As has already been two attacks on Internet freedom, they will, and further, because proliferation of government regulation gives a natural advantage over the citizen.
I. Bat for malcontents.
Polish People's Republic In ancient times, when even thoroughbred Jacek Fedorowicz was a satirist, not a clown reżimowym producing party in the pages of newspapers only correct political force, said the author wrote an excellent text (unfortunately I can not remember the title), which analyzed the formation mechanism by a different bzdurnych and conflicting rules, which are not even all the way to know, not to mention the application of the ban on multiple orders. Well, these provisions, as stated, that a former comedian, is being created with full premeditation, so that it was impossible to follow them to "waadza" was on every hook and that the confrontation with the "camera" subjected ( because no citizen) was the top loser.
Obviously, the mechanism of repression is not chasing the forces and means for continuing the prosecution of anyone - only when the subject-citizen began to brawl, hop and grouse that something happened to him in leading the body does not like it, pulled out the culprit relevant paragraph: and this that "speculated" on the market, parsley, it is again something that the "arranged" on the side, or put in a garden swing for a child without proper permission. Those who remember know, and those who do not remember Barei recommend movies, indicating that reflect the realities of no less than today's fiction documents.
II. Napping restrykcjonizm.
For personal use call such relationships at the state line - a citizen restrykcjonizmem dormant, and I mention this because of something like that we have to do in case of noisy draft media law imposing an obligation on the Polish Internet potential not gag known in any civilized country, m.in associated with the reporting of audiovisual content to the National Council of dowsing and Telekinesis (© Ludwik Dorn), and subordinate them to the same requirements to be met by traditional television. The trick is tha precisely potentiality of this gag, since the half-dead state known as the Third Republic is not possible to keep track of all the websites, but I can still hit the spot, selectively - and this is the statute.
Indeed, if it enters into force in its current form, this will create for the Polish internet portals and websites, the situation described above restrykcjonizmu dozing. I bet that on a daily basis will not be any urzędas ślęczał in the network to see whether some of Georgia that he did not put filmiku without notice, the records remain in the nap, which, however, at any time could be awaken to strike with full force and majesty of the law, when a band of malcontents will "waadzy" kick, and generally do furrow contrary. Something like that has already tried to push on the occasion of gambling law, now seeing the second approach.
Fortunately, as in the case of gambling law, the case had turned around and Prime Minister Tusk Trouble rip naive first (the only thing he really comes out) now assures us that, absolutely, in my life and never had any intention of anything to gag and censor all aspirations are fundamentally alien to him. In haste appointed panel chaired by the Minister Bogdan Zdrojewski, the same who literally saw yesterday is not anything wrong in the law to clear the project with the provision zamordystycznych correct it at the stage of the Senate. You guys need to spin, Brussels because the pressure and threatens penalties for failure to implement the directives of the audiovisual market (Act should have been enacted two years ago). In short, a bordello and eggs - as usual.
We should not delude however - if have been two attacks on Internet freedom, they will, and further, because proliferation of government regulation gives a natural advantage over the citizen.
III. Knebel across party lines.
But Platform kit in the ear, after it could not expect anything else. The most disheartening factor This gloomy attitude of the fun is the Law and Justice cleared by bullets in the text Budynia78 "Ladies and gentlemen, Members' . Policies which resulted in a grouping roszczącego claim to represent the patriotic and conservative political and ideological options? Options consistently spychanej coverage from mainstream to the margins, for whom the Internet has become almost the last place of expression unfettered, organize, conduct discussions? Even an idiot knows that the current system of power reflected in KRRiTV it is PiS and its padliby supporters as the first victim of zamordystycznych restrictions.
Are Members of the PiS, have given the law, "the machine", as most of the voting laws adjusting our legislation to the EU? They did not know? They knew, but overcame injuries caused by activities platformerskich Internet trolls? They recognized that this solution is useful, as the notorious art.212 KK, which does not move no authority, because it's a handy bat for inconvenient journalists? Finally, repeat the Budyniem78 - are idiots, or perhaps protecting the idiots and traitors caste interests of the "political class", abandoning their followers?
IV. Do you need Internet Law and Justice?
Regardless of motives, trust in the PiS has been undermined and will not help there is no translation, the more that the weakness of the party site "structures" are not humble bloggers, Internet users and spontaneously engaged in grassroots network of thousands of plowing wpisó w, initiatives, starting with these initiatives in the "real" ... Germinates in me a suspicion that it was this spontaneous oddolność, inevitably uncontrolled rigid political control, it can be worrying hierarchical party structures. Besides official and zdawkowymi tribute sense attitude of "Negro did his ...". Too bad words. Well, unless Jaroslaw Kaczynski and his surroundings felt that enough for them, "Gazeta Poland" and the media okołoradiomaryjne.
And, just ... I look on the website created around a business card, "GP" Free Speech Zone - portal niezalezna.pl . The silence of the law. Free Speech Zone sees no reason for concern. With all respect for the accomplishments and merits of the Zone - burying their heads in the sand dictated by the wisdom of the stage is not a good solution.
Talking Mushroom
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