Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ovulation And Leg Pain

Shamanic journey to a special place as a tiki garden

Among the legends of many cultures around the world are stories about a magical village, a magical town or meeting place.
Most legends tell of these objects so realistically that different scholars and adventurers often take trips to find them in the physical world. Sometimes it appears that legends provide the actual location on Earth, such as Lhasa, Troy, Cuzco. But here we are interested in such regions, which are not physical, but nevertheless are very real, such as Agartha, Shamballah and Cibola. I refer to the concept that after a certain level, an area that is equally true for the living or traveling there beings as the physical earth is for us. However, anyone who goes to that inner place where the have different natural laws, may perceive them differently, and the perception depends on its system of beliefs, attitudes and expectations.
Mystics and shamans know this place very well and are not different terms, depending on the repre- their culture.
Each of us could be in it at night and experience it as, for example, a busy city, the university, a building with many rooms, temple, or a market. (I am a spontaneous dream I move to the mall.) In Hawaiian tradition, this place is called Pali Uli, a "dark-green cliffs of rock," although I prefer the more familiar, Samoan name for Bali Hai. Take it can different forms, but model, which it is used in their workshops, is a village in the tropical, volcanic island surrounded by a lagoon, similar to Bora Bora. It is a place which you enter, and retrieve science, heal and make discoveries.
During his first trip my students learn something from another shaman, help someone in need, as well as handing and they receive a gift. The journey begins from the entrance to his garden in the manner described above. And here
experience of one of my students that in this process is fairly typical.
"I closed my eyes and plunged into my dreaming body and, as usual, I went through the crystal cave to your garden.
stopped by a small waterfall, watched the lilies in the pond, dry leaves burst from chrysanthemums, and then found a path leading from the garden down to the beach. As Serge said, was waiting there for me sailboat pulled to shore with its crew, consisting of two handsome Hawaiians. Serge said that it will be Hawaii boat with sails, but for me it was some kind of boat. With the help of Hawaiians pushed her into the ocean and climbed on board. I manipulated the jib, one of the guys operate the tiller and one steer the main sail.
Mknęliśmy the ocean with tremendous speed, until we saw the cloud on the horizon, and sailed in her. Soon we saw the island of Bali Hai from its emerald-green volcano and the surrounding white ring of coastal waves.
Immediately afterwards came a white bird that flew around our boat, and then led us through the channel between the reefs. Ahead of us grew up the village, reminiscent of my small town, what I saw as a child in Maine. Moored to the shore and left the crew that took care of the boat.
At the end of the pier waiting for me Master of Shamanism, which wanted to help me. She was wearing a long white gown, tiara on her head with flowers, and dazzling smile on his lips. When I went up to her, We fell each other's arms. Then I asked them to help me get rid of anxiety attacks. She taught me I like using your fingers to create a ball of light, breathe in her love, and then introduce it to the helical movement of the chest, where it will shine, easing attacks (I did what she ordered, and say that it really works). Then I looked around to find someone who I could help and saw a young boy, sitting on a stone with a very sad expression on his face. I asked why it is so sad, and he replied that he had died and did not know where it is to go. I remembered how Serge said that shamans sometimes help people go after death to the "other side", but initially I had no idea how I could do it. Only a very wanted to find the right path, and then an angel came down from heaven, which said: "Thank you, everywhere looking for this young man, "and took the boy with him.
Then I left the village in search of this holy place, as Serge said that there shamans leave gifts for the other shamans. I found the avenue lined with trees, on which hung various things. A crystal hung on a tree blossom, strengthening love, and I took a flute made of bamboo, which won the songs filled with happiness. Then I went back to the boat, swam back to the beach, I thanked the crew, I went back to his garden, where the flute was left, then returned to the outside world.
Now I want to move back to that place to meet other shaman, who takes me on a journey beyond Bali Hai. "

Friday, April 29, 2011

How To Go From A Heavy Sleeper To A Light Sleeper

once gave an accurate description of the varieties of ticks, known as the" Garden "and its application, so there will not be It so detailed, but admission to repeat this method and give some other uses.
the technique of working the Garden of Kahiki (but deeper than working with dreams, which was mentioned.) This is our private place, that we create in his imagination on the basis about their memories, or desires, and to which we go to our dreaming body for various purposes, for example, after relaxation, healing, and intuition, or adventure. The structure of the garden are helpers who work under our direction (these are aspects of ourselves as servants, elves, fairies and other creatures), Home Garden, which helps us with tips and tools, and source of water. There are, of course, plants may be trees, paths and other elements. This place we create ourselves, so everything is in it, reflects our conscious and unconscious beliefs, attitudes and expectations at the moment. Just as it is with other dreams, the amendments made to the Garden of us change, and consequently change our life experiences.
One of the best ways to use the Garden is pretending to be there asking you to show us a symbol of something that is our challenge. When the symbol appears, talking with him and - if we want to - carry out the process of interpretation.
Helpers Then, please, to introduce amendments to the symbol that transformed it, or exchanged for another. In the Garden can hold internal meetings with people we want to talk, and with whom we can not meet or do not know how to talk on the physical plane. But above all it must be ensured that the garden has become a friendly place of stability in the inner world from which we can explore more and more distant corners of the level of Po.
propose to start by creating your dreamer's body, which is simply to imagine that we have a body that at our command can leave the physical body and that will be able to change according to our wishes. During sleep, this happens automatically, but aware of the intention and attention will add to our body dreamer greater flexibility and power. This body should have the widest possible range of senses, which greatly improves the level of conscious focus on the Po.
Then, with closed or open eyes, according to their choice, imagine that you walk into the cave, which leads to another place, where is your garden. When you are in it, focus your attention, so you can see details such as leaves or flowers, hear the sounds such as birds singing, wind noise or water in a stream and feel texture of rocks, or bark of trees.
Check out the schedule and details of your garden, or enter other elements, if already planned how it will look. You may want to place the hut, hut, or house, which will be a great place of isolation or room to receive guests. Some people draw the map or drawing of your garden, to preserve his image in memory and make it easier to focus on him, when there will be found. Whatever you do at the internal level, let it be developed and changed, perform a new discovery. Every time you come to your garden, you will strengthen its "reality", a part of your experience.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Proraso Shaving Cream Japan

Dreaming in the structure

deeper Once we enter the level, the harder it will be for us to remain focused. Very deep entrance usually ends distraction from achieving our goal, or excluded consciousness. One of the old shamanistic ways of dealing with this problem is the pressure in the fixed structure.
It consists in the fact that certain basic elements of the inner world are pre-programmed. The Egyptian Book of Death is a river you must cross, the substance with which to meet, you also need to weigh the soul on the scales. However, in many cultures, shamans are the cave, which they must be accessible and trees, which have to climb. Often on these elements are given some guidance, but the particular structure we have free choice, so any experience in the inner world may be completely different. It's like a vacation in Hawaii - an unchanging geographic, travel guides give tips on where to to go, what to watch, but every time when we go to the islands, our experience will be different.
Polynesian name for such a structure is tics. Usually we think that is a wooden tiki idol, but in reality the concept of the word means, defining a form.

