Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mindstorms Nxt Software V1

Sub-mushrooms (odc.8)

How I know life is the Enlightened Platform Serene soon sprout a new political entity: Movement of Support Spacing.

Hi, after a long break coming back from at-a-tam-time column "Under the mushrooms' . Since the last scenes took some time, so some mini-notes will tyczyły events, taking into account the prospect of blogging, rather dim. However, if I return it to them because of their uncommon beauty, which would be a sin not to perpetuate. Here we go!

I. vertebrae government-parlor:

This platform electoral tradition: before the previous elections Schetyna cut out from the lists of people Rokita, and now the Tusk with "cooperative" Grabarczyk cut from the electoral lists of people Schetyna. There is a council, rather drastic, but it's always: let schetynowcy change sex. Is applicable to the parities.


This same Tusk bit earlier appealed to Polakówo increase in fertility, because it's ladies dzieju, stock strzyżonego by władzuchnę to bare skin bydełka fall and there will be someone to keep retirees. How do I know life is the Enlightened Platform Serene soon sprout a new political entity: Spacing Advocacy Movement.


the regime satirist Jacek Fedorowicz known to be divided between the granting of his genius in "Election" and "reverberant". Especially in the latter gives its all. Gee, what's not there! JF cut with a razor satire Kaczynski, pisiorów, Marta Kaczynska, Dubienieckiego, freaks of Smolensk (because Malysz scored a fall in Zakopane, ha ha, you see who it naprowadzał - that sample of Mr. Jack's sense of humor) .. . In short, uncompromising satirists like early PRL joking London "Reaction", while benefiting from proven, the Soviet models. Only the "Krokodil" will no longer appear. "Szpilki" and "Carousel" as well. Such a talent needs in old age wasting a party pisemku who read only the journalists and bloggers when looking for KROTOCHWIL topic. And the spirit is still willing ...

*** Okay, I know that Jacek Fedorowicz in PRL was a thoroughbred satirist, one of the best and "rode" in contemporary power. This is a more sinister view of the current shift vector dokopywanie today the most excluded social group, "moherom" and their political representation, all at the line of salon and drawing-room as the base. I wrote this once already ( TU), today I will write again: how is that even as nice and - seemingly - deprived the representatives of the so-called aggression. Salon sooner or later turn into a dripping venom, zacietrzewionych old men? Fate there, or what?


And while we're at komediantach ... Krakowski jump actor Globisz accepted without excitement, as uniżone skamlenie when the matter became loud. I just figured out (like he always wyczajają) that I can be that "waadza" temporarily not be trendy and for podśmiechujki not in danger, at least at this moment, krakówkowy ostracism, but you can collect environmental plusiki as "non-conformism, & rdquo ;. But then scared, poor thing, that bent and "unscrewed" skandalik. And I, because I have a good memory for the scum, I remember Globisz, as one of the votes in contempt of industry "- the teacher giving the reader some of Cracow was an act of szczekaczce pseudosatyryczne scribble Weritas Clara (Judith Krantz Gasior" - he, he) where the summit was to ridicule sophisticated humor of, quote, "the proportion of children's cells," Lech Kaczynski and the general kurduplowatości, hehe, "Gasior. But the barrel. MWzDM rolling on the floor the receivers and a few years later, under the leadership of Dominic Taras went to Krakow suburb of the crucified teddy bears, mohair kaczystowskich survivors crawl. Do you see your relationship? I see.


As you know, once Bronislaw Wildstein published the famous "list", for which Grzegorz Gauden, who was chief of Rzeczpospolita, sczyścił on demand "Election" Bronislaw Wildstein payroll . The fact that the revolutionary vigilance and purity Grzegorz Gauden ideological not eroded we have seen, when the committee headed by him from the list of subsidized sczyściło dissident magazine titles socio-cultural hateful, and generally having the wrong attitude towards zadekretowanej reality 20 years ago (after all, the very existence of "Frondy" or other "Arcanów" is an insult to every loyal citizen of the Third Republic). Gauden Bo likes to clean and it is on any segment for which only will be posted. Today, he does this example kaowca and cleansing, socio-cultural communication. Undertook the thankless role of such a salon MPO. Let every gaudenizm culture? Long live!

