Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nipple Piercing And What It Means

oligarchs versus middle class

Independent family firm is more value than the same family working in international companies.

I. From the traffic enforcement for the oligarchy.

One of the fundamental mistakes, which sometimes fatal condition has been affected by systemic disregard of the First Republic was the last of the Jagiellonian Traffic enforcement . Recall that motion that the dominant focus of the "political nation" - the middle nobility, who insisted on including return seized by the lords of royal (execution of goods), to enforce the legal rights (such as incompatibility urzędóww one hand), clean up the treasure, repair of the judiciary, freedom of the customs, transfer annatów (fees sent to Rome for taking ecclesiastical) to defend themselves against the Tartars, strengthening the role of the Sejm of the nobility magnate Senate and many other useful, comprehensive solutions.

the nobility was still politically viable, generally pro-state and the reformist. Unfortunately, both Sigismund I the Old and Sigismund Augustus preferred to rely on możnowładcach, which with time already during the elective period, led to oligarchic political life in Poland, the nobility of the nobility sklientelizowania and make the first hostage of the king magnates, and then in the powers of those magnates whose jurgielcie stayed. The result was a slow degeneration and depravity system and the Commonwealth. Kilkuwiekowy simplifies the process a little bit, but generally things have happened. It's not a king (the state) had its nobility and its lords, only baronial oligarchy was both king and nobles, in effect - the state.

II. Oligarchizacja economy.

sketch above sequence of events reminds me of when I think about the economy - and not only Polish. Famous saying goes that there is no greater enemy of capitalism than the capitalists themselves. It means that a powerful company (moguls) are looking for state support (monarch), to protect themselves from competition przedsiębiorcówz middle class (average of nobility). They tend to favor the tax, an unclear legal system with "furtkami" for some, taking up the licensing system more and more areas of the economy, firewall requirements for certain areas which can only meet the large ("big maybe more), etc. . The equivalent of rustling offer support, "job creation" the large investment, capital flows and such things, except that after a while, it turns out that it was not you (understood as the Republic - the common good) to his magnates and tycoons have only the state.

oligarchizacja follows. The political class (the emperor) in the pockets of the powerful, and when one tries to bryknąć are activated pressure. Rebel is hailed as "an enemy of the free market" (even though it was trying to restore a free market), is haunted job losses, the outflow of investments, etc. Something like that just meets Hungary Viktor Orban, trying to break with the existing oligarchic model and build the prosperity of the country on the establishment of ordinary citizens.

III. Lying-liberalism.

Note the characteristic and I think the concept of deliberate mendacity economic liberalism with which we are currently experiencing. Well, in załganej nowomowie usually defined as "liberalism" or "neo-liberalism" I described above, oligarchic system based on state hołubieniu business magnates at the expense of small and medium-sized businesses to bear the bulk of the fiscal burden (because after all, the state must somehow be maintained). Meanwhile, they are looking at collectively, rather than transnational capital are able to create the largest number of jobs and contribute to national wealth. perspective, the common good, an independent family-owned company is a higher value than the same family working in the international corporations.

But to achieve this, you liberalism, understood as equality of opportunity: breaking the "koncesjokracją" equal low (if possible) the fiscal burden, and above all - have equal access to efficient justice for all. Break with the prevailing current global favoring "the powerful" in favor of substantive empowerment of citizens.

Meanwhile, the omnipresent today lying-liberalism, characterized by a tangle of big business and power, leads to such paradoxes that financial institutions corresponding to a large extent by the global crisis rather than go bust and go into oblivion, is saved with taxpayers' money really be saying "I will not anymore." I bet that yes, they will - gained the confidence that if what is at their handful of state poratuje.

IV. The middle class, stupid!

conclusion, state is economically strong in so far as strong, economically independent middle class is his. Big companies, of course, also be useful but must be a balance - that which has existed for the last Jagiellonian first elective kings, and the wreck led to the collapse of the First Republic .

wise ruler should be understood - as it is impossible to push the state forward by investing only in metropolitan areas (because they rather "suck in" the province than give her something back), so no way to build national wealth by relying solely on big business, striving to suppress the establishment of potential competitors - the citizens. Meanwhile, our current state known as the Third Republic built on the assumption so as to safeguard the interests of the aristocracy - or a recruiter from among uwłaszczonej nomenclature or fetyszyzowanego foreign capital.

In contrast to Western countries, where due to the mechanisms described here can be seen process of "rolling up" the middle class in our middle class upodmiotowiona material was not really the occasion arise. And what appears to us as a "middle class" is a clumsy creature - sklientelizowanym at the start, before they had a chance to survive the "golden age". In other words, the state-building began immediately from Saxon times.

must reverse this trend as it tries to reverse the already mentioned Viktor Orban. The question is whether the leading force The opposition leader and her eyes fixed on the spectacular electoral success of the Hungarian leader, see also content that stands behind this success.

Talking Mushroom


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