Nazwa tej starej metody, stosowanej na Hawajach, oznacza „parzysty-nieparzysty" lub „udany-nieudany". Jest ona stosowana, kiedy chcemy określić, jak zakończy się jakieś zdarzenie lub przedsięwzięcie. Najpierw kładziemy na stole dwa kawałki materiału - mogą to być chusteczki do nosa - lub stawiamy dwie miseczki określając, która symbolizuje nas, a która osobę, miejsce, zdarzenie lub przedsięwzięcie, będące przedmiotem naszego zainteresowania.
then loosening up the body and focusing on the question of success, with piles of stones or stone beads and one with the other hand, we take a random bunch of them and put them into napkins or cups. Now we have two pebbles. To save time, convert the pebbles first assigned to you, because if it turns out that there are an even number - regardless of what is in the second
pile, received a sign that you will experience failure. If both of your pile, as well as the other is an odd number of pebbles, this arrangement also is regarded as a a sign of failure. But I do not podchodziłbym to this result so pessimistic. The original idea, it meant that no one is
winner, because the two odd numbers are offset by each other. On the other hand, if you accept the philosophy of win-win (oi - "odd" also means "successful"), this result may mean that the situation is generally favorable. Conversely, if your stones is an odd number, and those of others - even, it is a clear signal that the firm will achieve success, although you always have to remember that the information that get this
way has nothing to do with the future. This is the reading of the likely outcome resulting from our current attitudes and plans. If you change them, change the whole situation.
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