Poem Lineage Margaret Walker

On 9 April bydlaste held a special meeting with the KSM with Babina.
There were a lot ... yeah
meeting was scheduled to start at 14, but began less
more an hour later.
First, it was fun in the fruit - the fruit of all that.
Fruit (person) who was in the middle of a fruit shake which had been given. Later, the (fruit-person) was terminated otherwise the fruit to be zaatkakowany.
Exercise reflexes immediately liked the Apostles of God (Babińczykom) and began the great hunt for bananas, berries, apples and kiwi.
Later, after dłuugiej fun was time for a meal prepared by our KSMowiczów, who as it happens in such situations was plentiful.: D
then - the part of the Thematic meetings - Dominica with Rafał prepared meeting of happiness (Happy) .
drew my luck totem - which was a lot of notations as the heart, clover and horseshoe as various other interesting things like money, cars and friendship. Finally, we presented
silent scenes showing eight Beatitudes (the division was in two big groups)
At the end of a little odprowadziliśmy dojadło and our guests.
glad I came back home around 18 ...

Christopher Robin Smith

Male 21 Birthday Poems

haipule - Appointment of new dreams to life

One of the ways changes in sleep or waking dreams of the outside world is to create a new version of Kahi and substituting it instead of the previous one. Very old, proven process used for this purpose is the technique called haipule. It can have many variations, and this, which I am here is for our purposes. Better understand this process, if briefly learn about the importance of this important word, which is haipule.
Hai is the core, which means "desire" or "need", "submit a proposal," "declare" and "strive." pools generally translated as "prayer, blessings, magical force of attraction." In other words associated with the cores are: pua - "appear," Pu'u - "want" Me - "explode" and le'a - a favor. " Also, each syllable of the word is important for the process: ha is "energize through deep breathing and remember," and means "to affirm what we want to, "rec -" imagine what we want ", while le -" take action ". haipule So is the process of affirmation and imagination and action to create a new waking dream.
When no longer enough energy, it becomes a reality (in terms of shamanic mean that replaces the previous dream).
first step is, as usual, to determine what we want to set up there. Better health? new relationship, or improving so far? greater amount of money? new car, or house? Protect the dolphins by all nations? Peace on Earth?
Remember that the more people will participate in the experience of our new waking dream, the more it will have the energy to manifest itself. Attract other people to the process haipule increase its effectiveness. However, before it is necessary to determine what you want to achieve.
process itself is divided into short and long haipule.
Short haipule is what you do all day until your dream becomes so real that manifests itself in life. Thus, short haipule is what actually causes the materialization dreams. However, long haipule is a kind of meditation practice, which serves to increase the short haipule. Here is the procedure of the latter.

Ha - Frequently remind yourself of your dream and thinking about it, breathe deeply, producing in conjunction with the positive emotions.

I - describe your dream positive words and phrases aloud and mind. Do not force other people to listen to what you say, do not get caught up in the no argument about this, but I do not keep it secret. If your motivation is so weak that the skepticism of another person deprives you of self-confidence, it would be better that you first popracował just above it and to reinforce self-confidence. Individual words,
you use do not matter, but it is advisable to formulate sentences in the present tense (for example, I am, that is). Remember that your affirmations do not describe the outside world as it is, describe your new dream that you call into existence.

Pu - using all the senses in a vivid manner imagine all the pleasures, benefits and positive changes that will bring your new daydream, and think about them as if they were place already. After a little practice you'll be able to do this often and will get you to take several seconds.
It is better to concentrate on their imagination a hundred times a day for ten seconds, than do it in one session lasting twenty minutes, carried out in the morning or evening.

Le - how often do at the physical level is something that can enhance your dream. It could be some real action, with a direct relationship with its manifestation, for example, developing a plan or a meeting with the right people, and may be a symbolic action Such as a special gesture, or touch something that is a symbol of the object of our dreams (for example, coins, which brings good luck, mascot, which symbolizes the expected outcome, or the image that presents the implementation, of what we dream). Do not limit yourself to only looking at these items, but touch them.
To be able to maintain a vivid picture of his new dream, and definitely should immediately discuss with the negative thoughts, memories and reactions of other people and their own. Help may be here to serve an ancient variety of condensed haipule which I call the "triple-charm." It involves the immediate use of positive words, positive images and positive attitude of the body, whenever there is any sign of negativity about our plan. If you think, or say a negative thing about him or hear from someone else at his residence negative feedback, as soon as you will realize it, speak aloud or in thought sentence, which is the exact opposite of negativity. What you say may be in conflict with current sleep, but it does not matter, because these words relate to a new state, which dream. So, if you think "That can not happen", immediately think "That can happen" if in your mind will arise the question: "How can this be achieved?", I immediately think: "I do not know how, but I realize." If there is any doubt, shamans use the expression EWOP! (it is a word formed from the first letters of the words: everything's working out perfectly - everything works perfectly "is a reminder of the difficult problems of passing into the hands of the Higher Self.) Positive perceptions, which are opposite negative, can be applied to our own fears and doubts arising from past experiences and our projections into the future (which, anyway, there are also dreams.)
If your imagination rise to the thought that you were rejected immediately imagine that you're accepted, if the image suffered defeat, immediately see yourself osiągającego success. Probably the first you will feel uncomfortable with that because they were changing energy patterns of old dreams. When However, you will master negative emotions such as fear, anger or depression, be sure to adopt the correct posture. Every emotion is accompanied by a specific attitude, which amplifies the emotion. Generally speaking, the fear of man is tense and inclined to back the anger we are tense and bent forward, and the depression - tense and contraction. So, for fear accept the relaxed position, expressing the courage and confidence, with anger incline his body to express the joy and merriment, and the depression-Force them to enthusiastic expectations. When you change your body position, change your emotions well. If you need examples of appropriate behavior that you want to imitate, watch people, especially actors. Of course, it may happen that despite the change of position, you will not feel the improvement of emotional state, in which case, ask yourself, how important to you this is a new dream.
haipule Long is spending a lot of time cleaning and strengthening its new waking dream.
We here the same process of energizing, affirmation, imagining and gain the right attitude in a convenient location. We can do it with my eyes closed, devoting as much time as we deem appropriate. It is a long session
finish in a particular way. There would be a good physical gesture, signifying the end (for example, tightening his fists, putting hand on heart), accompanied by a verbal announcement of the end, for example, the Hawaiian word Amam.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Automatic Acrostic Poem Generator

