Friday, April 8, 2011

Brown Hair With Blonde Tips

Light of Love 'and Kea

La'a kea is a Hawaiian idiom, meaning "holy light", having good relationship with all that entails day, such as sunlight, knowledge and happiness. The technique, which I now present, is similar to that described in a previous post, White Light, technique, except that it is used for another purpose, namely to the healing and harmony input. For the distinction was more clear call it Light of Love.
In this technique, we use the power that is within us and use the mind to imagine that we are surrounded and filled with the Light of Love. We call this a "turning light".
not hold up, However, the rigid terms "light". If you prefer, you can imagine the colors, sounds or excitement. My own Light of Love is usually full of colors, symbols, patterns, music and fine feelings, depending on what effect I get.
When we enable light to be simultaneously "incite them" by the generation of positive emotions. To do so, you'll be noticed and praised all the beauty that you will see, but you can attempt to generate stronger emotions.
To be able to apply these techniques, one must first assume that there is a Light of Love. In addition, you must believe that it will spread and arrived to every place where we focus our attention and must also be convinced that you always keep it in line with our guidelines. Here are some suggestions for using this method, the introduction of harmony:

first Start each day with a referral to spread Love and Light him for the rest of their surroundings. Discuss with the Light (everything is alive, is aware of and responsive) and issue the command to him - out loud or mentally - that harmonized the place where you are.

second In the same way, use the Light of Love throughout the day for different people, places and situations.

third Whenever you feel the physical or emotional exhaustion, return to the Light of Love and say, "will harmonize energies around me. "

4th If your relationship with someone is difficult, extend the Light of Love, so that this person is also covered, regardless of where it is located at the time, and say, "will harmonize the energy between us" or "will harmonize our energy fields."

5th If you want to protect your family and friends (or his estate), imagine that your close to (your possessions) are surrounded with the Light of Love and say, "glorify this person (place or thing), an aura of peace and harmony".

6th If you want to use this technique for healing at a distance, exercise surrounding the Light of Love in different colors (or as symbols of colors) to each other using the command. If you already have your own color scheme you like, use it. But, for example, quoting system, which he himself used.

Color white / clear light - "Illuminate" (used in healing to expand internal knowledge and connect with the Higher Self, as well as in cases when we feel that no other color is not appropriate).

color red / pink - "Clear!" (Used to remove the mental and physical tension, and any limitations, it is good if you want to improve mutual understanding between members of a group).

Orange / Peach - "Focus" (helps to focus attention and energy).

Yellow - "Mobilize!" (Instrumental in the release of worry, resentment, and guilt, helps remove lingering, stimulates enjoying the present moment.)

Green - "Bless!" (Help deepen self-confidence, strengthen friendly relations, love and happiness).

BLUE - "Enhance!" (Helps increase the strength of the spiritual and physical,
self-confidence and inner discipline).

Color Purple - "Assist!" (Helps to create spiritual and physical harmony,
tune in to the purpose and prosperity, combined with others to achieve common goals).

In addition, if you want to turn black ("devours") , you can use it to absorb negativity and processing; gray ("Neutralize") can be used to neutralize any excess, and the rainbow used interchangeably with the color white. After wypraktykowaniu different color lights on themselves and getting the skills of their feelings, start to apply them - according to the instructions given in paragraph 5 - in relation to other people, places and things you care about.
first If you wish to use a particularly powerful form of healing at a distance by the Light of Love, take a small object such as a coin, crystal, or an ordinary stone that symbolizes the person or the place where you want to help in healing. Put this item in the left hand and right take the stone shaman or another object in one of the colors listed in Section 6 Then surround yourself with the Light of Love of the same color, which is the object you hold in your right hand and doing Kahi on both hands, issue the appropriate command, while breathing deeply. Here you have to focus simultaneously on three things: on both hands and the Light of Love. You do not need to focus on figuring out a person, because the symbol you have in your hand, on which we focus.
(Tangible objects involved in the process of helping the energy and attention to.) At some point you get the signal that must be completed process. It may come as a deep sigh, some inner impulse, or physical sensations such as numbness or fatigue. When this signal occurs, the impression of a message sent through to the person whose help, informing us that at a given moment, she received a sufficient dose of energy. Complete the notice of such sentences as, for example, the "End Process", "And it was," Thank you "or Hawaiian" Amam "that a large roughly means" So be it. "
Always use the same blessings and be blessed Light of Love.


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