger, the effect of the field is likely to influence you so that subconsciously stłumisz their emotions by muscle tension, so the longer you stayed in that room, the more you feel sick or exhausted.
It is important to realize that this is not somebody else sucks from us the energy that causes our discomfort - to bring our own reactions. No one can deprive us of energy, because its resources are endless, just like we do.
If someone's company, we feel exhausted, this means that we to react to something in that person, what we do not like it.
in their current situation if we went into the room with a deep sense of happiness, the angry person wywarlibyśmy soothing, healing effect.
not only the people can influence our emotions, different types of influences may also come from our physical environment. A little bit of stress brought on to highly-energetyzowanego spaces such as air-conditioned office or the great pyramid, may result in the strengthening and liberation, or anger, or fear - depending on how we react normally to stress. More We strongly react to the stored by the memories associated with some
place. Once in Egypt, at the end of a long, tiring day, you walked into a small temple of Isis, located on an island in the Nile.
When our group went to the shrine, a woman, a very sensitive creature, which was not allowed to freely express emotions, fell at the entrance of a deep swoon. Later she said that she felt overwhelmed with feelings of anger. I also felt anger that been growing in me as we approach the entrance, so when I got there, I was surrounded by other people's memories of acts of desecration of the temple. Making an enormous effort went into the sanctuary with the intention to harmonize its energy, but my condition has not allowed it. It is interesting that, after giving assistance to this woman, nobody else crossed his threshold. It looked as if anyone not interested in this object, but probably it was a reaction to. Just before entering the ship, which odpływaliśmy, found in sand and quartz crystal dziesięciocentymetrowy realized that on this island shall be their lot, which further strengthened its energy, but even so, I had to take deliberate action to remove the stress and such reprogramming, that I may return to normal. If I arrived on the island relaxed and filled with a feeling of happiness, doświadczyłbym there something else - either to a growing interest przystąpiłbym to study here, or I would have fallen into euphoria, because my state rezonowałby with all the memories of happiness, which in this place suffered by others.
Practical knowledge that flows from this history is contained in the fact that if we create our emotions, it affects their intensity may be other people and things around us.
However, instead of wasting time considering who strengthens our emotions, it is better to take up for themselves and something to do with them. If you like them - savor them, and if not, in future posts mention a few techniques that you may find useful.


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