Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Julia Roberts Brown Dress Pretty Woman

counter-factual journalism once again

guarantee the survival of the journalistic profession is primarily a knowledge of what to say should not.

blogerskich I. About the Benefits of mediodajni.

replicated to a certain point quite popular in the blogosphere, the error of tracking with bated breath wrażych mediodajni and scoring in the high aspiration of indignation that there have invented a new meanness that manipulation uraczyli subjected to brainwashing bydełko native, what is the new diapazony skurwienia achieved and so on. From time to time, hurry to share their insights on the blog. After some time, however, dawned on me that this is the step to put it mildly, not very creative and constructive. Manipulations are in fact so crude, so transparent to each recipient kumatego average and are limited to so narrow repertoire of licks that it is only operating on our market closely regulated oligopoly score makes it known mediodajnie can boast of its propaganda as such effectiveness.

Well, unless they're absolutely nothing to write about - then even a cursory review of the media, both those written and utwierdzających ćwierćinteligentów in the belief that they are the elite, and those picture, not hiding that its offer addressed to the crowd, can provide blogerskiego samograja ukontentowaniu to the author and readers.

I must admit that recently I somehow "wychłódło", but hey - you need something skrobnąć from time to time to the keypad is not overgrown with dust and a man in his old age did not skonstatował with horror that does not know how to express his "bul" and "hope" and reached So, after blogging last hope of salvation and fired WSI24. Not fifteen minutes passed and I found my subject, which zaprzątnę the attention of those martyr who zerkają on my blog.

II. Counter-factual journalist leans over the fate of man.

Once I allowed myself to diagnose the existing model of the Vistula żurnalistyki as "counter-factual journalism" , or as a form of propaganda grown alongside the facts, and if you - against the facts. The spectrum of techniques includes tricks of the ordinary lies as a discrete przemilczeniach ending. And this silence is encountered in the material that attacked my senses. Here we report, "the site", designed to produce in the viewer the impression that the station, walterownia I mean, is not only how to criticize moherowi nienawistnicy "warszawka" dependencies. No! The station, my dears, do not hesitate to stoop to the concern over the fate of an ordinary man, a brave crew sent to explore the interior and provide as a result of the problems faced by the citizens of Gray - with care, understanding and empathy.

material blocking the route affected K-11. Well, desperate residents took to the Mouth of a way to claim the promised construction of the bypass them for years. I understand their pain, because I am a happy resident of the village for a few years enjoying the bypass was built on the basis of the plan yet Gierek (!!!) I compare the situation "before" and "after". From seeping from off-screen narration showed similar sensitivity walterowców, the more that the protesters brought posłówz banners with the names of the region, who promised the ring road and did not keep their word. The only member who appeared on the site and spoke with people was one of the PSL. He asserted that "do everything" to bypass back to the plans after 2013 ...

III. Discreet silence.

Wrróć! And here is the root of the matter, these dziadowskich "discrete omissions "that distinguish journalism court, counter-factual, from journalism bezprzymiotnikowego. What did we not hear because of the "information" and what viewers should know to get to know the full context of events? Well, not learned that towards the end of last year, supervised by the Ministry of Infrastructure head platformerskiej "cooperative", Cezary "Railwayman" Grabarczyk, crossed out with plans to build a road there, write a number of projects, because once that there is no cash and two - because their implementation is facing an "insurmountable difficulties". As a result, less complicated investments allowed by Prime Minister Donald could show up in spite of everything good "mileage" and postponed the difficult ad calendas graecas . Victim of this picownej "infrastructure policy" have died eg number of passes.

As written, this material is not told, for it was here in the cavalcade Car zajeżdżonym closer unspecified "policies", who conned "a simple man." Please, how beautiful. Serene country with TVN pochyliło over human injustice? Pochyliło. Politicians are pigs? Pigs, my dear sir, everyone will tell. The viewer is informed? And shit, and it was not in this game meant. The creation of the impression information.

Throughout few minutes doniesieniu never once not raining name of the Civic Platform, have lost not a word about Cezary "Czarus" Grabarczyk and his plan, construction of roads by the deletion, the Beloved Leader Donald Tusku not mention. Instead, he is closer to the vague, rogue "political class" which lies to the voters. Well, I can clarify and say whose names inscribed on the banner: Adam Szejnfeld - PO, James Rutnicki - PO, Stanisław Chmielewski - PO, Peter Wasko - PO, Thomas Mountain - Law and Justice, Max Kraczkowski - PiS Romuald Ajchler - SLD, Stanislaw Stec - LiD (club - SLD), Stanislaw Kalemba - PSL (he was the only arrived at the protest), Mieczyslaw Augustyn (Senator) - PO Głowski and Peter (Senator) - PO. On the 11 names of the politicians of the ruling six platforms (including such as Szejnfeld Szycha) plus one of the PSL. But, as you can see, this "does not need to speak loudly, and as we know guarantee survival in the journalistic profession is primarily a knowledge of what the player should not have .

IV. Standards manipulation.

Sorry to pollute a marginal event in total, but it represents a model of how what we can from the experience of leading mediodajni major issues. Like the assassination of the late łódzkie Mark Rosiak made by a former member of the PO and the former milicyjnego suddenly became a stool pigeon, "an attack on the entire political class" (because the victim was with PiS), so a protest blockade of K-11 route in the mouth or do not know why the whole is responsible & bdquo ; political class "(I owe this state of affairs is the ruling PO). One can not deny the officers walterowni - carefully watch over the standards in handling such matters big and small.

probably remember how recently after the announcement of cuts grabarczykowskich casually, some media reported that the pilgrims move to Warsaw, local governments, to pray to "their" investment, however, is not blocked. As you might guess, any chance there were those who truly live the party "the mountain". It is worth to a journalist traces the effects of these peregrinations ... Oh yes, sure, I see it, dreamed up, sorry.

I do not know if this is a recent result of a farm Prime Minister Donald Tusk, when it aired on WSI24 pogawędził you kindly, like a man with several musicians, but each one ruler since time immemorial pokokietować audience likes, but if the legendary "wajcha" was ever leaning in that direction is not what you need is the issue discussed above, the material I have no doubt that she returned to the proper position.

Well, I see that the volume of the text comes up at seven thousand characters, so I finished, I still I get tired and out to get me "burnout syndrome", and for people like me, Prime Minister Tusk does not provide two-year vacation.