Removing concerns by changing the daydreams

little known or rarely uświadamianym fact is that the inner dreams occur not only at night, we dream them almost twenty-four hours a day. Interior Dreams arise constantly, but we tune in to them from time to time.
Dreaming In our society, or to indulge in dreams as a child, as well as by adults, it is condemned, and among poets, writers and people staying on holiday is tolerated as long as they do not do it to excess. Passive dreamers, or those who simply let the mind drift freely, are considered slackers, and dreamers of factors, so those who weave the creative fantasies - as long as they do not pay for it - are treated as persons fleeing from life. Here's your chance to learn how to use both ways of dreaming - passive and active - for beneficial purposes, or to heal yourself and others. The process that we use takes place at Kahi and is a logical extension of all seven shamanic principles.
We start from the premise that everything - not just humans - is dreaming and dreams. We assume also, that we can tune in to other people's dreams and dreams (at least not to their version, which is our own interpretation) by focusing attention on a particular subject with the intention of knowing what he's dreaming. Then we accept the assumption that everything that comes to mind from that moment until we finish the focus, is the dream object of our concentration. In conclusion, we assume that by changing this dream in such a way that dreams change, we can get the same results in healing, and sometimes immediately.
During my workshops Such healing often occur, and include cases of immediate resolution of symptoms of influenza, relieve pain and even reduce the size of tumors. Complete healing is never immediate, but it almost always gets the immediate improvement of health.
Let me give some examples to help you better understand what is meant by this process. One time I went to a restaurant for coffee. The waitress, being in foul mood, he said nothing to anyone, not duly served guests roznoszone dishes fall out of her hands. Tuned up to her dreams, which, according to my notion, was located just above her head. There I saw a bleak landscape, over which hung a dark cloud. With the help of creative imagination meant that of the rain clouds, and then the sun came out, parted flowers, the bees flew, birds and butterflies. I felt great. Suddenly, the waitress came to the kitchen, where she spent about five minutes. When I came back, she was completely transformed. She smiled at visitors, served them kindly, even said "Hello!" The man who I went and looked generally pleased. But this is not my action caused such a change, what I did only helped her to accomplish. By changing the dream that this is how I received, I sent telepathically to her toward a new concept, which was to him so nice that it has decided to use it to make their own changes. Note that there was not any interference in the mind of that person, nor in the realm of privacy. I just picked up what she gave, turned into an understandable form for me and sent for the healing information you can use it to or reject.
This technique can be applied to other people, and also in relation to each other. Doing all of the above assumptions, try to convince yourself that both your body as a whole and each part is at the moment their own dream.
You can practically use this technique, tuning up (focusing) to some parts of the body, which may be is sick, weak or not functioning the way you wished. Most people think that it is better to do it with my eyes closed, but if you prefer, you can keep your eyes open. Part of the body can be anything, so you give yourself such a name, for example: heart, hand or arm.
Start by passive observation allowing a dream that appeared spontaneously. It inflow in the form of image, sound, emotions, feelings, or a combination of these elements and may be unusual and fantastic, or the ordinary and mundane. Even if only thing that comes to your mind, is a common step home or office work that you have to do, treat it like a dream. Once it appears, do not go in and change in any way. If it is frightening and unpleasant, is not hard to figure out what to do with it, but even if you thought that the dream is perfect in every way, change it for the better. Remember that if a body part is not as healthy as you wish, the alleged perfection can only be a mask, and any change in motion a process of healing. In making changes to achieve the best results if you use all your senses. Use this technique as long as you want or until you feel the physical reaction in your body.
If all dreams and dreams, you can tune to the dreams of trees, home, machine, group, nation, and even - if you want - the planet, and change it. The key to success is the pressure of such a new dream, to make it nice for the item to the extent that it wishes to make a change. Using this technique you will have the opportunity to develop and deepen your shamanic skills dreaming.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Electric Shaver Ingrowing


One of the most effective ways of working with dreams is they change with the help of the imagination. In the spiritual experience they are real, but like all real experience, the result of certain beliefs and habits of man. In this respect, like languages, since they also are based on the designs and patterns. Even if the language had the most flexible rules of grammar and vocabulary of the richest, with his help it would be translated only what he has to say who speak the mind. Similarly, the internal and external environment of dreams just can express it, what the mind thinks that it produces. I just brought under control, another language, in contrast to appealing certain spheres of life, can change the way of thinking, and thus the human experience, also change the environment created by our mind of dreams can turn everything they experience.
Practically, this means that if you introduce changes into a dream, then we rebuild the patterns that have caused it and thus will automatically change all the other dreams that might arise in the future based on this pattern. A healing your internal environment, to heal the outside world around us.
It is true that the proper motivation, it is possible to awaken consciousness in the dream, but for obtaining benefits from the change in dreams, it is not necessary, and that's because in the memories remain the same patterns that have occurred in the original dream , together with any changes in the level of mind, which have already place since its przyśnienia up. For this reason, for the healing of the memories the change is as good sleep, How to change sleep during his lifetime.
We will discuss three ways to transform dreams (or memories), which are to amend our response to the dream, adding a further course and changing sleep patterns. Each of them is effective in cases of both returnees and individual dreams,
containing fear, anger, sense of injustice and frustration. The process
conduct of Kahiki.
change our reaction means the conscious choice to react differently to what is happening. A participant of one of my workshops in the memory recalled a recurrent dream in which he chased her fire-breathing dragon. In the original dream, the woman escaped, but as if in slow motion and when the dragon had almost catch her, she would wake up. During the course focused on the moment just before waking, and imagined that it stops, turns and yells, "Why do you race?" To her surprise, the dragon stopped, looked at her confused and said, "I love you not racing. I'm following behind you. "The impact this has had such a reprogramming of sleep on this woman's life, lay in the fact that in
much she got rid of the fear and increased self-esteem.
Adding further to the sleep means that brings it in memory and focus conscious attention on the moment in which we woke up looking forward to further developments. With some dreams you are working in this way better than the other, but if this technique will be performed long enough always bring positive change. During one of my previous courses, a man he worked with recurrent dream in which rode a multi-storey car to the garage, where he waited for another car (and then he learned from the process of interpretation, maintained by his mother). Then, the two raced to the spiral ramp to the top storey, where the mother stopped the car and flew in his space. It was a moment in which man usually wake up full of anxiety.
During the course recreated dream again (with a feeling of fear, then he said), until his car "wyfruwał" from the top of the ramp. allowed to sleep spontaneously developed further.
His car rocketed over the town and landed softly on the highway on the other page. Going My student saw her billboard on which was written: "Life goes on." Such termination of sleep allowed him to improve relations with the mother and reduce the fear of death.
Changing sleep patterns is a form of direct creative intervention which helps you gain greater self-confidence and enhance self-esteem. If a person has low self-esteem, it may be necessary to repeat the process in relation to different parts of sleep, and for a longer period of time. One woman, whom this technique helped much, worked on a sleep over six months. Most, however, just one-time implementation of changes in the course of events. To illustrate how the creative intervention may lead to spontaneous changes, I will tell one of his own dreams.
It began with the that I was a passenger in the helicopter (which from the beginning it was an unusual thing for me), which has started, but could not fly high, since it hit the high voltage wires. The rest of the dream to wake up to fill in the form of flight depressing senseless jumping.
Immediately after waking up I went back to sleep and once at the beginning hath pilot before he could start, I went over and took his place. He took the reins in his hands picked up the machine, I found the transition between two
drone pipes and rose into the sky. I felt great. Then I found that without a conscious intention fly over the United States, seeing very clearly outlines each of them. And suddenly, much to my delight and great surprise, the sky appeared a lot of helicopters piloted by shamans, whom he taught. They began to spread around the country My pamphlet Spirit of Aloha. After that change the course of my sleep in the outside world there was a huge increase in the number of people to whom I came to the knowledge taught.
almost always after classes on how to change dreams Is there anyone who doubts that can change the dream before I to its meaning, before pulling it appropriate "lesson", and sometimes - whether such a change is not equivalent to crackdown what a dream he had to tell us. To all those who have such fears I want to say that the inner world is not much different from the outside world. When awake, break the arm., do not sit and not make desperate efforts to understand the significance of this event, nor do not leave the hand in this state in order to remember the lesson we have learned from it, but we do everything as quickly as possible to make a broken bone. The first information that carries such an event is clear: "Hey! Your hand is broken! "
Equally clear is the other information provided by the pain and discomfort. It reads:" Do something about it immediately. " We can, of course, look for another meaning of this accident, we can examine what led to him thinking, if we believe that it is important to us (and could be important if the fracture hand happened to us for the third time this year), but the time it is only after taking appropriate action to restore the hand to its normal state. The same applies to our inner dreams laden with anxiety, anger, pain or suffering. First, heal them.
As regards the suppression of what he had told us the dream, I always recommend that consciously express our full appreciation for the dream in the form in which it is before its amendment. Then you can begin to heal, but do it with love and full involvement of conscious sensory because if we want to quickly change something you do not like, and do not want to focus on attention, it's probably operate on the principle of avoidance of anxiety, so we will not achieve the desired results.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mixed Wrestling Pilates Women

What we know already ... Anatomy of a propaganda of fear

After the experiment did not even know whether the "refugee" in a decaying wreck Tupolev is depressed, and if so, why did not work.

