Saturday, February 5, 2011

Foods Good For Gall Bladder Polyps

eight centers and four corners of the body

According to the traditional Hawaiian healing system in the body, there are eight energy centers: the crown of the head, chest, around the navel , on the pubic bone of the hands and soles of the feet and four angles: the shoulders and hips. I stated two additional centers: at the seventh cervical vertebra (vertebra at the base of a convex neck) and tail bone, giving a total number of fourteen. In Kahi all these places are called "power centers" or energy sources and in some sense responsible cakras.
treatment Kahi To put one's hand (or fingers), which is neutral, the center of power, and the second (or her fingers ) - the "point release" of the area in which the tension, pain, injury, or other type of disharmony. In some cases, it could also be a different energy center. Thus, the headache can be a little touch of sore fingers of one hand, and put his other hand on the navel or the base of the spine. In the case of stomach pain, you can gently lay one hand on the height of the organ, and the other on the back of your neck or on one of the hands of the person helping. After placing his hand on the right places, we essential part of healing, namely, deep breathing, focusing simultaneously on both hands. Before you come over this dual focus, we can simply move out quickly from one hand to another, or to imagine something like a rainbow, linking hands. To help students to better focus attention on their courses usually teach their Hawaiian songs, based on seven principles of Huna, but here I can not teach you proper pronunciation of words of this song, so I am going to another, in English, which is also based on these seven principles.

"Be aware (or aware of), be free (or free),
be focused (or centered), be here (or here),
be loved (or love), be strong (be strong),
be healed (or healed).

sing this song at any rate, for such a melody, what you like. It fulfills two roles - helps to concentrate and make suggestions for the ku, but the right result in this technique arise from the dual focus on both hands. Kahi In the process we are not trying to send energy to the body of the person whose help, not trying to also be a conduit for the flow through the inclusion of breathing and mental commitment. Our task is merely to keep the concentration. According to the third principle of the shaman has the same concentration enhances and harmonises the energy in the body, with whom we work. I strongly emphasize this because many people want to steer this process with the help of his bosom. You do not have to do that. The energy itself knows exactly how to behave, and to know how to react. This technique also teaches confidence. Take her womb to maintain concentration and let the rest work itself. After three or four full deep breaths, check out the reactions in your body and the body of the person you are helping. If the condition improves, you can end up, if you can not decide on whether to continue treatment.
process, which occurs in Kahi lies in the fact that the focus of attention on his hands between them raises the energy flow, as happens with electric current in the wire. The result of such movement of this technique is twofold: first, it stimulates our own energy field and, secondly, increases the annealing phase in the natural cycle, associated with stress, which resulting in a reduction of tension and the introduction of harmony to the area between your hands and your hands alone. When we help someone else in this way, the process occurs in both persons. Thus, by using Kahi on someone else, also heal himself, as a result of the other principles of Huna. Here are the detailed results of the application of this technique:

first Relax tense muscles, reduces pain and self-healing processes are stimulated by the body at the point of release.
These reactions may be accompanied by a feeling of warmth or tingling.

second Sometimes the pain is a clear move to another location. Experience shows that this is a result of the unveiling of another layer of pain hidden beneath the first one. In this case you should continue to work with this new place in the same way as we did with the previous year.

third Sometimes there is no change in the state, even after a dozen rounds or sessions Kahi ("round" is the focus Kahi type that lasts as much as the execution of three or four full deep breaths and "session" Kahi is of any length, separated from the next some period of time). This can happen if, when the source of stress is primarily the resistance of the organism, resulting from anger or fear. There is a possibility that the enhanced concentration of break this resistance, so it is advisable to apply this technique in more closely aligning with the change of emotion or memory patterns that produce such emotions. Appropriate techniques will be discussed in subsequent posts.

4th Sometimes after a session, you will return Kahi to its original condition. This is because the recharge patterns of thought which led to this state. Please note that in order to achieve genuine healing should be made appropriate changes to the level of mind, while Kahi affects the body (through the release of the existing tensions), which is only to help in efforts to recover health.

5th Often the person performing hands Kahi appears impression of movement, warmth or tingling. Performing this procedure does not cause fatigue, because not trying to control the energy, or force its movement.
accordance with what has been said above, Kahi can be used both for themselves and for others. I found that best results are achieved when we follow the general rule to use the most convenient energy center located relatively far from the point of release. So, for example, I worked with someone's upper back, rather I would use the center hand, resort to the coccyx or around the navel (not recommend the use of bone center pubis, if we do not do surgery close person), rather than resort to the shoulder, chest and neck. When two areas of concentration are too close to one another, the flow of energy is smaller, but if these sites are located too far apart, the effort needed to overcome that distance, will increase our own power. This is not a rigid rule, but only an indication, because sometimes for some other specific reason could be indicated that these areas were located as close or as far away from each other.
will be able to to see that Kahi is a wonderful alternative for acupressure and reflexology. Not diminishing the value of these valuable systems must say that it would be painless to perform such treatments. Way is to call one of the centers of power Kahi to any sensitive or refleksologicznym akupresurowym point (on the feet can be combined resort located in the center of the sole of one foot to the sensitivity of the second point of interest). You need to do the oppressions of those points in order to determine their sensitivity, and lightly touch one of them and one center of power, while maintaining appropriate concentration. After one round, we check whether the point is still sensitive.


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