Talking Mushroom

illustration: http://www.zycie.pila.pl/duze-zdjecia/20110328-blokada-k11-w-ujsciu/protest-blokada-k11-ujscie-10.php

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gpsphone Action Replay Gpsphone Gameshark....?

fortune from the image

Here lies one of the greatest mysteries of shamanic divination. Imagine an anthropologist on some tropical island to observe village shaman, as this throws shells, bones and stones, and then gave a comprehensive interpretation of the resulting systems. Scientist closely follows the shaman's operations, but can not guess the meaning used by the objects and the structure of the pattern that they create. Do not believe the man when he says that they do not have any meaning, and finally dismissed with the belief that the shaman is simply a fraud.
And what exactly does a shaman? Looks at the pictures. In my opinion, this is the highest form of divination, because through the combination of symbols and it stimulates the deepest layers of intuition. To do the same with the stones, relax and ask for a picture that will be available for current and future state of the people, places,
things or situations. Then throw all seven stones are not specifying which is the cumulation, and which are eo. When the stones are scattered, look at them without any effort. Consider only what is their resolution, what do you like it. You can assume that the stones were dots from which the child builds up a picture book. Try to combine them in the imagination in different ways.
While this technique is called an image, but sometimes the main point of appearing in the form of feelings. You can just look at him and realize the connotations that come to your mind.
If you feel that it would be appropriate, you can take into account the importance of individual stones, set in the previous description. Some of you have mastered this technique in the blink of an eye, but there will be some who will have to practice a bit before they get rid of the resistance against such actions. If it happened that, despite strenuous attempts, resulting layout with anything you do not associate, say thank you for your willingness to cooperate, ask that you gave a different picture concerning the same subject and scatter pebbles again.
If you do not like the picture, also in this technique you can perform the process of changing the system, which was mentioned in the description of the first method. In the case when you ask for a picture of another person, this technique can fulfill the role of the healing process from a distance. You do this in a conscious way to improve or transform the image by moving the pebbles.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mindstorms Nxt Software V1

Sub-mushrooms (odc.8)

How I know life is the Enlightened Platform Serene soon sprout a new political entity: Movement of Support Spacing.

Hi, after a long break coming back from at-a-tam-time column "Under the mushrooms' . Since the last scenes took some time, so some mini-notes will tyczyły events, taking into account the prospect of blogging, rather dim. However, if I return it to them because of their uncommon beauty, which would be a sin not to perpetuate. Here we go!

I. vertebrae government-parlor:

This platform electoral tradition: before the previous elections Schetyna cut out from the lists of people Rokita, and now the Tusk with "cooperative" Grabarczyk cut from the electoral lists of people Schetyna. There is a council, rather drastic, but it's always: let schetynowcy change sex. Is applicable to the parities.


This same Tusk bit earlier appealed to Polakówo increase in fertility, because it's ladies dzieju, stock strzyżonego by władzuchnę to bare skin bydełka fall and there will be someone to keep retirees. How do I know life is the Enlightened Platform Serene soon sprout a new political entity: Spacing Advocacy Movement.


the regime satirist Jacek Fedorowicz known to be divided between the granting of his genius in "Election" and "reverberant". Especially in the latter gives its all. Gee, what's not there! JF cut with a razor satire Kaczynski, pisiorów, Marta Kaczynska, Dubienieckiego, freaks of Smolensk (because Malysz scored a fall in Zakopane, ha ha, you see who it naprowadzał - that sample of Mr. Jack's sense of humor) .. . In short, uncompromising satirists like early PRL joking London "Reaction", while benefiting from proven, the Soviet models. Only the "Krokodil" will no longer appear. "Szpilki" and "Carousel" as well. Such a talent needs in old age wasting a party pisemku who read only the journalists and bloggers when looking for KROTOCHWIL topic. And the spirit is still willing ...

*** Okay, I know that Jacek Fedorowicz in PRL was a thoroughbred satirist, one of the best and "rode" in contemporary power. This is a more sinister view of the current shift vector dokopywanie today the most excluded social group, "moherom" and their political representation, all at the line of salon and drawing-room as the base. I wrote this once already ( TU), today I will write again: how is that even as nice and - seemingly - deprived the representatives of the so-called aggression. Salon sooner or later turn into a dripping venom, zacietrzewionych old men? Fate there, or what?


And while we're at komediantach ... Krakowski jump actor Globisz accepted without excitement, as uniżone skamlenie when the matter became loud. I just figured out (like he always wyczajają) that I can be that "waadza" temporarily not be trendy and for podśmiechujki not in danger, at least at this moment, krakówkowy ostracism, but you can collect environmental plusiki as "non-conformism, & rdquo ;. But then scared, poor thing, that bent and "unscrewed" skandalik. And I, because I have a good memory for the scum, I remember Globisz, as one of the votes in contempt of industry "- the teacher giving the reader some of Cracow was an act of szczekaczce pseudosatyryczne scribble Weritas Clara (Judith Krantz Gasior" - he, he) where the summit was to ridicule sophisticated humor of, quote, "the proportion of children's cells," Lech Kaczynski and the general kurduplowatości, hehe, "Gasior. But the barrel. MWzDM rolling on the floor the receivers and a few years later, under the leadership of Dominic Taras went to Krakow suburb of the crucified teddy bears, mohair kaczystowskich survivors crawl. Do you see your relationship? I see.


As you know, once Bronislaw Wildstein published the famous "list", for which Grzegorz Gauden, who was chief of Rzeczpospolita, sczyścił on demand "Election" Bronislaw Wildstein payroll . The fact that the revolutionary vigilance and purity Grzegorz Gauden ideological not eroded we have seen, when the committee headed by him from the list of subsidized sczyściło dissident magazine titles socio-cultural hateful, and generally having the wrong attitude towards zadekretowanej reality 20 years ago (after all, the very existence of "Frondy" or other "Arcanów" is an insult to every loyal citizen of the Third Republic). Gauden Bo likes to clean and it is on any segment for which only will be posted. Today, he does this example kaowca and cleansing, socio-cultural communication. Undertook the thankless role of such a salon MPO. Let every gaudenizm culture? Long live!