I. Why can not I write notes to investigators Smolensk.

First a brief explanation. Do I write notes on the crash investigation Smolensk. I do not feel strong enough simply to analyze szczególiku szczególik after all these materials - photos, videos, testimony, interviews, transcripts ... Everything you need to digest it, to confront, capture the conflict, based on the fairly unique expertise. The higher you raise my admiration współblogerzy who laboriously to tear through it all, not forgiving and tirelessly his hand on the pulse. This effort, saying it now, it is certainly worth a comprehensive, discuss the book with an emphasis on the question: how blogerski "second circulation" caused the problem, causes and responsibility for the tragedy could not be interested in the forces sweep under the rug, and public discourse was not brought utterly to use the Russian "narrative."

again - the words of admiration and respect.

The excuse I have is that I'm trying to be modest as possible, describe the multiple effects of Smolensk in the public sphere - from politics to issues of raw material and energy up to try to diagnose the state of our society. In this matter, in turn, I do not forgive and not let go, if only because, as poskrobać, almost everything that has happened in Poland over the last year wears a bloody, tragic stigma.

II. Il-62 crash in Okecie (03/14/1980).

And now to the point. Polegując himself lazily watching TV one evening I came, perhaps in the station "Discovery", a program dealing with the different airline disasters in the past. There were, inter alia, Lockerbie famous discussed, but also - and here zastrzygłem ears - a disaster Polish Il-62 "Nicolaus Copernicus" at Warsaw Okecie of 03/14/1980. Apart from the technical detail caught my attention to a topic, constantly scrolling through the memories of Polish experts who had examined the causes of the wreck of the aircraft.

Well, the expert asked the representatives of the Russian manufacturer maniac stubbornly claimed that the machine was OK, even after the destruction of three engines Il-62 is able to land on the sole remaining and unambiguously suggested blame the pilots. At the same time disposed of silence Polish requests for access to detailed specifications of individual components.

Therefore, our scientists have done all the complicated calculations from various disciplines - from materials and resistance to overload, and avionics issues - playing virtually zero technical specifications wykwitu "Soviet technical thinking" (I use quotation marks , as Il-62 was most likely stolen design UK, just as in the Soviet Union - worse and more blocky done - that is so fake.)

In the end it turned out that Polish pilots is not enough that they did not commit an error, it was almost an inch of the aircraft rescue and life of 77 passengers and 10 crew members. Also came to light that the Il-62 is not able to keep up in the air on one engine, and the cause of the disaster was in the lounge driebiezgi one of the engines, already serviced several times in Russia, which destroyed two Fallin 'the next, and rushing with the force of the shot from a cannon of an anti-turbine parts pierced the hull and cut through, among others the elevator cable. This link has decided to cut tragedy by preventing airplane pilots planting. They could only choose the place of impact on the ground, so as to avoid standing on the lane approach channel "reformatory" for minors.

occasion revealed a "flower", as some faulty black box, And in the end - that the cause of the crash was a mess felernego trimmed shaft of the engine, therefore, given by the Russians 'official' resursy were completely at the reality.

What's the recall? Well, after that explanation riddle was possible only because the Il-62 "Nicolaus Copernicus" crashed in Poland, making the area a disaster could have been painstakingly collected scattered over a large area of \u200b\u200beven the smallest elements of the machine, and then submit the entire Soviet junk relevant analysis.

confronted with further evidence, the Russians could only spread his hands helplessly pulling out point by point from your version. Ultimately, however, admitted to us right after the crash in the Forest Kabacki, when the rupture of the motor shaft Il-62 aircraft.

All of this, stressed, has happened in 1980, under communism, in a comprehensive subordination Polish and Soviet Union era of the "Brezhnev doctrine".

Then "were able" to carry out reliable investigation. Today, paradoxically, in the era of "reconciliation" and "warming" - not anymore.

III. Russian modus operandi and Tuskowa consent to ignorance.

In light of this history shows very clearly that Soviet times, Russia has used the same modus operandi - support the guilt of the victim, to give way and only as a last resort, in the face of irrefutable evidence.

If Donald Tusk and his crew did not know about it, it means that the state does not work. But if they knew and still agreed to investigate putting the Russians, is guilty of treason. agreeing to remain in Russian hands of all material dowodówz black boxes and the wreckage at the head of Tupolev, agreeing to prevent the Polish side to search the area a disaster, Donald Tusk agreed to the same that the Smolensk tragedy will never be honestly explained.


After the last experiment with the TU-154M side number 102 is known that pressing the "Refugees" on autopilot and enabled the the lack of ILS at the airport, one way or another should result in the departure of the aircraft. More - such a procedure is described in the training material which has reached the parliamentary team led by Antoni Macierewicz . We also know that 10/04/2010 at height of 100 meters fell command "come away," repeated by the second pilot, and yet the plane was losing altitude. And we even do not know whether this pesky button in the decaying wreck Tupolev is depressed, and if so, why did not work. We do not know if the snap PN-5 (corresponding to a navigation system) and PN-6 (configured with the automatic transmission), which spans the key that the "Refugees" are still on Siewiernym whether also wandered unknown.

IV. Treason.

Needless to say this clearly, once again, moreover: on the altar of short-term, political and "pijarowskich" games, Prime Minister Tusk has devoted and continues to devote the fundamental interests of the Polish. Focusing only the Smolensk disaster (I purposely ignore issues such as energy and raw materials), he did it several times:

First Putin regime has taken the game depreciation calculated on the Head of State, President Lech Kaczynski, participatory in the infringement break obchodó at Katyn in 2010 on two separate visits. As a result, the first visit of 07.04 by the Russian side has been treated as a priority, while the second - 10.04, with the late. Lech Kaczynski - like a private tour (at best).

Second agreed to take over the investigation into the formula requested by Russia. Everything is to play in the internal "market" the political leader of a constructive, warming relations with the Kremlin. If you count that Moscow was appreciate it and repay the friendly cooperation that is an idiot who should not hold any state. If, however, he realized that he gives fellow czekistom investigation on "eternal niewyjaśnienie" - is a traitor.

Third in confrontation concerned with the Russian, whose crowning achievement was the report MAK - in the most favorable interpretation - has proved to be a wimp, which also disqualifies him as a leader. This can be a wimp to be in Belgium, which has no government, and somehow goes on, but not in the country situated between Russia and Germany. Currently, Tusk did not want or can not extricate themselves from this network, which climbed at their own request. We can not afford it even on a symbolic gesture, as require repayment proof of passively agree with the Russian formula for retention Polish property - the wreck, the black boxes, corporate laptops, etc. - by the end of the Russian judicial investigation (all instances) - that is, forever.

