From April 29 to May 3 May Weekend was held in WDMie KSM - the good old Częstoborowicach . team composed of: Claudia Frączek, Ewelina Sikora, Rafal Gabriel Lukasik, Wojciech Chmielewski, Zechariah, Kaminski, and my humble self, ie Krzysio Smith spent time together with other KSMowiczami of Kumowa, Babina, Chelm, Lublin, Tomaszowice, Cyców, Świdnik, Jablonna ... Well, we were almost 30 The trip was phenomenal. Was incredibly eventful time. We had group meetings, games, movies and many other interesting things. Every day we mentioned saint. They were in turn Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Sister Faustina and brother Albert. We met many new friends, ate a lot of goodies. However definitely the most interesting day was Monday. He was brilliant. Because we had 20 guests. In the beginning was Fr. Thomas Bychawskim Gap with its subsidiary. told us a very important truth - that the Bible is true. More - we loved almost incredible courage. He said that, you seem the weakest and ugliest are great in the eyes of God. Ba - are the great figures of the Bible Moses, David, Jeremiah. Later came to us Magda - KSMowiczka a senior. Despite this, I have to admit - Still young at heart. She told us how it was with WDMem KSMowiczem and being in tough conditions. 15 years ago because KSMowicze today as they were crazy. Capuchin brothers arrived in the evening - talked about the retreat, which took place a month earlier in WDMie for the homeless. We were also told about the problem which they are saddled with these people. Dirty, hungry, addicted to alcohol. It looks like their life is terrible. No wonder they were happy with rekolekcjom, which gave them a week in another world. At the end it was ognisko i dyskoteka. Zmieściliśmy się w czasie do 00.00. Każdy z nas przywiózł ze sobą ogromny bagaż doświadczeń. A już w lipcu... kolejny wyjazd :D
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