II. The oppositional-opposition circles:

What the ladies in Kluzików ? Well, it's good to please you, and even hopeless. Kluziki grow like a weed, specifically - reproduce by budding. Last wypączkował with Adam Bielan lifting the bowl with him a valuable part of kluzikowego DNA. And no, sorry, it was a code to a website through which PJN intended to communicate with the electorate, to refer a crushing electoral success and to change Poland. In coalition with the Platform. And Palikot behind. Because Poland is the most important.


So far, however, before "pjonki" THEIR crushing success, change the country and so forth, that I have lost a Kluzikowej spin-ka, so that somehow the party is not buttoned up. Apparently Bielan wypączkowano of PJN for some terrible disloyalty. These are the realm of political moderation - there pisowscy count no zamordyści who wywalają za jakieś głupie konszachty z Palikotem. Podobno Michał Kamiński też długo nie wytrzyma, na koniec zaś pani Joanna wypączkuje z siebie i stanie obok, za nią zaś Wierna Elżbieta i Waleczny Ornitolog. Następnie dokonają wiekopomnej fuzji z prorokowanym powyżej prorodzinnym Ruchem Poparcia Rozwarcia i w ten oto sposób otrzymamy wyczekiwaną z utęsknieniem Nową Jakość w Polskiej Polityce .


Tylko Bielana szkoda, bo Jarosław Okrutny kazał mu ustami któregoś ze swych przybocznych wracać do PiS-u w worku pokutnym. No i the problem is, because Mr. Adam accustomed to the luxuries in Brussels, wydelikacił, and beyond that - since when is Gucci and Armani different necks penitential sackcloth? That's where he's got this bag to buy - in Biedronka?

III. News from the court of His Magnificence the President Bredzisława "Mr. Lover" Bul-Komorowski, lord of Oborniki Buda Ruska, et cetera , et cetera, et cetera ...

Jaruzelski, unfortunately, will not be present at the beatification of John Paul II. As rumored, His splendor, president Bredzisław "chrabia" Bul-Komorowski sobbing on the ground at night in the pillow and towel soaked in the morning. Stress eats it, because what if this whole Vatican will have to again enter into some books and thoughts spill onto paper. Apparently Jaruzelski (the pre-war high school marian fathers) errors are not always doing and if you szepnąłby ear "Bronek, not so" ... And here what? Anka, shit, everything she saw and did not say a word. Kujonica unused.


blogerskie My investigation showed that after a known profanation spelling effected in the building of the Embassy of the Empire of Japan (and maybe Japan? God knows ...), messages were exchanged:

Dispatch No. 1: "The people of the Empire of Japan combined with the Polish nation in the bulu and hope that for anyone not too late for tutoring. "

Dispatch no.2: " The Polish nation of Japan is responsible that his fellow Bigosław is not wymądrza up correctly, does not show that kind of better and asked to tick from Bigosława! "


lemmings state of mind at the moment (quoted from an Internet user on the portal TVN24 ): "I read these entries and makes me sad. The president made a misspelling? Committed. Well, but what of it? Everyone can happen and so much! In addition, do not hesitate to write a competent president makes his position. (...)"


Let us, therefore - if not the spelling, what the president can do "competent its position "? It may be reasonable historical policy? That which makes us put the monument and the Bolshevik invaders out of fear of the heirs of those invaders block until the last minute laying of a plaque commemorating the help we turned our friendly country, we can defend against aggressors? I would love to be able to respect the president of my country. But what do I see zwasalizowanego mentally condominium post-colonial governor?

leave you with this Not happy reflection to the next "Under-mushroom".

Talking Mushroom

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Refurbished Laptop Eur

Lies Alexander Medvedev

... or "agents of influence breeding III."

I. Rebuttal Mr. President.

the pages of the Rzeczpospolita daily published an article Alexander Medvedev, Gazprom vice-president and CEO of the company Gazprom Export , which together with Europol Gaz (which, in turn, Medvedev is chairman of the Supervisory Board) are sponsors of the scholarship program for doktorantówz Warsaw University. This text, under the significant title "Do not train the Russian agents' is a polemic with the earlier article Arthur Bazak " Doctoral Colonel Putin in which the author has examined various aspects of the scholarship agreement signed by the Warsaw University.

remind you that the agreement provides "research funding on issues of international relations, in particular the Polish-Russian cooperation in the fields of business, management, environmental protection and energy management, etc. " (§ 1 p.3 Rules program). Since I took up a scholarship mentioned policy in two texts cycle "Breeding agencies influence" (details - TU and TU ), let me refer to the polemics of Russian dignitary, for it is quite characteristic sham, swarming with the lies, half-truths, concealment and manipulation.

II. Bear propaganda.

a) reductio ad absurdum.

At the beginning of Medvedev (or pijarowiec, which he wrote the text) are sophisticated enough grip erystyczny, let's call him "reductio ad Bondum" , designed to ridicule doubting the sincerity of the intentions of Gazprom ( "I consider it appropriate clarify this matter so that readers do not mistakenly identified the university campus with the plan of the new James Bond film. ") In this way absurdalizuje fundamental complaint that a scholarship will serve recruitment agencies and more influence to the already uncomfortable things do not come back. By the way - here echoes the typical tone of our "elites", which for 20 years of the Third Republic in a similar fashion, without attempting to substantial controversy laughed "oszołomówi" spiskomaniaków. You can see the stigma of the same Soviet school.

b) Freedom to study Russian.


Mr. Alexander provides earnestly about the independence of the scholarship program. No mention, however, that UW will consist of the founders of the report of the accomplishments of graduate students at gazpromowym wikcie, and that Gazprom is tempting the possibility of scholarship and employment practices. So - write what you want, but if you want a view of the job and career ... In addition, it is worth recalling that Gazprom has offered scholarships of several Polish universities. Refused to include Jagiellonian University and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. He agreed only "imperial" University of Warsaw.

c) gas benefits.

chutzpah Summit is to present as evidence of efforts to improve Polish-Russian relations ... Last year gas contract to be "beneficial for both sides." I remind you that the negotiations in Safe Mode interfered with the European Commission fearing Russia's total dominance in our market, even as we were crammed to the throat Russian gas (up to 11 billion m3 per year) sold in Poland on an annual basis by approximately five hundred million U.S. dollars more expensive than the average for Western countries. It is no longer half-truth - it's vulgar ignorance a lie calculated to the readers.

d) non-political diplomacy.

next point on the map manipulation Medvedev, Gazprom is to provide as normal a listed company, whose character (including State share) is not different from the nature of similar companies from western countries. Skeptics (specifically - Bazakowi) the author criticizes the "consolidation of the Cold War stereotypes." And again - not a word about the mastery of Gazprom accompanied by "siloviki" from the Lubyanka, a word about the resources that the game is listed as an immanent and the main component of a strategy which seeks to restore Russia's post-Soviet zone of influence "attachment" to each other Western countries (I wrote about this in the scrap "New Cold War" ). Finally, Alexander Medvedev is silent about the "author" resource strategy - that Vladimir Putin same who wrote the (most likely, moreover, splagiatowany) in which the doctorate called for strengthening Russia's position due to the partial nationalization of the industry's raw material and energy and use it as an imperialist policy tool of the Kremlin.