V. Zamacho-related vulnerabilities.

conclusion, according to the present, very crippled state of our knowledge, we can say that the key was incorrect guidance of the aircraft from the famous "Tower of chimpanzees" for Siewiernym, so that the crew was not at all "on the course and path," correlated with a mysterious malfunction the "refugee" and related components. Weather conditions (fog) were of secondary importance. Polish pilots while engaged in what to them was, in accordance with procedures.

remains an open question whether it was a tragic coincidence resulting from the Russian "niedoróbek" or a deliberate action - attack - made on the principle: we'll bury you in "tutce" during the renovation of Samara (where Tupolev No. 101 from May to December 2009, underwent major renovation), so that in favorable circumstances, the plane went down, then we will wait for an opportunity ... This opportunity can be a little bit of help (breakdown of the game in the Katyn ceremony.)


answers to this question might have to give examination of what the government Tupolev "101" was. In addition, significant circumstantial evidence could provide knowledge about what is under the tarpaulin on Siewiernym no . Which elements of the aircraft itself came to an unknown destination and never returned.

But you never know. Never. Why do not we learn that the Prime Minister of the Polish government sold it all for purely "Pijarowski, elusive, mirage of Polish-Russian" reconciliation. " sold us. Sold to Poland. He sold himself.

was worth, Mr Tusk?

Talking Mushroom

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Statistics On Dyslexia 2010

Absolutizing Third Republic in this propaganda here has one primary task: to make any contestation of the present order appeared as an attack on democracy.

I. Trauma "gods of democracy."

kindly beg readers that Waldemar Kuczynski many days he could not recover from the trauma, which was to him a demonstration of the suburbs of Krakow in the first anniversary of the disaster Smolensk. Yet on Friday, still immersed 15.04 was in profound shock, which found expression in "Election", this time in the text Traffic serious hope ". In fact, wrote the same thing as usual, just like with a bit more madness pen, as if reported live birth of Nazism and the last days of the Weimar Republic. So mumble about the "chief" surrounded by a "cult", "lots of close totalizm" and above all - a "dangerous movement of hope, who believes that tomorrow belongs to him." I have the impression that Mr. WK several times a day watching the musical "Cabaret" by Bob Fosse with particular reference to the famous scene from the beer under a cloud, which significantly impairs their perception and view of reality.

And maybe not. It may very well know that smalone Duby weaves and writes what he writes with full premeditation. Indeed, his voice perfectly weaves a massive propaganda fear that seeking the opinion of the leading centers (with considerable success) to afflict society. Well ... Our gods of democracy "over the past twenty years, this discourse developed to perfection. Kuczynski is only one vote, not the most important, but undoubtedly the most hysterical.

Diagnosis? I will not be revealing: "the beneficiaries of the Third Republic," begins to smoke under tyłkami, smell and feel already the first liźnięcia flames, hence the desperate moves and hellish clatter, which increase from morning to night in all the "friendly" mediodajniach.

II. Absolutization of the Third Republic.

So far, however, different individuals before they disappear from their Parnasów to replenish the dustbin of history, let me study, which is dismantling grown ad nauseam propaganda of fear. Specifically - the fundamental ingredient - a kind of paradigm and the lies of incorporation, which allows different Kuczyńskim weave his paranoid słowotoki while maintaining the semblance of logic reasoning.

at that lie is the identification postokrągłostołowego agenda of the Third Republic with democracy as such. Of the many coming within the framework of democratic political forms - political, it was decided to raise to the rank of the absolute potato, known as a pathological product of the Third Republic. This made absolute Third Republic no propaganda here in this one, the basic task: make any contestation of the present order appeared as an attack on democracy.

By the way - I personally think that the so-called. opinion leaders to promote intellectual beszczelne abuse (obviously fake), quite deliberately, because it allows them to build the desired narrative. According

of that "narrative", since the Third Republic is (although some, minor imperfections), the only possible form of democratic political system designed for contemporary Polish, is the Fourth Republic, of necessity, must be a product of neo-totalitarian, anti-democratic and potentially - a criminal. Following this path, showing all the superficiality state (and its formal procedures) becomes heresy , automatically excludes the preachers from among the law-abiding citizens, and places the "heretics" in the company of dangerous subversives ekstremistówi.

III. The challenge of the Fourth Republic.

Meanwhile, the Fourth Republic (in my own, private, within the meaning of the term) is nothing others, such as in-depth package of reforms aimed at eradicating systemic pathology-installed software in the quasi-state solution agreed magdalenkopodobnych surroundings.

But, of course, the Fourth Republic is not merely a draft "technical." I am sometimes a bit skeptical of the national mysticism, equal to the pedestal of the "spirit", while the tendency to ignore reality, however, can not fail to note that the condition state has a direct bearing on whether the Poles "want to want to" .

Is it worth trying, or rather forget about, or engage, or to cultivate the attitude of "my cottage country", whether to stay at home, or go for the bread, and we feel that the State is acting on our behalf and for us, or is it an oppressive apparatus serving the devil one knows who - in a word - that the Poles feel at home at home. Finally, if we have the feeling of being free and proud nation of great historical achievements, or whether we allow ourselves to dishearten seeping everywhere "pedagogy of shame".

Such a challenge , slogans speaking, is the Fourth Republic. And "the beneficiaries of the Third Republic" perfectly aware of this. It's just that at the same time realize that this project will inevitably destroy the many ecological niches in which they found their feeding grounds.

Bo IV RP is the subjectivity of Poland and Polish people. So in the internal domain, as well as internationally. So in the economy, as in the sphere of culture. In all fields. Awaited "Fourth" is also a state of mind of each citizen.

IV. So what to do?

Well, what have to do postesbeckie władzowo-business systems? (Recall the feta, which arranged Leszek Miller "Polish" Business Center Club.) What has to do with the point of absurdity bloated bureaucracy, indeed coupled with the political "leisured class" (actually - a caste of idle), fortified manifold guarantees securing exclusive status? What have they done with the project IVRP various industry sitwy caring to everyone "Not your" smashed the head of the glass ceiling? What do they do so as former officers and present, overt and covert dwupłciowych, its associates, whores and pimps? (I recall here the notorious Zbigniew S. ps. "Germany" from the times of incidents at the Cross). What do agency finally has various major countries in the interest of which is to keep "in Poland or anywhere else," the status quo? In the end - which is to do so IVRP. "Salon" functioning - looking from the perspective of the state - as a "superstructure" above mentioned groups, whose task is to maintain native "cattle" in a state of permanent, mental inertia?

know what to do.

First identify the public perception, the tangled "informal network" of democracy.

Second contemptuous ridicule croak "heretics" occurring przeciw ustrojowi III RP. (Słynne „podrywanie godnościowych podstaw prezydentury Lecha Kaczyńskiego” przełożyło się bowiem również na „moherów”, przy czym „moherem”, tudzież „pisuarem” jest każdy, kto podważa „demokratyczne” imponderabilia).

