Blogerskie reflections around Congress, "Polish Big Project."
I. Media haze.
So many tears poured in over the cucumber salad mediodajniach intellectual resources of our political entities. That is, my dear sir, nothing happens, the lack of systemic approach, parties spend taxpayers' money on stupid commercials and billboards ... And here you go, Sobieski Institute last week held a grand five-day congress "Poland Great Project" (04 - 08/05/2011), during which outlined a comprehensive diagnosis of current state and provides solutions to serve the so-cocoon Frycz Modrzewskim, "repair Republic ". And what? Well - nothing. Grasping topic apparently overwhelmed the capacity of our luminaries pen, indeed microphone. And some sort of semi-mock note in "Election" and is mentioned in one or another television, where one notices that most briefing Jaroslaw Kaczynski with compulsory intercalation that occurred during the "right" or even "pisowskich" intelektualistó in (you could hear the tone pronounced the word "intellectual" with refer to the "pisiorów ")...
Indeed, I fear that journalism does not take a little twisted necks of the carefully look through these few days in another direction. All because, as one, they lived next government wrzutkę Tusk - Translated, that the war on kibolami that - this seems to me - it had such is the "cover" Congress is taking place. Interestingly, also a "Republic" (one of the media patrons przedsięwzięcia) jakoś nie pokusiła się o szersze relacje z kolejnych paneli. Przeglądam dział „Opinie” i widzę tam tylko jeden programowy tekst prof. Krasnodębskiego (tekst piszę 10.05). Wszystkich już otumaniło?
II. Stać nas na IV RP.
Ale ja w zasadzie nie o tym chciałem. Otóż, gdy przeglądam na stronach Instytutu Sobieskiego materiały, gdy słucham nagrań wystąpień kolejnych prelegentów (choćby w Niepoprawnym RadiuPL ), to widzę po stronie, nazwijmy to hasłowo, „propaństwowo-niepodległościowej” enormous intellectual potential, which until recently lived in a kind of dormant, or at most the "second circulation", which now kills the growing power of the voting rights and treatment as an equal participant in public debate. This forces IIIRP will not be able to ignore the long run.
Congress might in fact one basic thing: Camp IV of the Republic can afford a comprehensive program of reconstruction state, a coherent vision for both the most diverse aspects domestic policy and international affairs, and its primary determinant is the empowerment Poland and the Polish . Let's look at what is in a different thematic Congress
first Poland - strategic challenges
second Infrastructure. What accelerates the development of Polish?
third Governments and courts in Poland
4th Polish raison d'etat
5th What young Poles hiding?
6th Science and Innovation, namely how to build an advantage
7th Public media, Personal and social
8th Modernity - the traditional design (with the progress and the role of intelligentsia in the Polish intellectual tradition)
9th How conservatives can shape the Polish city?
Each of these points, of course, was broken in several instances, carried out by numerous specjalistówz range of issues. Since I want to put that overall picture emerging from the various lectures, debates, lectures and shows far-reaching decay under construction and "modernized" Polish 20 years. In other words - fiasco allegedly bezalternatywnego project of the Third Republic. You do not work, or malfunction in virtually all of its areas. This "country in the supposedly" does not perform any of its functions - from the collapse of an independent foreign policy, by sleeping in the sphere of infrastructure, education and social affairs. Moreover, Poland has a serious problem with his identity and thus - the term raison d'état.
However, we are in a hopeless situation. If Law and Justice, the only today a real opposition force, wants to reach in practice the government after the specialists (often with no clear party affiliation, despite what the media about plotły "pisowskiej" allegedly event), who outlined the collective effort is the "big project", This will be all the necessary qualities to emerge from the current state of torpor degenerating. And yet, Wiki intellectual resources are not limited to members of Congress.
III. Intellectual inertia "lying-elite."
Another thought, which arises, is the shallowness, not to say bluntly, the proposal to the Polish zgeronciałych more "elite" IIIRP - this "living room" trying to keep the dwindling handful of contemporary Polish intellectual life. Let me ask a rhetorical question here: Is this the environment, saying briefly - warszawce and krakówkowi - came to a head, to organize a similar conference, without measuring the illusion of being of our state and challenges facing it?
No, it did not occur because these countries story ended up at the entrance to the European Union , while further upgrading to take place rozwóji as if by themselves, together with the implementation of the next born in Brussels directives and recommendations. So much, briefly speaking, they have to offer society. All antagonisms, conflicting interests, inequality and gaps in European melted magma, and if this Euro-modernization encounters an obstacle, it is only because of the cultural "backwardness" Poles. For obvious reasons, are unable to make a critical analysis of the achievements of the Third Republic, as the achievements that they largely contributed.
Oh, I almost forgot - any documented diagnosis, showing that the solution built by them is ruin to sleep holding a pile of probably only out of habit, can only plug your ears and scream about the "fascism" .
why Congress had to remain silent at all costs, or make fun of - each controversy merits an attempt would be doomed to failure and "saloniarze" very well know this. Bo - Brukselo forbid - the local populace could be convinced that the "other side" does not stand a bunch of crazed "mohair" and "fascists", but competent, propaństwowo minded scientists and intellectuals formulating coherent and realistic Polish vision rehabilitation, which differs from furnished to us by luminaries IIIRP priwislańskiego grajdołka.
At the end of two good messages. First - present "lying-elite fields disappear, forcing them to do" more and more surrounding reality, "it's just a matter of time. They themselves, moreover przeczuwają and hence these doomsday cries. second - Congresses Sobieski Institute will be held every year - for the benefit of the Republic and all of us, I think.
Talking Mushroom
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