Interestingly, in one breath Medvedev assures us apolitical and purely business-oriented Gazprom, while at the same text, he writes directly about the company's contribution to the improvement of Polish-Russian relations and the Cold War to break stereotypes, and so purely political the role of enterprises managed by them. Just this fundamental contradiction in the text reveals, after a short base kruchutkie "bear" propaganda, which the Russian dignitary regales audience.

s) Corruption? You? Only extensive cooperation ...

Well then, let's go further. In the last part of the article are those companies participating in the Nord Stream project, but the head of Gazprom Export modestly silent, that Russia and Gazprom have been and are moving spirit in the operation, the monkey malice spłycając podejściowy pipeline north path to Świnoujście (where it arises LNG terminal) and thus blocking the possibility of calling at the port of the largest vessels.

Casus Schroeder, his posadki in North Stream'ie and the plea for corrupt Western politicians Medvedev "captures" an example of Joschka Fischer involved in Nabucco, and besides, after all the politicians around the world were involved in business consulting. .. Traditionally - true, but not all. First - Nabucco project for now is a virtual hard pipe and the implementation of the Baltic finiszuje; second - Nabucco is a European investment, so Joschka Fischer, acts as if for a European energy security (and not, like Schroeder, in favor of a rival); third - so ostentatious pay German ex-chancellor for the "favor", however, is something unprecedented in our civilization.

f) A further strengthening of the alliance ...

And in the end falls declaration that "Gazprom will continue to cooperate with those who are willing to discard the outdated Cold War paradigm of" . It continues that "the first Polish post-graduate students will make a valuable contribution to the deepening of relations between Russia and the Polish in the coming months," . So, we have already lined directly, without beating about the bush political intentions behind these scholarships, podjeżdżające rhetoric from the time of strengthening the fraternal alliance with the Soviet Union. The above quote is almost an open declaration that Gazprom and Russia wish to cultivate a friendly bunch on the Vistula river expertise of the young generation, who? Well, the impact of agents I, otherwise it is impossible to call it. Honesty probably unintended, but very valuable ...

III. To whom this question, the handy set of agitator.

conclusion, ask yourself what goals guided by Alexander Medvedev, in other words - to whom it referred ? Indeed, the article Bazak bounced some echo of the Russian sites, but in Poland - much less, the media did not cause the turmoil and scholarships for doctoral students in Warsaw hardly anyone is interested. So here formulate the hypothesis that Medvedev's text is really not so much a polemic as sent to the party in Poland Gazprom. It was given a set of pro-Gazprom "arguments", which are to be invited to use mediodajni advocates of the "warming" and "openness" of economic relations with Russia - both regarded as the type ekspertóww such as Tadeusz Iwińskiego, as well as "useful idiots" - various "olbrychscy" of this world.

A thin that the arguments and easy to overthrow? That verge on the clumsy propaganda? No matter, the monopoly of opinions, particularly in the dominant media, makes a wide audience that will seem reasonable and bezalternatywne. For that reason it is worth to keep Medvedev even just to check who of journalists, politicians, the expert will soon zasuflowanym used the publication in the pop-discussed "a set of agitator."

Talking Mushroom

Free How To Build A Buggy Plans

Meeting Meeting Meeting

On March 18, 2011 was held as usual meeting.
began with prayer and immediately went into motion organizational matters. Trying to
dealt with quickly after an hour of the time we began to see the film "Bella."
told a film about the adventures of a cook, a former professional footballer
and a woman who could not find true happiness,
and instead became pregnant.
I did not want this child (I'll add that the father is someone who says that child is a problem
and he is not included in the film). The situation is
For those who were not, I can only leave this short description to whet your appetite.
The things the movie was very touching and beautiful.
najedliśmy the way up.
And after the movie the best-The Great Escape ..... Nah we
Robot - clean
ing conferences, and no one escaped. KSM kept in a heap

PS. Despite this, I went a bit earlier ....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Kate Playgrouns Online

Napping restrykcjonizm

As has already been two attacks on Internet freedom, they will, and further, because proliferation of government regulation gives a natural advantage over the citizen.

I. Bat for malcontents.

Polish People's Republic In ancient times, when even thoroughbred Jacek Fedorowicz was a satirist, not a clown reżimowym producing party in the pages of newspapers only correct political force, said the author wrote an excellent text (unfortunately I can not remember the title), which analyzed the formation mechanism by a different bzdurnych and conflicting rules, which are not even all the way to know, not to mention the application of the ban on multiple orders. Well, these provisions, as stated, that a former comedian, is being created with full premeditation, so that it was impossible to follow them to "waadza" was on every hook and that the confrontation with the "camera" subjected ( because no citizen) was the top loser.

Obviously, the mechanism of repression is not chasing the forces and means for continuing the prosecution of anyone - only when the subject-citizen began to brawl, hop and grouse that something happened to him in leading the body does not like it, pulled out the culprit relevant paragraph: and this that "speculated" on the market, parsley, it is again something that the "arranged" on the side, or put in a garden swing for a child without proper permission. Those who remember know, and those who do not remember Barei recommend movies, indicating that reflect the realities of no less than today's fiction documents.

II. Napping restrykcjonizm.

For personal use call such relationships at the state line - a citizen restrykcjonizmem dormant, and I mention this because of something like that we have to do in case of noisy draft media law imposing an obligation on the Polish Internet potential not gag known in any civilized country, m.in associated with the reporting of audiovisual content to the National Council of dowsing and Telekinesis (© Ludwik Dorn), and subordinate them to the same requirements to be met by traditional television. The trick is tha precisely potentiality of this gag, since the half-dead state known as the Third Republic is not possible to keep track of all the websites, but I can still hit the spot, selectively - and this is the statute.