Po trzecie: wytworzyć wrażenie, jakoby ta ciemna tłuszcza miała być śmiertelnym zagrożeniem dla swobód obywatelskich, zaś politycy którzy wyrażają jej emocje – pogrobowcami Hitler (wildsteinowskie "reductio ad Hitlerum" - here in a slightly different context).

So you want to - once pathetic, sometimes dangerous - depending on the current needs of the self-appointed trustees public discourse.

V. In the trenches of legalism.

Then there is the last line of defense - as much blunt as hypocritical legalism. There are, true, totally-rozumicie, legally elected authorities, so anyone who goes against him is part of antistate. And with such a feature is not what happened cackać as hand raised to the power must be cut off. Besides, once gained power ... you know?

Sure enough that people like tunes that they already know. I give up in the mass filtered poison in their ears. I am not a hurraoptymistów. Do not fool myself and I know that most of the social is still saturated with "legalistic" propaganda of fear to the throat.

VI. Fears of Mordor.

But on the other hand - view of the crowds at the Krakow suburb and Castle Square (whatever pathetic lies on the size) had to call among the "beneficiaries of the Third Republic" mental unrest, so he gave vent to the text cited at the beginning of Waldemar Kuczynski. What's more - those who came were not acting under the influence of rzewnego impulse, as last year. arrival of that day at the palace, although hectoliters a year of hogwash and disinformation operation , it was a conscious choice. Also political.

Mordor knows. His mind did not escape the snowball over the years effort, "Polish newspapers, publishing success," I think Sculptures ", the increase in listenership of Radio Maryja, triumph second hand" okołosmoleńskich "film - last but not least - the growing role Internet and right-wing blogosphere.

enough to be afraid. Just to realize the history of the reverses to the card. Hence the unconscious miotanina frustrated chimpanzee in self-constructed golden cages. Hence, these droppings blindly tossed a gradually increasing, the passing crowds - "idiots", "cattle", "swołocz", "Yellar", "people from the zoo" ...


They know what they might lose. Therefore, the current, corrupt to the core agenda, will they call democracy. Will be threatened "diffusionists. They will flip through their fears for the nation, which is the word, especially written with great letter, so frightened of Mr. Kuczynski. Will be employed "dragon tongues" in the subsequent sections propaganda of fear.

Until the end. Their

or ours.

Talking Mushroom

Illustration by AdamaDee

Gay Sauna Bombay Inde

Mo'ike dreams - the art of interpreting dreams

method, which will be discussed here, is short, fun and simple. The best interpreters of their dreams is ourselves, and giving this method I want to help you get rid of senników tudziez time-consuming processes and analysis of associations themes. It is possible to directly reach the real meaning of our sleep, which results from the conclusion of the fifth wysnutego principles of Huna, which reads: "Everything is alive, is aware of and responsive." Everything that exists contains the figures and objects of our dreams, and the same dreams.
way to interpret dreams is to play them aware of the course in a state of relaxation and directly asking them occurring in the characters and objects such questions as: "What are you doing here?" "What it represents, which is a symbol?"
Most person, animal or object will speak to us and provide information they expect. If you want to talk to sleep as a whole, should imagine that he is a ball. Where it concerns matters that produces even a little stress in your subconscious, that character may not want to answer questions, so that you get interesting information, you will need to be particularly nice and convincing and very firm - depending on your personality. If, however, there was no response, use the technique of "trial" of interpretation. It involves that we ask the question and answer it knowingly making this up, though we spoke for a particular character or object. It does not matter that it sounds strange, it's important that it works and it works, because you're able to have made up answers on the spot, which it does not matter, because of the conclusion of the second principle wysnutego Huna, which reads: "Everything is together combined. "After several attempts to test the interpretation of the technique will find that the spontaneous responses begin to flow more easily.
interesting fact is that the memories from the outside world is like a dream and interpret them in the same way. Once, while staying in Malibu I ate lunch with a friend.
When we talked about our work on the transformation, he heard a man, sitting at the next table and invited us on the show, which, he said, interested in both of us. My friend did not have time, but I went there and immediately started asking the question: "What the hell am I doing here?" The meeting was so horribly boring that I left earlier, although there was another mine friend with whom I have not seen in a long time. Demonstration project concerned the creation of a center. It had cost $ 22,000,000! Some of the money was earmarked for a huge dome, which for some obscure reason it was intended to partially embed into the ground. The second part of the money had to be made to create a system of intelligent computers based on technical solutions, which, as yet, not invented. Yet another part is allocated to the promotion of inventions such as a device that is mounted on the nose in order to automatically wdmuchiwało air alternately to each nostril, and thus helped to practice yoga. And that was the best idea. After leaving the meeting I felt bewilderment and despondency mainly due to the fact that by trusting intuition and running, I believed that all of situations that happen to me, serve my goals established, and this experience did not seem so. I had to choose, or doubt yourself, or even begin to believe. I chose the latter, and treated the whole incident as a dream, asking those participating in it any questions regarding its interpretation.
As it turned out, one reason why I found myself at this meeting was a positive boost on it encountered a friend, and another - awareness (through the exaggeration) of their concerns related to the fact that maybe my project, which is then dealt, were also dull. So, given that life is a dream, all the memories can be treated as the dreams and work with them.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Examples Of How To Thank A Programme

Three regions

the outside world, there are three regions, namely land, sea and sky. Also in the inner regions of the world are three, at least in the scheme of thinking Hawaiian shamans. These are Lanikeha, Kahiki and Milu.

Lanikeha a higher level of the invisible world. That there is God, angels and saints, are living there and play with the gods and goddesses, there is the home of countless heroes and myths.
Maybe happen that night, reliving important supra-natural sleep, we find ourselves at this level. Shamans go there first and foremost inspiration, as he did, Maui, to discover the secrets of fire and plant cultivation.

Kahiki, average level, is the inner region, which most closely resembles the reality outside. It takes place on most of our dreams. The fact that the word is similar to the Kahiki "Tahiti", it follows that these are the same words, but in different dialects. In Polynesia it was common practice of naming names in the external world, determining areas of the inner world. The Kahiki Hawaiian language means "foreign, strange" or "power to do something." In the language of tahiti tahitańskim word means "resettlement, transplanting" and "exceed". In conjunction with anything else, the importance of these
refer to the use of dreams Kahiki to make changes to the world around us.

third region is Milu , Lower Level. It is a place of nightmares and test of strength, as well as the area to which shamans often go in search of a vision that is necessary to recover the lost power.
In the next post we will start our process of working with dreams in Kahiki, which now and then at night.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Does A Pumping Toothache Mean

chimpanzee in a cage

Posted by Adam Michnik for "Komsomolskaya Pravda reminds me of the furious but powerless chimp, who was only in the compressive Visitor droppings.

