Friday, February 11, 2011

Texas Organ Donor Bracelet


Doskonałym sposobem na uspokojenie człowieka, raise someone's spirits, carrying out joint healing and creating an atmosphere of agreement is to perform Kahi to each other. There are two forms of work in hand:
first Turn your face to your partner, holding your left hand up and right at the bottom. Combine hands flexing them so that you keep slightly behind the toes. Then start to make Kahi, focusing on both hands and softly singing the song.
second Place your right hand or fingers on your navel and your left hand, or fingers - on the chest chest, or on the forehead of the person you're working. Your partner does the same thing - touching your navel and your chest or your face. Focus on breathing in their own cancers, and sing a song.
After several such rounds may be, among other things, you will tend to fade consciousness, where it ends with your physical body, and where the body begins a partner.
Such experiences do not happen to anyone, it does not happen immediately, but if they do occur, it is a sign that your energy fields merged, the merged to form a unity. If someone often you will perform this exercise, you will find that it develops a deep friendship between you and great telepathic understanding.


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