Indeed, if it enters into force in its current form, this will create for the Polish internet portals and websites, the situation described above restrykcjonizmu dozing. I bet that on a daily basis will not be any urzędas ślęczał in the network to see whether some of Georgia that he did not put filmiku without notice, the records remain in the nap, which, however, at any time could be awaken to strike with full force and majesty of the law, when a band of malcontents will "waadzy" kick, and generally do furrow contrary. Something like that has already tried to push on the occasion of gambling law, now seeing the second approach.

Fortunately, as in the case of gambling law, the case had turned around and Prime Minister Tusk Trouble rip naive first (the only thing he really comes out) now assures us that, absolutely, in my life and never had any intention of anything to gag and censor all aspirations are fundamentally alien to him. In haste appointed panel chaired by the Minister Bogdan Zdrojewski, the same who literally saw yesterday is not anything wrong in the law to clear the project with the provision zamordystycznych correct it at the stage of the Senate. You guys need to spin, Brussels because the pressure and threatens penalties for failure to implement the directives of the audiovisual market (Act should have been enacted two years ago). In short, a bordello and eggs - as usual.

We should not delude however - if have been two attacks on Internet freedom, they will, and further, because proliferation of government regulation gives a natural advantage over the citizen.

III. Knebel across party lines.

But Platform kit in the ear, after it could not expect anything else. The most disheartening factor This gloomy attitude of the fun is the Law and Justice cleared by bullets in the text Budynia78 "Ladies and gentlemen, Members' . Policies which resulted in a grouping roszczącego claim to represent the patriotic and conservative political and ideological options? Options consistently spychanej coverage from mainstream to the margins, for whom the Internet has become almost the last place of expression unfettered, organize, conduct discussions? Even an idiot knows that the current system of power reflected in KRRiTV it is PiS and its padliby supporters as the first victim of zamordystycznych restrictions.

Are Members of the PiS, have given the law, "the machine", as most of the voting laws adjusting our legislation to the EU? They did not know? They knew, but overcame injuries caused by activities platformerskich Internet trolls? They recognized that this solution is useful, as the notorious art.212 KK, which does not move no authority, because it's a handy bat for inconvenient journalists? Finally, repeat the Budyniem78 - are idiots, or perhaps protecting the idiots and traitors caste interests of the "political class", abandoning their followers?

IV. Do you need Internet Law and Justice?

Regardless of motives, trust in the PiS has been undermined and will not help there is no translation, the more that the weakness of the party site "structures" are not humble bloggers, Internet users and spontaneously engaged in grassroots network of thousands of plowing wpisó w, initiatives, starting with these initiatives in the "real" ... Germinates in me a suspicion that it was this spontaneous oddolność, inevitably uncontrolled rigid political control, it can be worrying hierarchical party structures. Besides official and zdawkowymi tribute sense attitude of "Negro did his ...". Too bad words. Well, unless Jaroslaw Kaczynski and his surroundings felt that enough for them, "Gazeta Poland" and the media okołoradiomaryjne.

And, just ... I look on the website created around a business card, "GP" Free Speech Zone - portal niezalezna.pl . The silence of the law. Free Speech Zone sees no reason for concern. With all respect for the accomplishments and merits of the Zone - burying their heads in the sand dictated by the wisdom of the stage is not a good solution.

Talking Mushroom

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Images Of Bottomless Womes Body

  At the last meeting led by our beloved quadruplets 
(Natalia, Ewelina, Agnieszka and Gosia) talked about the parables and things
final. Sang the song at the beginning of Noah's Ark
,, So small, so big ...''.
were then divided into groups and we had to solve crosswords
. Passwords are the final thing that is rubbish, the Court
God, heaven or hell, and we had to explain to us what it
associate. Next was a brainstorming session with the general question was what we
associate heaven? There were many different ideas (as always
, D). Then each group was assigned a parable
and the task we had to present it in the form of short skits, according
participants were guessing about what the parable meant. After completion of the presentation
scenes we had to think about what we are taught
this parable. Once each group presented the results of their work
listened to the testimony of two people (myself
interested). Then we sang a song, take me to the other side
...'' and pomodliliśmy at the end.
I personally enjoyed meeting a very = D.

 Photo: Agata 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Doctor Who Season 12 Scarf

Pebbles shaman

This method is composed of three parts, teaching in their courses. It is used in a total of seven "pebbles", which does not need to be made of stone. Usually I use for this purpose plastic beads in the following colors: white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. My students are doing the later, their own sets. Often use semi-precious stones and polished pieces of basalt by water, colorfully painted with paint. His blind students to recommend making a set of puppets, pinned to the key holder. If you like crystals, good for you may be a set consisting of a crystal, or pink rodochrozytu quartz, carnelian, citrine, malachite, or awenturynu, turquoise or sodalite and amethyst or violet fluorite.
are the best stones whose diameter does not exceed 12 mm.
continue discussing this method, I assumed that you use a set of stones in the specified colors.

technique for obtaining a "yes" or "no "

In this technique, we use only three stones: white, red and green. White called a kumu ("base") and the other two - it's eo ("corresponding"). The right answer to our question is given, which is closest to the white, neutral on which his side. Here, stone red means 'no', and a green "yes." So loosen up and ask the question to which the answer may be "yes" or "no." Be careful not to ask questions like "Should I do this or that?" Because "should" refers to the norms and principles, which remembers your frequently to several on the topic, so the question becomes unclear to him.
When you feel that you are willing to ask, hold pebbles in their hands, and then throw them in front of him. If you ask a question of "control" can cause interference that will result przejawionych thus questionable. Remember that the only difference between the media and the rest of the people lies in the fact that the medium is usually
believes in the accuracy of answers received, and so , the greater is your faith, the closer you get the answer.
should also be noted that obtained in this manner of response tells us only to our and our patterns, and may not have anything to do with how others perceive our situation, nor what the situation actually to be seen. You can ask about anything, but the technique is particularly useful for exploring attitudes and beliefs toward level, as well as to obtain information about our unconscious perceptions of other people and situations.
When you're asking questions, relating directly to you, you find that after the response, that you do not like, want to immediately repeat the throw. I do not advise you to do this because such behavior enhances the subconscious fear. In such cases, I suggest you that you did something else, namely that you moved:

Secret shamanic process for obtaining such a response, they want

It looks like this:
first You received an answer that you are not satisfied.
2. Zaakceptuj ją jako odzwierciedlającą aktualnie istniejący wzorzec.
3. Weź obydwa kamyki „odpowiadające" i świadomie zamień je miejscami krzycząc : „To jest nowy wzorzec, ku Zapamiętaj go!"