I. When the "legend" let go the brakes.

software I do not write separate notes by Adam Michnik, a former Oberredaktor truth is that it is, everyone sees. This time, however, could not stand, because the statement for "Komsomolskaya Pravda, which nagłośnił portal" is an exceptional example of the spiritual-intellectual downfall. The unique, if only because Michnik in his statements for domestic consumption, internal, for various reasons, has a certain reserve. He let go the brakes only when the statements given to foreign media, when in the blissful belief that, in Poland no one read it, and even if you read this zmilczy, freely, in giving vent to what is really a game in his soul.

cite this rash intellect " legends world of journalism, public activist and one of the founders of the Solidarity ", as shown in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" a subject discussed here. I am offering for "" in the translation of Maxim Gołosia:

"Of course, part of our society is sick with xenophobia and rusofobię. Well, freedom is for everyone, for gifted / wise fool for swołoczy (swołocz - by SJP: contempt for the progressive party unfairly or mean or for people budzących disgust with his behavior or appearance - editor. MG) are idiots who claim that there is no independent Polish, and a German-Russian project. This people from the zoo and a frantic anti-Russian complex . " (Bold mine - GG)

II. From the NRA to "NO".

Note the additional circumstances surrounding this senseless bluzgowi invited, with argue that those who do not buy the Russian version of the disaster is rusofobiczna swołocz Smolensk, while those worried about the progressive loss of PO under the Polish personality in the international arena are zakompleksionymi copies straight from the zoo ( that is, to put it bluntly - animals Unless you want to offend the staff Oberredaktor a zoo).

fact first. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is a tabloid, or prasopodobnym creation which Adam Michnik - a real aristocrat of the spirit - in the domestic backyard greatly disgusted. More - is the most widely read Russian newspaper, so in the local realities must be controlled by the Kremlin and the present point of view of the Putin regime. Such a fighter for freedom of expression, as Adam Michnik has to know unless wychlana vodka with him to the Urban wyżarła the rest of the brain (sorry for the style, but unwittingly enter the poetics of "the legend of world journalism"). I remember reading the same relationship to the portal "Gazeta", as Michnik boasted that, at some event Club Wałdajskiego Putin asked the same question about the status of human rights in Russia.

But it's all null and void when it comes to dig at the international forum for the hated "swołoczy" (how beautiful it is in harmony with the memorable "beasts" Bartoszewski, right?).

second fact. For "Komsomolskaya Pravda also spoke Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz (quite modest), and editor Gadzinowski - a former MP and co-SLD urbanowego" NO ". Michnik's statement is far closer to Gadzinowskiemu, I think that Urban - a colleague from the glass - it could easily print out at home. Not odstawałaby or on-line or on the level of editorial uszatego weekly. As he put it aptly in a comment Kuki the notes Andrew Tatkowskiego "I, swołocz and idiot" : "From the newsletter KSS KOR to" NO "Urbana. PM was in exactly the same place as Gadzinowski. "

III. Michnik as the USSR.

While we're at the scrap Andrew Tatkowskiego, slightly modified to cite the comment that if "hot" posted. Now, guided by an unhealthy curiosity I looked at the portal, "Election" and it turns out that "GW" somehow this memorable history of his head is not praised. Strange, they are ashamed of objective and balanced opinion of their Chief?

Instead, he is kabotyński letter in which Michnik solidarity with Andrzej Poczobut, Belarusian opposition journalist imprisoned by the Lukashenko regime. Also hangs proudly sonorous appeal for his release.

Michnik behaves like the Soviet Union during the Cold War, when the Soviets supported "democracy" on the rotten West, financing pacifists, green and various "activists for human rights" that explode wraży "dip" from the inside, at home and poking dissidents to łagrówi psychuszek.

Similarly Michnik - fights for freedom of speech on orbanowskich Hungary, where zalęgli, nor misses, pisowcy "fools" and "swołocz" straight from the "zoo." Also struggling for democratic freedoms in Belarus, Poland and polemicists chasing process ... with almost similar paragraphs! ( Poczobut was accused of insulting Lukashenko, Michnik us via the "Agora" ... sue for defamation of his opponents! ). Once the said to Christopher Lesko something like this: "Christopher Robin, if you want to do a free newspaper here, after my dead body" . For Robert Tekielego shrieked while still in his famous '80s: "destroy you, do not exist" .

IV. Powerlessness and frustration.

This delicious as Saruman the devil himself (so brazenly cocoon Ziemkiewicz by analogy), however, feels that his time is running out, that the revenue decline - even in his own newspaper, where he is now only a de facto "honorary chief" who can not even throw a Domosławski there too in-depth biography of Kapuscinski (although written for good items.) There can also lock the Journalist of the Year award for that, and must settle for impotent piekleniu with large video screen. Ziemkiewicz posted in the context of Tolkien Sharkey'u, I would add the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy whom they look more shamelessly for the curtain.

Fall Michnik also has socio-political. Mohery raise its tangle, PiS did not go into disarray and still is a viable political force. All contrary to the wishes and recommendations of the enlightened Adam, knowing what his legendary vanity, takes as a personal insult. Until that Donald does not have adequate czołobitności treating the Body as a tool that has no choice but to support the him for fear of Kaczynski.

What is Michnik? He is in the Provincial clowns, indeed discharging his helplessness and frustration at foreign, let and Russian putinowskich, tabloidalnych, forums. Where is the power of those years when a single word, a grimace, disapproving curvature of the lips, Wildstein exempted from work in the "Republic"? In addition, this power ruffled his own hands, deciding to disclose potential of the Profumo case which apparently was not aware. Sam released the demons and the awareness that can not be for the former Saruman (Oz-a?) \u200b\u200benjoyable.

At the end of yet return to the unfortunate metaphor of the zoo. I am personally of the zoo associate Adam Michnik was speech. Specifically - with as much angry as powerless chimp, who has only compression in the feces of visitors.

Talking Mushroom

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kashi Goleanaustralia

Polish "slate" for Gazprom? Fear

ćpali Will Russian gas extracted on Polish territory?

I. "Ekologiści 'versus shales of the Russian services in the background.

Not so long ago in the scrap "Ekologiści and the Nord Stream", describing the occasion jurgieltu in the amount of ten million eurorubelków, which satisfied the German jurgieltem Gazprom "environmentalists", expressed supposition that soon these same "environmentalists" (actually a "ekologiści" because ecology is a science, and environmentalism This ideology) will arrive soon to the Polish, to protest against the construction of gas terminal, or operation of the Polish shale gas. A few days later I looked at the portal "" and what I see? Well, I fejsbukową statement Jarosław Gowin, who announces that:

" April 18 to Warsaw attracts the Greens from across Europe to protest against the mining of shale gas in Poland. Gazprom joins the offensive. accident or Green selects the most to us from Germany. If we extract the gas, Nordstream lose economic sense. The largest Polish war in times of peace ... "(bold mine - GG)

The above information corresponds to its own portal, which is relying on his informant reported that over 50% of licenses issued by the Ministry of Environmental exploitation of shale gas found its way into the hands of companies linked to Russian mafia and Russian departments (which is the same thing, because the service offers the mafia his "crystal" - that is such a symbiosis.)

II. Russian "pianos."

assume that this information is true (because knowing the susceptibility of Government PO - PSL to Russian energy pressure, there is no reason to doubt). This means that the extraction of shale which could potentially bring us to the sovereignty of energy generation will face in coming years more and more new "insurmountable difficulties". Russia since the game here on the many pianos, to defend its position of hegemony raw materials, and the slate of anti-Kremlin protests sponsored "green" and the activities associated with the services of Russian companies do not have, despite appearances, no contradiction. From this fact as I know, Gazprom, for now, does not have technology and know-how to enable extraction of unconventional gas.

III. Two variants.

If you read the situation correctly, the business-mafia's meeting will focus on adequate knowledge about the Polish deposits and will put their paw in order to prevent exploitation . Even if other concessions are granted to companies not affiliated with Russia, and so will mean that - in the optimistic scenario - half the water would start mining a smaller scale.