II. The oppositional-opposition circles:

What the ladies in Kluzików ? Well, it's good to please you, and even hopeless. Kluziki grow like a weed, specifically - reproduce by budding. Last wypączkował with Adam Bielan lifting the bowl with him a valuable part of kluzikowego DNA. And no, sorry, it was a code to a website through which PJN intended to communicate with the electorate, to refer a crushing electoral success and to change Poland. In coalition with the Platform. And Palikot behind. Because Poland is the most important.


So far, however, before "pjonki" THEIR crushing success, change the country and so forth, that I have lost a Kluzikowej spin-ka, so that somehow the party is not buttoned up. Apparently Bielan wypączkowano of PJN for some terrible disloyalty. These are the realm of political moderation - there pisowscy count no zamordyści who wywalają za jakieś głupie konszachty z Palikotem. Podobno Michał Kamiński też długo nie wytrzyma, na koniec zaś pani Joanna wypączkuje z siebie i stanie obok, za nią zaś Wierna Elżbieta i Waleczny Ornitolog. Następnie dokonają wiekopomnej fuzji z prorokowanym powyżej prorodzinnym Ruchem Poparcia Rozwarcia i w ten oto sposób otrzymamy wyczekiwaną z utęsknieniem Nową Jakość w Polskiej Polityce .


Tylko Bielana szkoda, bo Jarosław Okrutny kazał mu ustami któregoś ze swych przybocznych wracać do PiS-u w worku pokutnym. No i the problem is, because Mr. Adam accustomed to the luxuries in Brussels, wydelikacił, and beyond that - since when is Gucci and Armani different necks penitential sackcloth? That's where he's got this bag to buy - in Biedronka?

III. News from the court of His Magnificence the President Bredzisława "Mr. Lover" Bul-Komorowski, lord of Oborniki Buda Ruska, et cetera , et cetera, et cetera ...

Jaruzelski, unfortunately, will not be present at the beatification of John Paul II. As rumored, His splendor, president Bredzisław "chrabia" Bul-Komorowski sobbing on the ground at night in the pillow and towel soaked in the morning. Stress eats it, because what if this whole Vatican will have to again enter into some books and thoughts spill onto paper. Apparently Jaruzelski (the pre-war high school marian fathers) errors are not always doing and if you szepnąłby ear "Bronek, not so" ... And here what? Anka, shit, everything she saw and did not say a word. Kujonica unused.


blogerskie My investigation showed that after a known profanation spelling effected in the building of the Embassy of the Empire of Japan (and maybe Japan? God knows ...), messages were exchanged:

Dispatch No. 1: "The people of the Empire of Japan combined with the Polish nation in the bulu and hope that for anyone not too late for tutoring. "

Dispatch no.2: " The Polish nation of Japan is responsible that his fellow Bigosław is not wymądrza up correctly, does not show that kind of better and asked to tick from Bigosława! "


lemmings state of mind at the moment (quoted from an Internet user on the portal TVN24 ): "I read these entries and makes me sad. The president made a misspelling? Committed. Well, but what of it? Everyone can happen and so much! In addition, do not hesitate to write a competent president makes his position. (...)"


Let us, therefore - if not the spelling, what the president can do "competent its position "? It may be reasonable historical policy? That which makes us put the monument and the Bolshevik invaders out of fear of the heirs of those invaders block until the last minute laying of a plaque commemorating the help we turned our friendly country, we can defend against aggressors? I would love to be able to respect the president of my country. But what do I see zwasalizowanego mentally condominium post-colonial governor?

leave you with this Not happy reflection to the next "Under-mushroom".

Talking Mushroom


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