Przepełniony mocą krzyk i fizyczny ruch wywrą silne wrażenie sensoryczne na Twoim ku, co pomoże w stworzeniu nowego wzorca, dającego lepsze wyniki.

Technika Advisory

For this technique we use all seven pebbles.
White is still a kumu, although it is placed in the following list of stones eo, determining their meaning.
White = I rule Huna; key word: awareness.
Red = II principle of Huna, the key word: freedom.
Orange = III, the principle of Huna, the key word: concentration.
Yellow = IV, the principle of Huna, the key word: perseverance.
Green = V, the principle of Huna, the key word: love.
Blue = VI principle of Huna, the key word: confidence.
Purple = VII principle of Huna, the key word: flexibility.

When you feel that you are ready, relax and concentrate on his request for counsel. The question can be formulated, For example, like this:
"What is the best way for me to get what you want?" or "What's the best I can do in this situation?" (Note that in this technique are not getting answers "yes" or "no"). Then, throw stones and read the significance of which is arranged closest to the white man. Connect the importance of the corresponding principles of Huna to the meaning of the keyword and read them the answer to your question. It should be emphasized that the nature of predictions is that it requires the same intuition when interpreting the response and the asking questions. In another embodiment of this technique, instead of the council in a particular case, you can ask for an action plan, specifying in advance the number of pebbles that you want to participate in the response.
For example, if you ask: "Give me a three-step action plan to increase my income" and the closest to the white pebble stones were in orange, red and green, then the answer can be interpreted as follows:
"Refine clear about your goals, get rid of guilt and do what you love to do. "This is, of course, a simplified interpretation, because in particular, to the actual situation most likely will have many more associations with different colors.
Using this technique, you can also get the answer to the question:" What preclude the realization of my goals? "
Throw pebbles and read what they tell you on the basis of the importance of this one, which lies closest to the white. In this case, please follow the opposite meanings of various colors, which are as follows :

red = tension, mental and physical;
orange = lack of focus;
yellow = procrastination;
green = anger;
blue = fear or doubt;
purple = ossified thinking

Friday, March 11, 2011

Husband Aloof After Baby

About liberalizmach

Dedicated Triariusowi.

I. Tiger anger.

In my post "oligarchs versus middle class," in which I allowed myself distinguish between economic liberalism in the classic sense of the modern-liberal lying , współbloger Triarius deigned worthy post comments which noted that "lying-liberalism - it's just a real liberalism, the one that exists . All the others live only in the brains of various disorders who come into contact with the world of freaks, while to my inquiry whether Adam Smith also zaliczyłby to "freaks" he said that "to Enlightenment speculation rather" , but then questioned whether that Adam Smith was a liberal, and all finished strong przytupem, suggesting jakobym the invisible hand did "religion" , " Or a fucking utopia ", while " liberalism (...) is half the road to communism ". I tried to give a fairly accurate Triariusa arguments - full comments TU and TU .

Because it makes me upset seeing how an otherwise rare brain fog zasnuwa obduracy, allow myself to be more polemic in a separate post, hoping for your understanding.

II. Generalization error.

Well, I think the fundamental error committed by Triariusa (and not just by him, the phenomenon is greater) to bring the intellectual achievements of the Enlightenment only in France and various Diderotów Voltaire, indeed the perception of the acquis era through their prism. Meanwhile, Anglo-Saxon Enlightenment is a completely different kettle of fish, and the liberalism of Adam Smith is something completely different than the utopian cackling Rousseau or encyclopedists. Generally speaking, the difference is between the speculative and wool-gathering and gilotynowaniem anyone who does not share this rocking hatched from an ideology, a description of reality skrzętnym and drawing conclusions from that reality.

Another error, this identification with liberalism antycywilizacyjnego current dominant policy in the countries and transnational structures of the West as in the material sphere, as well as spiritual - here I refer to my series about Antycywilizacji Progress ( TU, TU and TU). In other words, it's like to call a duck a chicken just because the lords of this world for their own purposes they agreed to yell "duck."

III. From liberalism to socialism.

Meanwhile, smithowska praise of entrepreneurship, supported by a strict morality and the Protestant work ethic (sorry for the kitchen weberyzm, but it's better for the clarity of argument) and "Theory Moral Sentiments, "based on the concept of empathy, which underpinned the economic power of Britain and the United States. Operate the same colonies (United Kingdom), and conquered tracts of the continent (United States) could not do that, if not fundamental, the concept arose from the observation that the source of the wealth of nations lies not accumulated amount of ore, grain, ground - but the work. Even embraced a different concept of Spain (gold) and Russia (the land). Differences can be seen with the naked eye.

Well, but, as Aristotle taught his grandfather, wynaturzają political system, and I let myself from adding that a similar sequence of events affects economic systems. In the case of economic liberalism beginning of the end to the social liberalism of John Stuart Mill, which is the subject of freedom, including economic, in place of the individual has made a collective, society. This concept of liberalism came to the United States, which has so far been practiced common sense liberalism described by Adam Smith, not knowing that they speak in prose. The term liberalism was brought into contact with the ocean on a large scale due to JS Mill was, therefore, with the United States 'liberal' means left-wing, or even a supporter of liberalism lewaka in type smithowskim is "conservative."

later appeared in economic doctrine of John Maynard Keynes who, as a reaction to the Great Depression, which underpinned the New Deal rooseveltowskiego with all this interventionism, stimulating demand through public investment and slight deficit. Bang! - Here we go back to the natural conflict between the magnates and the average of the nobility, who outlined in the introduction of that scrap "oligarchs versus middle class," and which parts of this troubled Triariusa. Business magnates in the concept of Keynes sensed their chance, because if the state has to be "active" that's not entrusted to carry out their activity multitude of small and medium-sized businesses, but just lords, because a big maybe more.