A pessimistic the Kremlin, through its branch office in the Polish state apparatus, it will be before Western investors towered red tape; PGNiG stubbornly will not see "economic sense" in obtaining shale gas, and Russian diplomacy will be lobbied, by "Zapadnyj" gave the company spokójz no interference in its sphere of influence.

All this will take place at a constant jazgocie zegnanych to Polish the whole of Europe "ecologists", calculated on the confusion of public opinion and creating around the "slate" a hostile atmosphere, which will have to count as politicians and international consortia.

IV. Russian gas from the Polish deposits?

guess that at some point Gazprom considers that Poland has a strong enough position to put the Russian lach, strupieszałą infrastructure and invest in our mining and fellow Americans steal Chekists appropriate technologies, as they do for decades . Then obey the "headquarters" green tałatajstwo stops and moves like magic clamor for other legitimate at this level, stretches.

And we, the old way we ćpali Russian gas, which wydobywcą, distributor and exporter, Gazprom will. Russian gas extracted on Polish territory.

Talking Mushroom

Monday, April 11, 2011

Voir Les Films De Jenna Jameson En Streaming


What are they afraid? And, it's they themselves know best. We also know we also ...

I. The fear of the Free Poles.

I can not resist the impression that the celebration of the first anniversary of the Disasters Smolensk cunning for mainstream IIIRP in an atmosphere of fear, which usually embraces a company in the face of signs of unification of social groups that the assumption was be doomed to marginalization and the slow demise of the porch in the shade somewhere.

This fear may not have been so sharp and so thick as year before, when a vast crowd in the suburbs of Krakow and the Wawel Castle during the burial of the Presidential Couple przyprawiły our "gods of democracy" by the state przedzawałowy, but also for Over the past month probably done everything possible to disarm the "demons of Polish patriotism." A few days before I wrote about the anniversary of the triumph dezinformacyjno-disintegration operations, which resulted is a social division which give the that part of the Poles shouted to me, a person, "puking Smolensk." Not withdraw from these words, but today I will focus on establishmentowym fear of those for whom patriotism is as natural as the air (and as the air every day unnoticed, because after all, we do not think without a break to breathe) a catastrophe which awoke from their lethargy, and who have just had the opportunity to again be counted.

Rymkiewiczowscy "Free Poles "are not yet a majority of society, but it turned out to be so numerous that in fear of them" elite "feel on the necks of a friend, a cool breeze.

II. "Test Table".

Fear, as is known, causes an adrenaline rush and either forced to act, or the opposite - crippling and paralysis sets in catatonic. Adept at checking such reactions are the Russians, which gave evidence of performing the action, which henceforth will be known as called "test plate" . Of course, the Kremlin chekists aware of the social resonance, which cause plaque on the exchange of an Siewiernym and once again said "check" the Polish authorities - how to abolish the provocation in the confrontation with the Kremlin as much as with their own oburzonymi citizens.

test showed that once again, after the report Anodiny that fear and adrenaline acts on the present Polish authorities paralyzing. Prime Minister Donald Rusk (sorry, had to be "Tusk") software, as usual at the time of crisis, curled up in a and hid in a mouse hole. The most spectacular was, however, President retreat Komorowski, who, under any pretext, withdrew from laying flowers at the sarcophagus, Wawel Lech Kaczynski and Maria.

I have a riddle: what he did at this time permanently invisible Deputy Prime Minister Waldemar Pawlak of the PSL coalition?

III. Symbolic violence.

contrast, an example of fear-induced "positive adrenaline, this forcing the action, the reaction was the anniversary of Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz. Putting row of barriers against the Presidential Palace, so as to prevent direct lighting candles and laying flowers on the sidewalk adjacent to the Palace, is a continuation of the hard symbolic violence, which the president of Warsaw for months, consistently used in public spaces Street.

Famous "zadeptywanie memory Edition HG-in fact began immediately after the official end of national mourning, when the municipal services quickly, with unprecedented efficiency, clean up all traces - even congealed stearin. Who remembers Warsaw blocked with snow during last winter, and confront it with hyperactivity "ordinal" on the candles, it knows where the priorities are the current stewards of our capital.

the "anniversary" event said symbolic violence - the barriers and the police - had to say: gather here nieobliczalni extremists, enemies, force antyustrojowe from whom we must protect state-owned buildings .

always someone buys this message. Regulars from extinguishing pets on the necks of women praying, pouring the candles, insulting and kicking, no doubt they felt satisfied.

IV. Delegitymizacja memory.

This peculiar delegitymizacja memory, with a truly cultivated monkey teasing, like a chimpanzee feces ciskającego, was supported by a reliable, always faithful, mediodajniach. Gazeta Wyborcza revealed reflexes, communicating on their website feathers columnists, what should be the correct public perception Anniversary.

's headlines:

first "It niedoróbka, not Russian cheek" - Waldemar Kuczynski on "test panel" advises the commentators' a few drops of valerian, which would add up to himself;

second "Table of Smolensk. Someone who humbled? " - Russian here are guilty of theft array Polish provocateurs from Susan Kurtyka and association" Katyn 2010, and Russia ... proved to be too tactful! (Author - Albert Radziwinowicz, correspondent of "GW", Moscow).

third "Kaczynski gives me the shivers" (Alexander Szyłło) - the title speaks for itself;

4th "Antyżałoba" (Katarzyna Wisniewska) - press review at a right angle;

5th "Polish screams of" Ruthenian embassy '" (Gregory Sroczynski) - no because, like so You can, right?;

6th "Circus patriotic gave another performance of" - ironically equating "patriotic step up" in Poland z. .. Żyrinowskim. (Gregory Sroczynski).

was more of this.

Each of these texts is worth a separate study notes, representing the intellectual idiosyncrasies lined with anxiety, phobias, and finally - that comes from the subconscious feeling of alienation from the national community - the ill-will, quite mundane correlated with anxiety before losing the position of the Environment, which is provided by these laborers Environmental feathers are irrevocably bound.

scroll up a similar tone in the "current" electronic media commentaries. Because Jaroslaw Kaczynski said. And the crowd answered him. And "elite" to be invited before the cameras and microphones of journalists, social psychologists, the rest of this mętowni politician as we know it for years, is sad. bend copper face of Polish and deplore the political dilemma. Journalist (note - to comment on the event posting mainly women, who at the level of biological and cultural heritage associated with empathy) also deplore eliciarskim zboleniem. A "Lodge of the Press" on TVN24 invited, khe khe, "journalist Vladimir Kirjanowa - duty regime, Putin's spokesman of the Polish section.

V. What are they afraid?

summary, dezintegracyjno-disinformation operation on the living organism prokurowana Polish nation did not end. It will take a non-stop for this is the raison d'être "IIIRP beneficiaries." The first anniversary of the disaster was only the Smolensk stronger punctuation, which highlighted the true motive for the moment - fear, terror, thrice fear.

fear, forcing the subordination to a stronger and contempt for those who are saying this is NOT a stronger.

Fear, Preaching to adopt the rules of civilization zmongolizowanego bizantynizmu.

Finally, you have to respect to the above entities media persons ask: that they are scared?

And, it's they themselves know best.

We also know we also ...

Talking Mushroom