guarantee the survival of the journalistic profession is primarily a knowledge of what to say should not.
blogerskich I. About the Benefits of mediodajni.
replicated to a certain point quite popular in the blogosphere, the error of tracking with bated breath wrażych mediodajni and scoring in the high aspiration of indignation that there have invented a new meanness that manipulation uraczyli subjected to brainwashing bydełko native, what is the new diapazony skurwienia achieved and so on. From time to time, hurry to share their insights on the blog. After some time, however, dawned on me that this is the step to put it mildly, not very creative and constructive. Manipulations are in fact so crude, so transparent to each recipient kumatego average and are limited to so narrow repertoire of licks that it is only operating on our market closely regulated oligopoly score makes it known mediodajnie can boast of its propaganda as such effectiveness.
Well, unless they're absolutely nothing to write about - then even a cursory review of the media, both those written and utwierdzających ćwierćinteligentów in the belief that they are the elite, and those picture, not hiding that its offer addressed to the crowd, can provide blogerskiego samograja ukontentowaniu to the author and readers.
I must admit that recently I somehow "wychłódło", but hey - you need something skrobnąć from time to time to the keypad is not overgrown with dust and a man in his old age did not skonstatował with horror that does not know how to express his "bul" and "hope" and reached So, after blogging last hope of salvation and fired WSI24. Not fifteen minutes passed and I found my subject, which zaprzątnę the attention of those martyr who zerkają on my blog.
II. Counter-factual journalist leans over the fate of man.
Once I allowed myself to diagnose the existing model of the Vistula żurnalistyki as "counter-factual journalism" , or as a form of propaganda grown alongside the facts, and if you - against the facts. The spectrum of techniques includes tricks of the ordinary lies as a discrete przemilczeniach ending. And this silence is encountered in the material that attacked my senses. Here we report, "the site", designed to produce in the viewer the impression that the station, walterownia I mean, is not only how to criticize moherowi nienawistnicy "warszawka" dependencies. No! The station, my dears, do not hesitate to stoop to the concern over the fate of an ordinary man, a brave crew sent to explore the interior and provide as a result of the problems faced by the citizens of Gray - with care, understanding and empathy.
material blocking the route affected K-11. Well, desperate residents took to the Mouth of a way to claim the promised construction of the bypass them for years. I understand their pain, because I am a happy resident of the village for a few years enjoying the bypass was built on the basis of the plan yet Gierek (!!!) I compare the situation "before" and "after". From seeping from off-screen narration showed similar sensitivity walterowców, the more that the protesters brought posłówz banners with the names of the region, who promised the ring road and did not keep their word. The only member who appeared on the site and spoke with people was one of the PSL. He asserted that "do everything" to bypass back to the plans after 2013 ...
III. Discreet silence.
Wrróć! And here is the root of the matter, these dziadowskich "discrete omissions "that distinguish journalism court, counter-factual, from journalism bezprzymiotnikowego. What did we not hear because of the "information" and what viewers should know to get to know the full context of events? Well, not learned that towards the end of last year, supervised by the Ministry of Infrastructure head platformerskiej "cooperative", Cezary "Railwayman" Grabarczyk, crossed out with plans to build a road there, write a number of projects, because once that there is no cash and two - because their implementation is facing an "insurmountable difficulties". As a result, less complicated investments allowed by Prime Minister Donald could show up in spite of everything good "mileage" and postponed the difficult ad calendas graecas . Victim of this picownej "infrastructure policy" have died eg number of passes.
As written, this material is not told, for it was here in the cavalcade Car zajeżdżonym closer unspecified "policies", who conned "a simple man." Please, how beautiful. Serene country with TVN pochyliło over human injustice? Pochyliło. Politicians are pigs? Pigs, my dear sir, everyone will tell. The viewer is informed? And shit, and it was not in this game meant. The creation of the impression information.
Throughout few minutes doniesieniu never once not raining name of the Civic Platform, have lost not a word about Cezary "Czarus" Grabarczyk and his plan, construction of roads by the deletion, the Beloved Leader Donald Tusku not mention. Instead, he is closer to the vague, rogue "political class" which lies to the voters. Well, I can clarify and say whose names inscribed on the banner: Adam Szejnfeld - PO, James Rutnicki - PO, Stanisław Chmielewski - PO, Peter Wasko - PO, Thomas Mountain - Law and Justice, Max Kraczkowski - PiS Romuald Ajchler - SLD, Stanislaw Stec - LiD (club - SLD), Stanislaw Kalemba - PSL (he was the only arrived at the protest), Mieczyslaw Augustyn (Senator) - PO Głowski and Peter (Senator) - PO. On the 11 names of the politicians of the ruling six platforms (including such as Szejnfeld Szycha) plus one of the PSL. But, as you can see, this "does not need to speak loudly, and as we know guarantee survival in the journalistic profession is primarily a knowledge of what the player should not have .
IV. Standards manipulation.
Sorry to pollute a marginal event in total, but it represents a model of how what we can from the experience of leading mediodajni major issues. Like the assassination of the late łódzkie Mark Rosiak made by a former member of the PO and the former milicyjnego suddenly became a stool pigeon, "an attack on the entire political class" (because the victim was with PiS), so a protest blockade of K-11 route in the mouth or do not know why the whole is responsible & bdquo ; political class "(I owe this state of affairs is the ruling PO). One can not deny the officers walterowni - carefully watch over the standards in handling such matters big and small.
probably remember how recently after the announcement of cuts grabarczykowskich casually, some media reported that the pilgrims move to Warsaw, local governments, to pray to "their" investment, however, is not blocked. As you might guess, any chance there were those who truly live the party "the mountain". It is worth to a journalist traces the effects of these peregrinations ... Oh yes, sure, I see it, dreamed up, sorry.
I do not know if this is a recent result of a farm Prime Minister Donald Tusk, when it aired on WSI24 pogawędził you kindly, like a man with several musicians, but each one ruler since time immemorial pokokietować audience likes, but if the legendary "wajcha" was ever leaning in that direction is not what you need is the issue discussed above, the material I have no doubt that she returned to the proper position.
Well, I see that the volume of the text comes up at seven thousand characters, so I finished, I still I get tired and out to get me "burnout syndrome", and for people like me, Prime Minister Tusk does not provide two-year vacation.
Talking Mushroom
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