To join the interests of the magnates and terrorized political class was behind the crisis at the root of the economic system in which it currently we live. Next it went, the more that continental Europe has never been well since. The irony of history is that a quasi-socialist concept of Keynes, was founded as a protest against smithowskiego liberalism today is called "liberalism" is, while protesting against the "Anti-globalists" believe that if the socialist "liberalism" is not checked, this recipe it should be ... more socialism, more control, etc. (vide - global demand for the tax on capital movements).

IV. Between neototalitaryzmem and liberalism.

As can be seen from the foregoing, the term "liberalism" is a mouthful, you pull yourself from the throats of various groups with a cushion under the concept of mutually exclusive content and claiming that my definition is "najmojsza" . Currently, the top of the bastards are conceived with the marriage of the French Enlightenment speculation, social liberalism, JS Mill and Keynes's economic doctrine, also filled with the revolt and counter-cultural tone sowietyzmem "generation '68. " It is clear that so understood "liberalism" is "half the way to communism," without a doubt. With these bastards, the word "liberalism" is chewed by decent people with disgust, and a "liberal" does for a standard insult in the politico-ideological naparzankach. It's just that this "liberalism" is really oppression and enslavement neototalitarna - at every level, so economically and spiritually, so I let myself this toxic mutation to be called "lying-liberalism." This "overt or thinly disguised totalitarianism" pretending to be freedom.

true liberalism, however, with regard to the welfare of people and not "people", sometimes referred to as conservative liberalism (economic freedom plus a conservative world view), is nothing like going back to Adam Smith - reward work and entrepreneurship citizens (although Smith "invisible hand of the market" rather than "discovered" as stated Triarius sharply as just described). The state's role in this "premiowaniu" is (apart from the construction of infrastructure) to ensure a level playing field - the same fiscal burden (as far as possible, low), the efficient judiciary oliwiącego economic turnover, the removal of feeding at the interface between various government -business, in a word: kleptokratycznych suppression mechanisms blocking the development of middle class - the basics of any healthy state and nation.

my opinion this approach is worthy, just and salutary. And yes, this is liberalism.

Talking Mushroom

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nipple Piercing And What It Means

oligarchs versus middle class

Independent family firm is more value than the same family working in international companies.

I. From the traffic enforcement for the oligarchy.

One of the fundamental mistakes, which sometimes fatal condition has been affected by systemic disregard of the First Republic was the last of the Jagiellonian Traffic enforcement . Recall that motion that the dominant focus of the "political nation" - the middle nobility, who insisted on including return seized by the lords of royal (execution of goods), to enforce the legal rights (such as incompatibility urzędóww one hand), clean up the treasure, repair of the judiciary, freedom of the customs, transfer annatów (fees sent to Rome for taking ecclesiastical) to defend themselves against the Tartars, strengthening the role of the Sejm of the nobility magnate Senate and many other useful, comprehensive solutions.

the nobility was still politically viable, generally pro-state and the reformist. Unfortunately, both Sigismund I the Old and Sigismund Augustus preferred to rely on możnowładcach, which with time already during the elective period, led to oligarchic political life in Poland, the nobility of the nobility sklientelizowania and make the first hostage of the king magnates, and then in the powers of those magnates whose jurgielcie stayed. The result was a slow degeneration and depravity system and the Commonwealth. Kilkuwiekowy simplifies the process a little bit, but generally things have happened. It's not a king (the state) had its nobility and its lords, only baronial oligarchy was both king and nobles, in effect - the state.

II. Oligarchizacja economy.

sketch above sequence of events reminds me of when I think about the economy - and not only Polish. Famous saying goes that there is no greater enemy of capitalism than the capitalists themselves. It means that a powerful company (moguls) are looking for state support (monarch), to protect themselves from competition przedsiębiorcówz middle class (average of nobility). They tend to favor the tax, an unclear legal system with "furtkami" for some, taking up the licensing system more and more areas of the economy, firewall requirements for certain areas which can only meet the large ("big maybe more), etc. . The equivalent of rustling offer support, "job creation" the large investment, capital flows and such things, except that after a while, it turns out that it was not you (understood as the Republic - the common good) to his magnates and tycoons have only the state.

oligarchizacja follows. The political class (the emperor) in the pockets of the powerful, and when one tries to bryknąć are activated pressure. Rebel is hailed as "an enemy of the free market" (even though it was trying to restore a free market), is haunted job losses, the outflow of investments, etc. Something like that just meets Hungary Viktor Orban, trying to break with the existing oligarchic model and build the prosperity of the country on the establishment of ordinary citizens.

III. Lying-liberalism.

Note the characteristic and I think the concept of deliberate mendacity economic liberalism with which we are currently experiencing. Well, in załganej nowomowie usually defined as "liberalism" or "neo-liberalism" I described above, oligarchic system based on state hołubieniu business magnates at the expense of small and medium-sized businesses to bear the bulk of the fiscal burden (because after all, the state must somehow be maintained). Meanwhile, they are looking at collectively, rather than transnational capital are able to create the largest number of jobs and contribute to national wealth. perspective, the common good, an independent family-owned company is a higher value than the same family working in the international corporations.

But to achieve this, you liberalism, understood as equality of opportunity: breaking the "koncesjokracją" equal low (if possible) the fiscal burden, and above all - have equal access to efficient justice for all. Break with the prevailing current global favoring "the powerful" in favor of substantive empowerment of citizens.

Meanwhile, the omnipresent today lying-liberalism, characterized by a tangle of big business and power, leads to such paradoxes that financial institutions corresponding to a large extent by the global crisis rather than go bust and go into oblivion, is saved with taxpayers' money really be saying "I will not anymore." I bet that yes, they will - gained the confidence that if what is at their handful of state poratuje.

IV. The middle class, stupid!

conclusion, state is economically strong in so far as strong, economically independent middle class is his. Big companies, of course, also be useful but must be a balance - that which has existed for the last Jagiellonian first elective kings, and the wreck led to the collapse of the First Republic .

wise ruler should be understood - as it is impossible to push the state forward by investing only in metropolitan areas (because they rather "suck in" the province than give her something back), so no way to build national wealth by relying solely on big business, striving to suppress the establishment of potential competitors - the citizens. Meanwhile, our current state known as the Third Republic built on the assumption so as to safeguard the interests of the aristocracy - or a recruiter from among uwłaszczonej nomenclature or fetyszyzowanego foreign capital.

