implicit message of action against the owner of the AntyKomor.pl is clear: the watchful eye of Sauron sees all, so do not scrape.
Stefan Kisielewski gomułkowszczyznę blunt once summed up by "ciemniaków dictatorship." As you know, odwdzięczono him up for it by the so-called drooping thud. "Unknown perpetrators". And yet, Kisiel, though popular, was not able to really threaten Gomulka. Today, although anonymous method does not apply to beat (yet?), But the mechanism of selective harassment point seems like a friend.
I. Crawling represjonizacja.
admit that when Prime Minister Tusk announced the government wojenkę "kibolami" which provided a pretext so. Bydgoszcz provocation was wondering if it is not that a testing ground, a kind of testing of the variant in the planned trial of strength with the opposition. After recent events, however, came to the conclusion that "Waadza" opted for another solution. Instead of introducing a sort of state of emergency and delegalizować PiS, which would cause a fatal impression in Europe (and during the Polish presidency), has decided to "creeping represjonizację" public life, which provided the ideological justification mad with hatred of the "Duck" and "mohair" Salon, screaming about the danger of fascist Polish. This "creeping represjonizacja" aims at creating the impression that it is better to keep your mouth shut and do not clamor against "waadzy" because "waadza" has long legs and can smother them all niekonstruktywnego krytykanta.
This is an "educational" dimension is the recent share against the administrator of the ABW AntyKomor.pl of which, until recently, few have heard. I dare say, it fell on him just because of this niszowości - implicit message is clear: the watchful eye of Sauron sees all, so do not scrape. emphasize once again - the purpose of the attack was elected with an absolute purpose. Similarly, the behavior of all proportion, for example, was hit in the Stanislaus Pyjas, which is not, however, was the prime dissident. One is the murder was intended to pacify the students' backgrounds in Krakow, as well as the current persecution are targeted at different groups - as long as the fans and more boldly entering the "real world" right-wing Internet.
II. Matoły frustrated.
difficult not to ponder on how to govern us nieudaczne matoły become oversensitive to the point of any criticism of his visit - especially if the criticism is lined with sarcasm or irony. Just like Kisieldw "ignorant" - they have unprecedented media coverage of protect, polls consistently show a clear advantage over the competition, shall be held indivisible governments to companies with exceptional spolegliwym coalition, and yet formulated any public criticism of the works on them like a rag to a bull rozjuszonego. What's more, the impression that they hurt the very existence of communities to which officially appear dismissive contempt: some "kibole" some "mohery, some Internet" opluwacze "...
I daresay that I know, what is the neural responses: a sense that their government is a catalog of disasters that spieprzono everything you could screw up, in all fields. I fear that this awareness reaches the end of the fumes of a propaganda podtruwanych voters. Life in this voltage, the specter looming on the horizon of the Tribunal, must be very frustrated by our matołów.
III. The fight against faszyzacją.
Hence all the stalking: twice the attempt to introduce Internet censorship through the back door, the notorious problems with renting halls for screenings of "drugoobiegowych" movies, the action against Radoslaw Sikorski discussion lists on the websites of newspapers, against the severity of PRESSPUBLICA (strange coincidence, just when the weekly "Sculpture I" hit the head of sales rankings), the repression of the solidarity tent in 2010, banning candles and tulips, or already famous seats of 500 zł for supporters of the Anti-donaldowy banner listed with the article of the Criminal Code which is a legacy of communism. The latter is indeed the final confirmation that the so-called. , "Hooligans" Tusk began to interfere only when the stands there were anti-government content, because after all the stadiums for years was not so peaceful as ohttp: / / www.blogger.com / img / blank.gifbecnie.
learned in passing that "Donald" is a constitutional organ of state, but whatever - these things still are not sure we'll know. For example, that if the point "creeping represjonizacja " complemented the highest in the EU the number of hot-tapping and case law of the courts is not enough, a decent, just and salutary will be the reference to "unknown perpetrators" who, after all, in the past many a gardłującemu "fascist "has already given advice.
Talking Mushroom
Illustration of the screen itself is published on the portal AntyKomor.pl Niezalezna.pl .
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