I write about this time, one - consciously for a few months before the election, because it leaves me weak party agitek procreation.
I dreamed vs. Right "party of the second choice."
Thus, as in the title: why vote for PiS? Also news to me, the reader might shrug their shoulders as the familiar-somehow my blogging journalism. Well, contrary to appearances, the matter is not so obvious, because for me the Law and Justice is a classic "second-choice party." Ultimately I would like to see in Poland right hand close to the Anglo-Saxon model - the Tory days of Margaret Thatcher or Reagan Republicans. Right wing conservative view of the world, tied to tradition, anti-(see also - antyagenturalną) and the free market.
free market - here an important caveat - not in the sense of so-called. "Neoliberalism", under which the name stands for the symbiosis of oligopoly power of large corporations, only to support entrepreneurship so. "Ordinary people". Support, that is - not hindering business. So much and so much. I wrote of his time in the scrap "oligarchs versus middle class" : "Independent family firm is more value than the same family working in international companies." Also it would be civic party - the primary season, in involving a party not only "active", but also registered supporters - not least members of associations and initiatives, "otorbiających" I dreamed a group.
to a certain point their hopes had in the UPR (now you can laugh, I will be happy with that laugh.) I wasted a lot of cards thrown into the urn on the lot, or at Corvinus personally. Another thing that the alternative was, what was. PiS still, as I said, is for me a "second choice" ... just what to do if, after "odkochaniu" in Korwinie, still the "first choice "I do not have a fall for the second time in any political party or politician I have no intention?
II. With full awareness of the flaws ...
Well, in the next election vote for Law and Justice with the full knowledge of all the defects of this group. Despite the fact that as the leading opposition force PiS doing, er, on average. Despite the weak reflexes (for example, a gas contract and the pipe along the approach to Swinoujscie began to scream when it was' s after birds), despite the depressed local structures, although the court around leadership consisting of the BMW's image despite the awkwardness, despite the distrust of independent initiatives, despite voting for the novella of the media law is trying to set up the back door of a muzzle on the internet ... could multiply these sins, we know them all. Only in the crash of Smolensk, as in a lens focusing the tragic state of our country, PiS its finger on the pulse of the (yet to be missed if not).
Well ... I'll now she wove cliches, but it is PiS became one of open political force opposes postokrągłostołowy, potato system, which by its apologetówi recipients is associated with democracy as such (more about this being assimilated I wrote in "Anatomy of propaganda of fear" ). And please do not jump out there with lyrics that Kaczynski was also on "Okrąglak. Jaroslaw Kaczynski treated for "round table" as a tactical step, not as a lapped splice system for ever and ever. Therefore created a political party - the PC, and therefore bound with Walesa, who was then in its calculation (an incorrect, as it turned out) "bargain" on a break with the magdalenkopodobnych wyklarowanym around "system." What happened after he won the "Fight" the presidency - we know. "Bolesław" chased "duck" in the devils, and brought on them the blame for his radicalism and kampanijny no thought to implement pre-election promises (chases commies "socks" and stuff.) The culmination of "wałkowszczyzny" was the night shift and topple the government of Jan Olszewski.
III. "Encyst" fudge!
Let's go back to the present. With all the flaws, I repeat, PiS remains the only real clout to think of the IV Republic, understood as a comprehensive reconstruction and liquidation of tormenting state of systemic pathology Poland. Fourth Republic has the effect also (and - above all) a change in attitude of Poles to the Republic – dobra wspólnego wszystkich obywateli. Kondycja państwa ma bowiem bezpośrednie przełożenie na to, czy Polakom „chce się chcieć”. Nie oznacza to, rzecz jasna, ślepego uwielbienia – choroby obecnego systemu politycznego nie ominęły również Prawa i Sprawiedliwości. Determinuje to m.in. system finansowania partii i ordynacja wyborcza. Dlatego tak istotne jest pilnowanie, jak nieustająco postuluje Chłodny Żółw, by nasze krówki – politycy nie właziły w szkodę.
Owo „pilnowanie krówek” may take the form of various social movements, civil, "otorbiających" party. It's already happening, after 10.04.2010 can be seen stepping up (without irony), but the "political fudge" - party activity - are hoping that these moves will ensure their unconditional support, in times of meat Get okołowyborczych cannon. And then, all these "solidarity 2010", blogger, you can rest tałatajstwa OLAC - the next campaign.
You "fudge" derived from the error. Please send clear signals that the support is not granted unconditionally and forever. That the next time "cow" can not get this support.
If in the next few years these "otorbiające" okrzepną movements, there is a chance that we - the citizens of the options, slogans speaking, the "independence" - gain a real influence on the program and the political party line. land, it does not give up zwasalizować, eventually may even live to see the described at the beginning of the text of participation in party primaries (or something similar, informal version). We will become an important voice in Polish political life. Will be included in the Republican big tent.
IV. LL - not the target, not those assumptions.
In conclusion, I can not refer to the concept of Łażącego Lazarus - this "movement", "bottom up" and "activation" based on "New Screen". I do it with pure self-interest - not least because, in order not to I could be accused of burying their heads in the sand. Well, even if not all of these pałętające in the background, "owls" and "pro militio" (do not settle - he writes a SCIOS-conditions, Lazarus second) is the time to start this type of initiative has been chosen badly. If this project was announced after the October election, sympatyzowałbym with him. Could become yet another important element of "otorbiania" PiS and obtain influence on our political line, "fudge".
Lazarus do not deny the good intentions, I appreciate it, but I think that in this case is not scheming to this page.
And yet the assumption that the offer is addressed to the disaffected and niezaktywizowanych citizens who have never voted for PiS, but they also have quite a platform ... including up to 3 million current / former military personnel and their families ... Well, we had then assumed the Internet equivalent of "NO" in the new layout, not a right-wing "New Screen". It just so happens that I have the extended family Lot controller retired military - as long as I know - this is quite representative of the person in that environment. Die sooner dead than vote for losing anything right.
And yes, if this action at all burned out, it could end snap some percent of the votes - from the pool, which would get the PiS - and confusion. Pair with a whistle.
Well, unless it's just a marketing gimmick ...
Khem, ponarzekałem each other on Law and Justice, and volunteered at Lazarus wishful thinking "encapsulation" PiS, propping up without asking for permission A cool Turtle. There is what I came out this agitka ...
Talking Mushroom
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