In contrast to Western countries, where due to the mechanisms described here can be seen process of "rolling up" the middle class in our middle class upodmiotowiona material was not really the occasion arise. And what appears to us as a "middle class" is a clumsy creature - sklientelizowanym at the start, before they had a chance to survive the "golden age". In other words, the state-building began immediately from Saxon times.

must reverse this trend as it tries to reverse the already mentioned Viktor Orban. The question is whether the leading force The opposition leader and her eyes fixed on the spectacular electoral success of the Hungarian leader, see also content that stands behind this success.

Talking Mushroom

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lumix Panasonic Battery Charge Time

Vigil. 18/02/2011

last meeting, for me it was successful. And why? Read on, and to find out. Well, as always, we met for Mass in the chair. 17. Then the priest was a surprise for the Cure on the occasion of his birthday. He was very surprised and smiling from ear to ear when he wręczyliśmy T-shirt saying "The best boss in the world." Then we had a vigil. It was so amazing. You felt the presence of God. Beautiful words singing songs, sharing their feelings. When these sensations to the soul, it is time to relax, your body. We went to the room and before they began the last, our playing together before Easter we made Ani best wishes for your birthday. Not cared or without tossing. Finally came the sweet and joyful moment when everyone powyjmowali sweets and beverages that are brought to the meeting. It was so loose spending their time. Playing guitars, listening to music, dancing, singing and conversation. The moment when you can unload your batteries. (It is then better sleep. D) At 1921 we completed a common "camping" because they were all tired. I think the summary, one can deduce by himself. ;)
Regards. Agata

We had a bunch of ciasteczkowych monsters, so you did not arrange the whole string, which was to be "KSM Fortitudo" and not "SM Fortiudo"

What Does Bejhan Mean

Dubieniecki - dirty sheep

dirty sheep does not make sense to defend, the injury current. Lousy separates the sheep from the flock.

current I. It is a pity.

appeared last bit blogerskich texts whose authors take the defense of Martin Dubienieckiego. I understand, the character This was the last "on rozdzielniku" leading mediodajni the regime, so the natural instinct of every honest man is to stand up, who throw themselves into the throat killing machine of the "Election" or rabble of Tusk Vision Network / WSI24. Except that just when it comes to Mr. Dubienieckiego, damage power, really.

slightly modifying and extending their critical comment that I posted a few days ago under the text Rosemann "Marcin Dubieniecki, private person" , I will say this:

This "clear evidence" that the impact derived in Dubienieckiego is really a blow to the Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Although there is nothing to dwell on that, everyone can see. Equally "obvious self-evident" is that the media przeróżni Cato, indeed Vistula Bar tycoons, who for the purposes of Mr. Dubienieckiego recall about ethics and standards, the laughter in the courtroom.

just that Dubieniecki give and give even find reasons to attack. Take his throat in a matter of compensation for victims of the disaster Smolensk, which resulted in giving the local "cannibal" for spreading asumptu pazerności Marty Kaczynski because gardłował as its representative. Damage to image-hit course backfire in Jaroslaw Kaczynski and PiS, like public hucpiarskie dopominanie for places on electoral lists for himself and his wife, which the public could have the impression that the PiS is sort of like a family business, which is enough to marry, to have views on a cushy number. It is difficult to estimate losses caused by just these two excesses, and was, after all this any more.

Fortunately, Jaroslaw Kaczynski is Dubienieckiego allergies and did not blame him. Objectively speaking, Dubieniecki PiSowi harm - that guy with the potential obciachu comparable with the current activity Migalskiego, if not worse. Simply does not know when to shut up. A media hunt ...

Personally, I think it Dubieniecki nadambitny cwaniaczek, with an uncontrollable urge to glass, which noisily tries to soar above their own four letters. I think że temu bezideowemu karierowiczowi wszystko jedno czy wypłynie przy Ordynackiej, czy przy PiSie. I, niestety, nie jest osobą prywatną co czasem podnoszą jego obrońcy. W momencie, gdy z własnej woli opuścił sferę prywatności, dopominając się wrzaskliwie o możliwość robienia kariery politycznej, stał się postacią publiczną i od tej pory jego działalność podlega ocenie bez taryfy ulgowej.

Dodatkową obrzydliwością jest, że swoje ambicyjki usiłował realizować poprzez żonę, próbując uruchomić do tego celu w PiSie jakieś nepotyczne mechanizmy rodem z eseldowskich sitw of whom came out, but that did not go out with him. Often posed by this lady Marta Kaczynska in a very awkward situation. About Marcie Kaczynski well proves that tries to keep more on the political sidelines, thereby depriving the mandate MD, and Jaroslaw Kaczynski at that rained Dubienieckiego with his, sorry, gówniarskim tupeciarstwem the wire. At least this time it did not disappoint in the assessment of human instincts, which sometimes happened to him in the past (for example, "snooze" Janusz Kaczmarek).

II. Why now?

interesting is yet another aspect of the case: why it was decided Jaroslaw Kaczynski hit right now, long before the elections? Logical seemingly bringing this type of cannon at the height of the election campaign, when her husband's niece entanglement President PiS would have a maximum power of destruction. But now Kaczynski has enough time to finally cut off from the scrub, which unfortunately became his kinsman, and "hot" today indictment for several months will only nieświeżym cutlet.

there for me the following options:

1) thus decided to "neutralize" the approaching anniversary of the tragedy of Smolensk and prevent the rebirth of the atmosphere of National Mourning, whose memory still causes shivers on your back the wider "Camp of the Third Republic."

2) Another goal is creating a bad atmosphere around Martha Kaczynski, as a strong vote of support uncle. Divorced her husband who quit for szemranego guy with the mentality of matching provincial mętowni characteristic of local structures of the SLD of which, moreover, it is derived - it does not look good. Add to that cast a shadow on the memory of Lech Kaczynski because of the pardon criminals, whose combined with Dubienieckim business ties.

3) And finally - perhaps the issue is so Dubienieckiego "development", that is enough to fuel up to the choice of what seeing now is just a prelude, and the real bomb is detonated only at the climax of the campaign. This would be the worst case.


In conclusion, I think that is a pest Dubieniecki that if no one will explain it clearly to finally stop wasting opportunities to sit quietly, may his wyskokami play a very negative role in the election campaign. dirty sheep does not make sense to defend - I repeat once again: the loss of electricity. Lousy separates the sheep from the flock.

why I am writing this text now. After this, I would not have to write it before the election.

Talking Mushroom