Potential shale gas deposits in Poland, spent awake at night, not only to Gazprom, but also our "Euro-allies."
I. Inconvenient slates.
As reported by the Journal Legal Newspaper ", and with it such Rzeczpospolita and portal "wPolityce.pl" , the French parliament, under pressure from the nuclear lobby, passed a law prohibiting the acquisition of gas by hydraulic fracturing of shale, similar to the corresponding solutions Canadian province of Quebec and the U.S. state of New York. The pretext was the alleged negative impact of this technology on the purity of groundwater. Completely ignoring the fact that a recognition of the groundwater are at depths of up to 500 - 600 m, while fracturing takes place 2 - 3 thousand. meters underground. As the climate package - was "political will" to enact, it was passed - without the hassle of unnecessary facts.
In other words, I just found out that the potential fields shale gas in Poland, spent awake at night, not only to Gazprom - is equally dangerous for the various professional and ideological interest groups, let's call it - Eurasian. Starting unconventional gas production in Poland (because in any other European country to make such a scale as ours was not discovered) striking because in the current 'energy agenda ": puts into question not only the French atom (potential competition - gas-fired power plants), but also the Russian dominance of raw materials in the region and plans to expand to the West, and gas cooperation, Russia - Germany freshly sealed pipeline located North and the sense of the issue eurorubelków billion to be pumped to various "green" energy generation projects.
Besides, you may find that the slate will make the "climate package" and the associated sharp jump in energy prices in the coming years, no brakes on our economy as much as its creators hoped. Scandal!
II. Coalitionists.
I would like to point out that the commonality of interests makes it draws us extremely interesting coalition. "Environmentalists" (actually "ekologiści" because ecology is the science and environmentalism this ideology, I repeat it at every opportunity) podsypani jurgieltem Gazprom go under the cuff of the nuclear lobby, to the governments powers & bdquo ; old Europe "- Germany and France - are not, to put it mildly, concerned that grew out of them at the side of the dynamic, "nowoeuropejska" competition.
Therefore, (fear is already formulated) can be expected that Germany and France will for some time tried to push through the EU forum (arcywygodne tool!) Solution to prevent the exploitation of shale gas . Everything from caring for our wildlife, of course - after all, what was the testing ground "defense Rospuda Valley," has shown conclusively that the Polish nature is a common European good to be protected from the Polish barbarians. Interacts with this approach, Gazprom's policy of organizing for a long time in which the various kursokonferencje patiently explained what a terrible environmental threat is to extract shale gas .
Euro-directives, which, of course, we can expect to receive full support, "ecologists," that we can be sure, because as with Rospuda already been held, "trial shoot", which było przekupienie przez Nord Stream niemieckich ekologów protestujących przeciw bałtyckiej rurze. Wystarczyło sypnąć 10 milionów euro na „Fundację Ochrony Przyrody Niemieckiego Bałtyku” i voila! (szerzej w notce „Ekologiści a Nord Stream” ). Wpisuje się to zresztą w sowiecką tradycję sponsorowania zachodniego lewactwa, tyle że dziś odbywa się to już w pełni jawnie, legalnie i z poparciem „czynników rządowych” po obu stronach.
III. „Będziemy acted according to their own discernment ".
Well, roughly outlining the threat, and what about Poland? Well, Gazprom is developing its offensive in the western world pijarowską bombing policy and opinion makers antyłupkową eco-propaganda, our government and neither du-du. Do not organize their own "sympozjówi seminars" to at least partially neutralize the transmission of the Kremlin and the support that this transfer is achieved in the Western political and business centers.
Donald Tusk threatens true that "we will act according to your own discernment" , but if this "understanding" is supposed to look like in the case of Nord Stream, or our, Lord have mercy, "reaction" to the LNG terminal in Świnoujście przyblokowanie Russian-German pipe, it I miserably. So in fact made, that - as we all know - the Nord Stream pipeline has been placed where they wanted and how would its creators, while the government-Pawlak Tusk took water in his mouth and then flows quietly from mainstream 'satisfaction in the so-called. "Good press" in Germany and addictive us from Russia's long-term contract with Gazprom.
A good lesson in the German approach was the deputy head of the German statement ICA, Cornelia Pieper Rzeczpospolita , who first stated that in Poland fears are exaggerated, ", only to add:
"if Poland would insist on the expansion of the port for ships with a greater draft, the Germans are ready to support it. course, if the Polish plans to deepen the seabed will not infringe European laws on nature protection. I am surprised that raises these issues. Lots of good things happened in the Polish-German history, should focus on the future. " (wytł. I - GG)
Unless bet he plans to deepen the bottom" when it comes to the crunch, there will be consistent with the "European laws on nature protection"? In addition to this, let's not forget that the guards would ensure "ekologiści" the party of the Nord Stream Conservation Foundation of the German Baltic Sea "...
And besides, "so much good is happening", so choose the future right? Of cholera these big ships calling at the Polish. Wyręczymy was our port of Rostock ...
IV. Place the red cloth.
A similar approach probably will meet from Germany, France, "ecologists" and the EU structures on the edge able to issue a knife shale gas production: "Basically, yes, but ..." - and here will fall kilometer list of environmental restrictions to render unenforceable the entire party and / or uneconomical. And Russia will become a modestly from the side, rubbing his hands furtively czekistowskie hardworking, which is a hand that fits well with hard currency.
If you already have a look out for some hope somewhere (under current government), but rather in the economic interests of companies interested in exploitation of shale gas. It just so happens that the French company "Total" no worries about the position of the combined strengths of nadsekwańskich lobbies - nuclear and ecological (sic) - bought from the U.S. Exxon Mobil udziałóww 49% concession for the exploration of gas shale in the Lublin region. Polish companies investing in shale is a serious, serious money and power. They can run their own lobbying, bribing and if the current Polish non-government, then who knows, perhaps unexpectedly, and "our people" decide to resist, "antyłupkowej" coalition. It's just that after all, you may find that in terms of deposits located on Polish territory, Poland will have nothing to say ... rozdrapana attitudes like a red cloth.
But it's agonizing. So far, Gazprom has a hegemonic position with us, and if it is true that (as reported portal wPolityce.pl ") over 50% of licenses issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection for the operation of shale gas found its way into the hands of Russian companies linked to Russian mafia and services (more in the scrap "Polish slate for Gazprom," ), is the acquisition of one of our greatest assets will leave the thread, while the Polish economy przyduszona so. "Climate package" becomes lodged in the stalled for decades.
It's really the last call to the governing authority away from the team and take matters into their own hands. Nobody else will do for us.
Talking Mushroom
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