That meeting led Sister Raphael. We started singing, "Shaba ball!" and "You are like a rock." Later we talked about our present well-being. Relaxed, laughing went on to the next rendezvous point. It was different than usual. There were no group work, role play but meditation, which in our department we did not have long. Passage of Scripture, which we considered was the Gospel according to Saint. Matthew:
" Come to Me all who
are weary and burdened.
will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy to carry,
and my burden lekki."
Mt 11, 28-30
During this meditation-by candlelight, with a light zgaszonym felt a real closeness to God. This occurred in our department which was not long- silence. For some, maybe too long, for others the opposite. Each of us have pondered for a moment this fragment of the same, then wypowiadaliĆmy words that in a special way to make our hearts and share their thoughts.
" me break your So, there I break, so burn me O Lord you were only you. "
After meditation we received cards on which were painted in the heart. On one side it reflected on our advantages and disadvantages. Then, we presented their findings to the forum. This also learned how others perceive us (eg, Raphael learned that a beautiful smile = D). On the other side recorded the characteristics of Jesus. Together, we came to the conclusion that Christ is waiting for us to open your heart to him. His Our heart is .
-general meeting today was mainly based on spiritual development, but no shortage of laughter, as usual, it was fun and funny (of course, to some extent;).
sister gave away at the end of each of us parts of the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
meeting me personally delighted. I admit that I was not going to tired after a long week, but calm down and meet with friends gave me a new energy.
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