dirty sheep does not make sense to defend, the injury current. Lousy separates the sheep from the flock.
current I. It is a pity.
appeared last bit blogerskich texts whose authors take the defense of Martin Dubienieckiego. I understand, the character This was the last "on rozdzielniku" leading mediodajni the regime, so the natural instinct of every honest man is to stand up, who throw themselves into the throat killing machine of the "Election" or rabble of Tusk Vision Network / WSI24. Except that just when it comes to Mr. Dubienieckiego, damage power, really.
slightly modifying and extending their critical comment that I posted a few days ago under the text Rosemann "Marcin Dubieniecki, private person" , I will say this:
This "clear evidence" that the impact derived in Dubienieckiego is really a blow to the Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Although there is nothing to dwell on that, everyone can see. Equally "obvious self-evident" is that the media przeróżni Cato, indeed Vistula Bar tycoons, who for the purposes of Mr. Dubienieckiego recall about ethics and standards, the laughter in the courtroom.
just that Dubieniecki give and give even find reasons to attack. Take his throat in a matter of compensation for victims of the disaster Smolensk, which resulted in giving the local "cannibal" for spreading asumptu pazerności Marty Kaczynski because gardłował as its representative. Damage to image-hit course backfire in Jaroslaw Kaczynski and PiS, like public hucpiarskie dopominanie for places on electoral lists for himself and his wife, which the public could have the impression that the PiS is sort of like a family business, which is enough to marry, to have views on a cushy number. It is difficult to estimate losses caused by just these two excesses, and was, after all this any more.
Fortunately, Jaroslaw Kaczynski is Dubienieckiego allergies and did not blame him. Objectively speaking, Dubieniecki PiSowi harm - that guy with the potential obciachu comparable with the current activity Migalskiego, if not worse. Simply does not know when to shut up. A media hunt ...
Personally, I think it Dubieniecki nadambitny cwaniaczek, with an uncontrollable urge to glass, which noisily tries to soar above their own four letters. I think że temu bezideowemu karierowiczowi wszystko jedno czy wypłynie przy Ordynackiej, czy przy PiSie. I, niestety, nie jest osobą prywatną co czasem podnoszą jego obrońcy. W momencie, gdy z własnej woli opuścił sferę prywatności, dopominając się wrzaskliwie o możliwość robienia kariery politycznej, stał się postacią publiczną i od tej pory jego działalność podlega ocenie bez taryfy ulgowej.
Dodatkową obrzydliwością jest, że swoje ambicyjki usiłował realizować poprzez żonę, próbując uruchomić do tego celu w PiSie jakieś nepotyczne mechanizmy rodem z eseldowskich sitw of whom came out, but that did not go out with him. Often posed by this lady Marta Kaczynska in a very awkward situation. About Marcie Kaczynski well proves that tries to keep more on the political sidelines, thereby depriving the mandate MD, and Jaroslaw Kaczynski at that rained Dubienieckiego with his, sorry, gówniarskim tupeciarstwem the wire. At least this time it did not disappoint in the assessment of human instincts, which sometimes happened to him in the past (for example, "snooze" Janusz Kaczmarek).
II. Why now?
interesting is yet another aspect of the case: why it was decided Jaroslaw Kaczynski hit right now, long before the elections? Logical seemingly bringing this type of cannon at the height of the election campaign, when her husband's niece entanglement President PiS would have a maximum power of destruction. But now Kaczynski has enough time to finally cut off from the scrub, which unfortunately became his kinsman, and "hot" today indictment for several months will only nieświeżym cutlet.
there for me the following options:
1) thus decided to "neutralize" the approaching anniversary of the tragedy of Smolensk and prevent the rebirth of the atmosphere of National Mourning, whose memory still causes shivers on your back the wider "Camp of the Third Republic."
2) Another goal is creating a bad atmosphere around Martha Kaczynski, as a strong vote of support uncle. Divorced her husband who quit for szemranego guy with the mentality of matching provincial mętowni characteristic of local structures of the SLD of which, moreover, it is derived - it does not look good. Add to that cast a shadow on the memory of Lech Kaczynski because of the pardon criminals, whose combined with Dubienieckim business ties.
3) And finally - perhaps the issue is so Dubienieckiego "development", that is enough to fuel up to the choice of what seeing now is just a prelude, and the real bomb is detonated only at the climax of the campaign. This would be the worst case.
In conclusion, I think that is a pest Dubieniecki that if no one will explain it clearly to finally stop wasting opportunities to sit quietly, may his wyskokami play a very negative role in the election campaign. dirty sheep does not make sense to defend - I repeat once again: the loss of electricity. Lousy separates the sheep from the flock.
why I am writing this text now. After this, I would not have to write it before the election.
Talking Mushroom
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